Archive: modified energy tunnel

28th April 2004 04:52 UTC

modified energy tunnel
The change isn't drastic but I think it makes it look a little more clear. Before the second superscope wasn't going at the right rate (too fast) and since it wasn't in synch with the other superscope, the overall image got a little cluttered. To fix this I simply slowed it down a little but I think it has a cleaner look to it and it's easier to see the tunnel now. It could all just be in my head but check it out anyway, this is one of my favorites. Also, in fullscreen I think it looked best (on my computer) with these settings:

Video mode: 480x360@32bpp
Wait for retrace
Page flipping
Fast software bpp conversion

You may be able to put the resolution up higher if you have a more powerful computer but this is what worked for me. Framerates are around 45 fps in fullscreen with those settings. If the framerate is too high then it gets kind of crazy and if it's too low then it's boring. I had it up to 150 fps at one point and thought my head was gonna explode. I suggest getting it to around 45 fps like I have it, it looks best around there. I'd also recommend trying this with techno/dance music, it's more for that genre. It should work fine with rock, etc. but I think it's best with techno. I use it a lot while listening to this radio station: which is sunshinefm plusz. It's all techno non-stop and the songs have awesome beats, most look great with this preset. Anyway, here it is.

30th April 2004 04:14 UTC

Any thoughts? Suggestions?

30th April 2004 17:22 UTC

Arrrggh!! Too Much Flashing!!