2nd February 2004 23:10 UTC
timbop's first mini-avs release.
Hey this is my first attempt at anything avs releated. I've been lurking for a while and I think I have well over 50 avs packs on my computer so I've been learning for awhile. I've messed around with AVS and I now have a few presets I though I would share. Keep in mind however most (if not all) my presets lean more towards the minimalist side of things, so yeah. (Actually that's just an excuse for why they suck so much).
Enjoy and comments, etc. are greatly appreciated!
3rd February 2004 00:20 UTC
they're simple, but not bad at all. seen complex presets that were worse.
3rd February 2004 01:19 UTC
I forgot a few... sorry about that!
I made these in winamp 3, avs ver 2.6, I hope all goes well!
3rd February 2004 01:42 UTC
Gotta go with Yathosho on this one. True, they are pretty simple, but who cares. For you first submission on the formus here these are pretty good.
Shock Value
3rd February 2004 02:01 UTC
Trippy dot com is very nice. I really like how it reacts to music. The other ones aren't bad either.
4th February 2004 20:46 UTC
Good to know some people like them. What about anyone else? Any suggestions on how I can make anything better or stuff?
4th February 2004 22:16 UTC
Good first presets.
6th February 2004 00:12 UTC
Well what should I do next? Make some more and release a full pack? Release more mini-packs? Lay low and gain some experience and then release something? What's tha 411 homies?
6th February 2004 01:29 UTC
if you plan to do what others tell you, it could put you under pressure. just keep doing what feels right for you.