Archive: WA5 picks idea

13th May 2004 17:46 UTC

WA5 picks idea
I think i've got an idea for making winamp5 picks. What are the picks usually? Bunch random colection... Well my idea is to make a whole community pack, contains one theme. For example - japaneese theme (look out for AVSociety's last minipak), or something else... Ofcouse that would be pain in ass for us in comparison with random picks, but that would be more cooler. So let's discuss what theme can be used.

13th May 2004 20:01 UTC

I don't think choosing a theme is a good idea. Maybe choose a generic music style to go with it would be better?

In any case, how does this differ from the current community picks going on?

14th May 2004 07:28 UTC

Not to mention why start a new discussion when the old one hasn't even turned cold yet?

14th May 2004 07:45 UTC

That's just an ideas, Tugg. Well, it really differs from the community pics, cause in case picks = 20 Skupers' presets, 20 Tuggs presets, etc... and only the rest of them will be from other artists... So themed pack would completely fix that (nobody will make arond 10 presets with one theme, agree with me)... And then all the community can make somthing, not just most famous artists. Genres? Hmm... Everyone is listening what he like, isnt it ;) ?

14th May 2004 07:54 UTC

sounds ok, most of the big ones can be lopsided, and it would give people who haven't really gotten exposure a chance to breakup the (starting line-up)......

14th May 2004 07:59 UTC

Well i've said this before and i will say it again: It's your own damn fault if you can't select for a community pack other than unconed or skupers :hang:

14th May 2004 09:36 UTC

Originally posted by Tuggummi
Well i've said this before and i will say it again: It's your own damn fault if you can't select for a community pack other than unconed or skupers :hang:
/me agrees

14th May 2004 14:11 UTC

Dammit Tugg :mad: , i'm not saying that i don't like that YOU or UCD are in picks, i said that there are damn alot of talented artists and we just will give them a chance... So look at advantages and disadvantages:
Advantages -
1 - A lots of good ''fresh'' artist would be in pack
2 - There will be no released presets (That's exactly that you don't like Tugg)
Disadvantages -
Only that ''big ones'' won't like it

And i'm talking about dudes that have not got ''damn faults'', there's a lot of them...

And let's chill out :winamp: community

14th May 2004 14:59 UTC

I don't really see the point of this.. there's allready a topic for WA picks.

14th May 2004 15:34 UTC

So basicly your just trying to ride a little fame for you and your "little buddies".

And I guess I as a "big daddy" have a problem with this, because it takes away some of my "flame"?

Sure you're absolutly right.

Although the point of community picks was to pick the best in the community's opionion and it gave everyone the freedom to do so. Never ever was the point to get more exposure to certain people, were they "famous" or not.

People had the choice to select what ever presets they wanted, people used that liberty to do so. People selects mostly unconed, skupers & el-vis. Then people complain how there is too much of unconed, skupers & el-vis and not enough of "smaller names"...

Now where should i point this finger of blame...

14th May 2004 22:50 UTC

Maybe we shoud reselect....

:rolleyes: again....

or not...

15th May 2004 00:24 UTC

nah, i think we should stick to ucd's idea: after all, we're all going to vote for the proposed presets, and it'd be a good idea to limit presets-per-artist as yath said in the other thread, that way everybody is (or should be) happy.

15th May 2004 12:47 UTC

aw . eeck.

the idea of community picks is to provide a nice selection of what WE think are a sample of the BEST all round presets. No themes, no restrictions on how many from each artist, no other obfuscations..

all that matters is how many people think it's a leet preset. You think some preset is one of the best, and it doesnt get voted in, then it is because people disagree with you, not because its not a preset by UnConeD or skupers or tuggummi or what-the-fucking-ever.

Besides, from what we have seen so far, there is lots of other people's in there, degnic, shock-value, el-vis, fsk, zamuz etc.