29th March 2004 22:49 UTC
2 in 1 presets
Here's a few new presets I made in the last few days. If you want to see the 2nd interesting preset in each one.
Go to the bottom of the effects list find the mirror effect and disable it. HeHeHe ...some might find it interesting and some might find it mind scrambling. Anyway the 6 presets are all the basic scheme which is A Cyclops Eye.
BLunit4. Any comments for me, a newbie, are welcome.
30th March 2004 01:19 UTC
Decent for a n00b. But a lot of constructive critism. The first is probably most important, all these presets are almost the same. Don't do that, it's boring and repetitive. You could have just released one and we would have the same experience. Secondly, avoid moving particles. Thirdly, you used the same superscope through all of those.
Overall, there good n00b presets, but there is serious room for improvement. Thanks for not including any eye-burning mindless flashing presets.
31st March 2004 03:31 UTC
Thanks for the reply HungrySkull, I know the moving particles get repeditive. I already have a few improvements I want to make. About them all being about the same,your right they are, my question, is there a way to take multiple presets and link them together so they change on there own without any hotkeys??, like maybe when the beat or the flow of the music changes dramaticly or the song changes. Thanks BLunit4
31st March 2004 12:24 UTC
yes it's possible:
make a blank preset, add all your presets to it by using +/Presets/yourpreset
AVS creates a new effect list for each preset you insert this way
now you have to do some coding :) activate the "Use evaluation override" then you'll have to set the "enabled" variable in each of the effect lists to 0 for disabled and to anything else for enabled.
there's one downside to this: AVS clears the framebuffer of an effect list if it is not rendered for 1 or more frames, so if you need the framebuffer, try adjustable blending for the ouput and set alphaout to something from 0 to 1 to blend the whole thing
for a start: a while ago i worked out these formulae. you can probably use them if you want to blend between 3 presets.
this needs alpha1+alpha2+alpha3=1
1st effect list: alphaout=1 (or set output blending to Replace)
2nd effect list: alphaout=alpha2/(1-alpha3)
3rd effect list: alphaout=alpha3
1st April 2004 01:29 UTC
there's one downside to this:
There's two, that gets complex and huge with too many presets.
In addition to what TomyLobo said, use global variables to share the alpha variables between the effect lists, don't try to recalculate them(slow and hard).
[edit] If you really wanted to get complex, you could use effect lists with buffers, along with enough DM's for each preset to blend it. It's much harder but allows it to have more interesting transitions.[/edit]