Archive: Text + Random presets

2nd July 2004 02:19 UTC

Text + Random presets
The "problem" is simple... I need a solution from you gurus :)

I'm working in a club as a VJ
Recently our club bought plasma screens... the only decent software I found (and I must say that it totally rocks!) for pretty visualisations was AVS (well, not actually a software... just a plugin :P)

Now the actual "problem" is that I'm not that experimented with AVS...
What I'm trying to do is to randomly load presets from a directory, while having some text appearing once every X minutes... like "next week, Dj hot-dude at 1am" and stuff like that... I'm pretty sure you guys got the idea...
I tried playing with the text renderer... but it doesn't have too many features... I didn't even got it how to write "stuff" on a new line... I'm not even talking about setting it once every X minute :P

I played with AVS before and created some presets for me @ home... but never anything too complicated....

So, if you guys know a solution to my "problem", or if you know some software/plugin/you name it that has the required features please reply me... I'm getting desperate trying to figure it out :igor:

Thanks in advance...

2nd July 2004 08:40 UTC

In the faq is explained how to make avs stop cycling random trough presets, you can turn it back on the same way.

2nd July 2004 11:09 UTC

no... I wasn't asking that... I know how to do that..
and I know how tu use the search button :)

Lemme try explain it a little bit better....
Let's say I want something similar to "Effect List"
"Render / Text" should be displayed once every X seconds...
so... basically... how can I make a preset randomly load another preset every let's say 30 seconds ?

2nd July 2004 13:32 UTC

You mean loading a preset within another preset, but the text stays? Don't think it can be done.

Better try using another program (PowerPoint or so) with the Overlay color as background

2nd July 2004 21:11 UTC

Look for AVS Hotlist which is a VJ tool for AVS. You can make your own presets easily with the desired text on them and queue them in hotlist.