Archive: UI Ape

30th May 2004 08:44 UTC

UI Ape
Hey well, I'm back, after a long time. Well, does anyone here remember me? I have a new APE which will be quite useful (I think)


30th May 2004 09:00 UTC

hey how were the class X results?
i'll check that ape out soon.....

30th May 2004 18:27 UTC

Explain to me why I would want to interrupt a user's viewing with a cryptic, disproportionate, uninformative and downright annoying popup dialog?

31st May 2004 05:37 UTC

the results arent out yet. I'll tell you as soon as i get it

31st May 2004 10:32 UTC

then whats the point in making this post anyway?

1st June 2004 00:28 UTC

It's kinda cryptic, and not terribly useful.

1st June 2004 08:44 UTC

uhh...i dont really understand the APE's purpose really:confused:

6th June 2004 04:47 UTC

You know that its possible to make a much better user interface with AVS itself than this.

6th June 2004 09:29 UTC

yeah that popup is kinda unconventional....