preset for debugging: buffer overview
I updated my gbchtexmap.ape (my interpret-green/blue-as-x/y-and-use-them-to-fetch-a-texture-from-a-buffer-APE i used for the textured chrome effect :) ) to optionally read a buffer number through the red channel.

I used this enhancement for a preset that can be used for debugging a preset: you put it at the end of your "Main" and set the input mode to "Replace" and it displays all 8 buffers+the current image in split screen mode.
this is done by rendering a fixed bitmap which has the correct colors and using my APE in multi-buffer mode on it.

sorry for the size but the image needs to be that big :)

you can download it here. It's too big for an attachment :( both files contain the same. the .rar is smaller but i provided a .zip because not everyone has WinRAR yet.
i had to rename the .rar to .ra because GeoCities won't take .rar files *grrrr*
just rename it back to .rar and unpack it