Archive: Hotlist - call to the avs community

11th March 2004 14:03 UTC

Hotlist - call to the avs community
Ok Folks, as some of you already noticed, i've not been around within the last months. This happened due to various things happening in my life and it's probably not going to change soon. I'm lacking time to do all the things i'd like to do.
To sum it all up, i'm going to retire, at least fo a while. I guess you should'nt be too sorry about that, after all i am a lousy intermediate AVS'er and the only really valuable thing i ever came up with is Hotlist, my beloved controller.

And that's the point, i rarely have time for programming, but i don't want this porject to die. I've just registered Hotlist as a sourceforge project, published under a BSD like license (Apache 1.0 if you want to know in detail).
Assuming that it will be accepted, i'd like the programming skilled bunch to join in and help me in optimizing, tweaking and so on.

At this point, Hotlist 2.3 is almost ready for release, but the planned LiveFX is still missing and i'm encountering some bugs i cannot get rid of.

To make things not more complicated than they are, the program should remain Delphi Based.
It's waaay too much code to port it to any other language and rewriting from scratch would be a pain in the ass.

Any contribution from you will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

11th March 2004 22:46 UTC

My skills at Delphi are to low to be of any help. I'm sorry.

It's bad to hear that you leave. I hope all get's well in your life. For what it's worth: good luck.

12th March 2004 11:26 UTC

So, for all those interested:

I'll upload the files soon, they shall be up on monday.

For all those who lack Delphi skills but are good in C, you might help by joining the interface APE developement.

12th March 2004 15:27 UTC

too bad i'm not good at programming :(

14th March 2004 16:04 UTC

Sad to hear all these things. But nope, my programming skills don't exeed simple pascal funtions.

17th March 2004 14:06 UTC

Files should be up tomorrow, sorry for delay.

Meanwhile, I found 2 co-developpers. They are skilled, not that familliar with avs like most of you are, i guess. So i'd really like at least 3 peopel with continous avs experience to join.

We'll need:

-delphi programmers (for the main application)
-c/c++ programmers (for the APE)
-NSIS coders (for installer)
-User Interface designers (main app and APE)
-language pack writers/updaters/translators (lots of em!)
-help and documentation writers
-beta testers (lots of em too)
-intellectual developpers (suggestions, improvements, etc)

So if one or more points apply to you, please join. :)

18th March 2004 19:10 UTC

I have not any learning in programming. sorry.

10th April 2004 07:46 UTC

I am learning Excel & I learned a little Delphi.
But I have not motivation for learning them, because of hard math.

10th April 2004 20:08 UTC


26th June 2004 17:48 UTC

ok sorry for puting up this old thread but i somehow managed to miis it:)

what can i say this looks bad. its so bad i could almost cry because of it. went to source forge and nothing seems to be going on i would gladely beta test this but i cant get it to work right.
-automatic switching is disabled(proly because of that bug)
-user lists dont show in that load list thing
-you cant edit the preset while hotlist is on because it keeps focusing on the beatdetection thinga
and you cant make screenshots

otherwise i love the things you added
too bad this looks like its gonna die:(:cry:

8th July 2004 12:41 UTC

What can i say so far?

I tryed to search for some enthusiastic codeveloppers, but noone showed interest.

So far, i'm pretty busy with web designing and RL Stuff.

I'm still lacking time and neither am I in the mood to do some heave programming now.

Sooner or later i'll care about hotlist again but without some codeveloppers i'll leave it in this abandoned state.

BTW, hav'nt been here for a while and hope that all's well within the avs community.

I hope i'll have the time to fully rejoin some days but right now there are too much important things to manage and the days where i did stuff out of boredom are long gone.

Greetings to all in here.

28th September 2004 07:19 UTC

Sourceforge project canceled
Seems it's been ages since i've been here last time.

I canceled the Sourceforge Project as Ifound no codeveloppers.

But, as it seems I might continue on my own in near future.

Hope u're all well!

28th September 2004 10:40 UTC

well i wish you luck

5th October 2004 02:05 UTC
