Archive: I quit

11th June 2004 17:05 UTC

I quit
I'm quitting AVS. Just can't figure out any of this stuff. And after about 2 years of trying, I'm definitely ready to give up. These new effects and new AVS styles are very unprecedented to me, I have no idea what they are, what they do, and I really just don't care enough to try and figure any of it out. I've gotten into photography (I'm the school's head photographer) and now I have lots of jobs to do with that (like yearbook) and I've made a few collages for people using photoshop, (for example, I made one in memory of a friend who died a couple weeks ago) and if you check out my deviantart page, you'll see that's pretty much all I'm doing right now. I just can't get into AVS anymore.

Bye everybody

-:[ Pixelcraft ]:-

11th June 2004 17:07 UTC

You tried:):up:

11th June 2004 17:31 UTC

well same here altho i have'nt quitted already, still trying :p

11th June 2004 22:29 UTC

We'll all sure miss your presets and your presence here.
Have fun and good luck with the photography.

And for understanding AVS... I'm still trying to get it after 4 whole years now. ;)

11th June 2004 23:19 UTC

I'll miss you.

This is really starting to get to me. I think I'll quit as well, it's just not fun anymore. I'll try and finish my pack (only needs an intro), and I guess I'm gone after that as well. :(

12th June 2004 01:44 UTC

all that quitting just proves that some guys take the shit by far too serious. one can stop avs'ing without making much fuzz about it. sooner or later one gets back to it anyway.. if one feels like it. come on guys, what would your grandfather say :p

12th June 2004 06:08 UTC

that's why i'm trying MD to get the balance right;)

12th June 2004 07:46 UTC

Damn, You were a cool guy Pixelcraft.
Thanks anyway for that remix.
I wish you the best of luck in life.

12th June 2004 12:35 UTC

Take unconed for example...

12th June 2004 13:51 UTC

I wish you best luck,
but why does everybody quit if they don't have any ideas. take a rest for about 6 months or less and then you try it again. the ideas come and go

12th June 2004 14:19 UTC

all that quitting just proves that some guys take the shit by far too serious. one can stop avs'ing without making much fuzz about it. sooner or later one gets back to it anyway...

12th June 2004 15:44 UTC

The reason why I am planning to quit is because, AVS is something I enjoy. But not something I am particularly good at. I don't know, some of you mayt have enjoyed my work, please tell me if you do, cause I like a boost.
But really, when I had that 6 month hiatus, I forgot about AVS, which for me was a totally unfinished book.
I still had an unfinished pack on my HD. I couldn't just quit then.
But I don't really want the responsibility in future. If it can be called one.
I don't need any more things to do.
I don't want the duty of making new AVSs, especially when I have reached my peak and I wonder how much more I can make without becoming a cheap and shitty version of myself.
I can't code, and I won't pretend I can.
And that's that. I won't ever know. I'm not smart enough.
All I like is the transe visuals, which is why I made AVS, with that in mind.
I hope people enjoyed my work in some way.
[ end rant ]

12th June 2004 17:41 UTC

Why does everybody have the feeling of being forced to do new packs and having a responsibility? Just don't force yourself into that. I haven't released a pack since EyeCandy and that was ages ago!! just make a preset whenever you want to and when you feel you have enough stuff, make a pack out of it but don't force yourself into the thought of "oh my, I haven't published a whole perfect new pack this week, everybody must be looking at me right now" That's pure BULLSHIT!!! Don't expect yourself to be the best, it's NOT a race we're having here to become the best..
OK, we would all be just that, but it is not what AVS'ing is about... it's about loving to make crative new stuff that looks attractive, something you can do while listening to your favorite music and for all the other reasons you once started it. if everybody who feels that they might not be the best simply quits, there would be just one left and he would quit aswell simly because there won't be anyone left to enjoy his presets!!
Again, you HAVE no responsibility. no-one would ever blame you for not being the best or trying hard enough, we so this for our own fun! We're no professionals who have to live from it..
Not having ideas anymore is something you can get over with in a while.
This is what often helps me: just think of something that in your mind does not have any connenctions with AVS, and try if you can combine that. Helped me several times, it's no promise, just a little tool.

Don't quit because you feel you can't do this, no-one here knows it all and we're all learning this in our own speed. Therefor don't have too high expectations of yourself. you're doing this at your own speed and that is ALWAYS enough.

The power in AVS is that you have the freedom to do whatever you want, unbound. Don't EVER bind yourself.

