Archive: Automatic Preset switcher

6th May 2004 23:10 UTC

Automatic Preset switcher
Does anybody have a plugin or know of a way to make AVS switch presets. I'm trying to make it automatically switch every 20-30 seconds. I'm starting to use winamp to DJ and I would like to use avs on a seperate screen without having to worry about it.

7th May 2004 00:38 UTC

I'm pretty sure this has been answered about 5 million times before.

7th May 2004 06:12 UTC

LilCalvin: you can either use the internal random mode of avs (left click on the avs-window to change settings) or use a more advanced software like hotlist.

hungryskull: always in to maintain this forum's reputation as the world's most unfriendly forum, eh? i havn't seen a single constructive post from you yet. just because others spread a bad attitude, you don't have to apply this. fyi: old posts in this forum seem to get purged, searching doesn't always bring up an answer.

7th May 2004 06:17 UTC

Hungryskull, while you were throwing that sarcastic comment, you could've also just answer the damn question so this could be put behind us :hang:

Just open AVS, open the editor (if you have default settings then you must right click on top of the window and choose "AVS Editor" instead of double clicking it)
Then go to settings -> Presets/Hotkeys and you will find the checkboxes you are looking for there :)

7th May 2004 08:56 UTC

this should be in the faq, as it is (as hungryskull correctly, but unfriendly, remarked :)) a question asked quite frequently

7th May 2004 20:35 UTC

It /is/ in FAQ.

7th May 2004 23:54 UTC

oops :D i must've overread that...
LilCalvin read the AVS FAQ and search the forums before posting next time :)

8th May 2004 00:36 UTC

hungryskull: always in to maintain this forum's reputation as the world's most unfriendly forum, eh? i havn't seen a single constructive post from you yet. just because others spread a bad attitude, you don't have to apply this. fyi: old posts in this forum seem to get purged, searching doesn't always bring up an answer.
No actually, I'm not here to cause more problems. I think certain others have that area covered. As for your second comment, I have a feeling that I have had constructive posts, and just because you haven't seen them doesn't mean they don't exist.

If some of the stuff I post comes off sounding offensive, most of it probably isn't intended.

Now let's let this thread die.

BTW would it be possible to stop this forum from being pruned?

12th May 2004 07:32 UTC

thanx, sorry bout that

14th May 2004 05:24 UTC

Originally posted by hungryskull
I'm pretty sure this has been answered about 5 million times before.
Actually, its the opposite question that has been answered about 5 million times 'How do i stop avs from randomly changing presets?'. Get your facts straight before you diss someone.. or someone else will smack you down for it.

Originally posted by hungryskull
BTW would it be possible to stop this forum from being pruned?
Now that is a stupid question. Think about it... its common sense really.

For the record I too have yet to see a constructive post by hungryskull. Unless by constructive you mean 'adds to post count'.