Archive: Two new presets

25th March 2004 14:50 UTC

Two new presets
These are two presets I made for GHz2.

Can anyone tell me how to make Analyze This work on any resolution coz' it only works normally on x * y<=396 ?

25th March 2004 15:29 UTC

what is it supposed to look like? :)

25th March 2004 17:49 UTC

try messing with the -.99 and the -1.01.

25th March 2004 20:56 UTC

It's a 2d timescope, made with two superscopes. Hey, make your res. like 320*200 if you can to see it. Oh and btw., I used a little bit of AVSTrans in particle cube. Neat program.

25th March 2004 21:29 UTC

Thanks :)
Here's a (very simple) timescope. set the speed with reg00 in the Dynamic Shift (integer values only, bilinear filtering would destroy the timescope)
You could add that fadeout effect of your preset with a buffer blend using a gradient in the blend buffer

an idea for the Particle Cube: make the cube rotate without the particles, simulating the inertia of the particles.

25th March 2004 21:32 UTC

this time with the attachment :)

26th March 2004 17:14 UTC

Originally posted by TomyLobo
an idea for the Particle Cube: make the cube rotate without the particles, simulating the inertia of the particles.[/B]
You mean like if I subtract from the particle rotation? Because now every point moves in different directions and the particles also rotate.

By subtracting from the rotation values (cx,sz, etc.) The particles would rotate with the cube, but would be a little bit behind. Can you explain what you meant in code?

26th March 2004 17:29 UTC

no, it was just a (crazy) idea :)
i meant that the particles are not rotated but bounce off the boundaries of the rotated cube