Archive: opinions please

15th February 2004 07:11 UTC

opinions please
I'm a newbie when it comes to this stuff so be a little open-minded :D . I explain the preset in detail in the comment. It's basically just a colorful preset which is better for rock or techno music, it doesn't look as good with slower stuff in my opinion. I like my presets to be a little chaotic. Don't expect anything groundbreaking but you may like it. I'd just like to hear some opinions on it and possibly have you guys teach me a few ways to improve it. I've been mostly teaching myself how to do this stuff through trial and error so any help is appreciated.

15th February 2004 07:53 UTC

Well, I made this in winamp 3 and it looks like pure crap in winamp 5 :mad:. Gonna take me a while to figure out how to fix this. Argh...

edit: I think the reason it looks so crummy is just because of the resolution. When you look at it in fullscreen at 640x480 or higher it looks ok but of course it'll slow down more. Try to get the resolution as high as your computer can without slowing it to a crawl. With a high resolution it looks pretty nice but in the regular window size it looks terrible.

15th February 2004 20:39 UTC

Kinda half n00bish. I don't like it much, it's kinda static. Avoid default movements.

15th February 2004 20:57 UTC

I wanted to add some more advanced movement to it but I don't know how. I was thinking maybe shifting the center point around would make it look cooler but I don't know how to do that. I took another look at it today and I figured out a way to make it look nicer without turning the resolution up. I forgot that I used the fuzzify effect on it (looked ok in winamp 3) so I turned it off and it looks a lot nicer that way. Any ideas on how I can improve it in terms of movement?

16th February 2004 17:20 UTC

Well, I made this in winamp 3 and it looks like pure crap in winamp 5 . Gonna take me a while to figure out how to fix this. Argh...
It's in your head. I use winamp 5. AVS is better in Winamp 5.