12th June 2004 18:01 UTC

I wasn't aware this was like an occupation. It's not like you were required before to come up with new ideas or something.

12th June 2004 19:33 UTC

Well for me to do AVS presets nowadays is because no one ever does the stuff I like! :p
Maybe my avsing started from something else, like community or having nothing else to do, but now i do it simply because i enjoy it or i want to make presets i would like to see...

That how much other people like your "taste" is indeed irrelevant.

13th June 2004 22:53 UTC

Darn, there goes another one. It sucks to see all these AVSers leaving.

14th June 2004 16:58 UTC

Originally posted by ;-c ,rattaplan
Why does everybody have the feeling of being forced to do new packs and having a responsibility?
. . .

The power in AVS is that you have the freedom to do whatever you want, unbound. Don't EVER bind yourself.

Amen to that.

& Tugg, just what kind of presets do you like anyways?

14th June 2004 18:33 UTC

Posted by me a long time ago.


14th June 2004 20:04 UTC

I'm pretty much interested if there are answers to these questions by anyone who feels that they're spoken to here...

just curiosity, and helping people not to quit/stress for the wrong reasons.

14th June 2004 21:46 UTC

i find it most amusing, that many teen avs'ers speak of quitting, as if they are going to retire from their life-long job. that also shows how serious these people take it - quitting is quite a cut. i mean, just pause as long as you feel like. it either catches you again or not.

15th June 2004 00:51 UTC

Well, I think it is just finishing what I start if I quit.
If I also have the intention to never AVS again, wouldn't it be good and proper to tell you?

15th June 2004 04:12 UTC

I never quitted! i just went dorment!

- makah of teh Blurpak

15th June 2004 07:02 UTC

Nemo, hmm at the moment as you might seen in the ed update, i fancy clean & fast presets.
But i never really like anything else than my own stuff, i just tell you lies to keep you happy :p

15th June 2004 17:06 UTC

hah, i wont quit ever:p untill i die ofcourse;) really i dont expect anyone to like my stuff altho it does feel good if someone does:) but i usually make AVS when i'm cool,relaxed and wanna have some fun while listening to cool new music:D So what if i dont understand this new stuff in AVS? theres still the good old things.

15th June 2004 20:40 UTC

Originally posted by [Ishan]
hah, i wont quit ever:p untill i die ofcourse;) really i dont expect anyone to like my stuff altho it does feel good if someone does:) but i usually make AVS when i'm cool,relaxed and wanna have some fun while listening to cool new music:D So what if i dont understand this new stuff in AVS? theres still the good old things.
I agree with you, I also don't understand some or lots of things in AVS but this isn't stoping from not doing them anymore.
Lot's of cool AVS can be made and you don't need to understand everything, so this ins't any problem at all.

16th June 2004 06:59 UTC

:D so atleast someone agrees with me:p

14th July 2004 02:12 UTC

I don't do any public releases any more because I suck. :) I've been away for so long that I'm not cutting edge any more. I still play around with AVS and make stuff I really like to groove with. Losing all the stuff I produced in my prime (and all my little "utils") really, really hurt. If you value your AVS stuff and are reading this, back it up right now. Zip it and upload it to an Angelfire account. Burn it. Whatever, just get it saved somewhere. :)

The biggest hurdle to getting to know AVS is in figuring the math out. You can do a lot of fun stuff without much math, but the really impressive stuff involves all sorts of the really ugly/math-heavy stuff, like quartic solvers, that bizarre inverse 3D transform for the DMs, and so on. On top of that, you need to be able to think creatively and results-orientatedly about that math. That was never my problem, I just forget most of the stuff I ran across once-upon-a-time.

Anyhow, so long as you enjoy what you're making and you're having fun, never stop!

14th July 2004 07:48 UTC

Canar, I'd like to see some of the stuff you are working on nowadays.

Originally posted by Raz
Why must you people torment yourselves and set dealines. Deadlines are for bad people. They're for people in school or some shitty job. Let creativity take it's natural course and stop rushing yourselves. Thats why people always end up with packs that just have a couple of crappy presets that they pulled out of their ass at the end to finish the pack.
Originally posted by Raz
I spend a few hours a week doing avs and i'm slowly working on a pack. I don't say i'm leaving and make a big albortae thread because i can't avs 90 hours a week, i merely continue with what i'm doing and work on it when i can. I am enveloped in it but i don't have to focus my entire life around it.