Archive: really kewl avs idea

10th April 2004 01:17 UTC

really kewl avs idea
anyone thought of making a visualization based on those trippy butterflies from fatal frame 2 or the cowboy bebop movie? w/ changing colors, perspectives maybe, w/ motion blur in the wings and different zooming, blur, directional, ect effects? that would be soooo amazing. anyone wanna to a poor kid a favor and make sumthin like this? what do you guys think of this?

10th April 2004 01:25 UTC

I recommend UnConeD's Butterfly Caught. Not exactly what you want, but close. Tweak it to add blur.

10th April 2004 04:50 UTC

You mean you need Butterfly Caught APE?

10th April 2004 05:17 UTC

no. UnConeD's PRESET, called butterfly caught.

I know the butterflies you mean though, doc19, nothing like that has really been made, you would probably have to go about it yourself.

10th April 2004 05:22 UTC

i would if i could. i dont know much about programming though. bout the best i could do would be some basic thing that says hi and asks you for your name and the date or whatever lol XD

10th April 2004 06:03 UTC

you don't really need to be a good programmer to create good avs presets
the only real programming you need to know is just some basic principles like flow-control (loops, ifs) and assignments (a=b; c=d; and the likes) are needed. Knowledge about mathematics could also come in handy :)
But most of all you should be able to handle your bracket mountains :)
(sorry but i think the pun somehow got lost in the translation :) )