Archive: need CREATIVE remixes for new presets

30th January 2004 00:38 UTC

need CREATIVE remixes for new presets
Attached are four presets that I would like to be remixed by whomever wants to. However, on first look these presets will look colorless and unfinished. This is because I removed a lot of Trans effects and extras so that (hopefully) remixers will develop a more original preset since they will not be influenced by my finished look. What's left is the basic "idea" behind the preset, be it a single superscope or whatever. A lot of AVS remixers probably aren't used to working this way, but I think the end results will come out more original and different than if I included the final presets to remix.

So, what exactly am I looking for here? (In order of importance)
1. Originality (VERY IMPORTANT!!)
2. Creative evolution of original idea
3. Reactivity to music and visual appeal

Essentially the preset should be true to the original "idea" that I provided, but also something unique that explores the "idea" in new and creative ways. Feel free to modify whatever you want. (I'm NOT posting these presest and saying that you can only add additional effects but not change what's given -- I'd like to see AVSers get into the code of my scopes and change it, etc., just not TOO drastically).

This is probably sounding like a contest, and in fact it kind of is, because I probably am not going to include every remix that is posted (unless there are very few made). The ideal presets would be ones which are very obvious as to which preset they are based on, but still make me think, "Wow, that's really creative. I would have never thought of that."

Also, don't forget to give your presets a title. You don't have to tell me which preset you are remixing though, because if I can't tell by looking at it, then you are straying TOO far off the basic "idea".

Please post if you have any questions, because I'm not quite sure if the above post made any sense.

THANKS!!! :)

31st January 2004 00:32 UTC

I might try to make a couple.

31st January 2004 01:12 UTC

I'm not really creative enough to remix presets but I took a look at your presets. I just had a thought on your first preset to fix up some of those linesize problems. Lets just assume the lines are basically parallel with the y axis. If you implemented "psuedo" (I dont think you used an actual funtion which actually might not be a bad idea though) partial derivatives for your shape you could adjust the line width accordingly. You'll notice that the gaps occur when that part the shape because nearly perpendicular with the object so thats just an idea you could use to fix that.

Hmm come to think of it... That might not work so well... I dont know.

31st January 2004 16:09 UTC

I didn't really understand that. But heres my remix.

31st January 2004 20:20 UTC

actually... Another idea. If you project the length at that depth on the curve between each line and then convert it from screen coords to pixels... That'll probably work really nice.

2nd February 2004 22:15 UTC

bop? It isn't really revolutionary or anything, but I changed the scopes a tad and added some psychedelic colors and some onbeat wackiness. I really don't expect you to like it, but I'm new to this buisness and I gotta post a first preset somewhere.

P.S. If I did this wrong, please don't yell at me, creative critisism is greatly appreciated though.

2nd February 2004 22:41 UTC

Neither of you did it wrong. In fact, this is exactly what I was looking for. That is, presets that follow the same idea as mine (which you have not seen the full versions of yet) but are still very different and take the idea in different directions than mine. I like both of these and will most likely include them, by the way. I still need more, though!

EDIT: Actually, timbop, your preset doesn't work if there is nothing already saved in the second buffer, I think. I hope you can fix this problem and post a fixed preset.

2nd February 2004 23:06 UTC

The last el moves around the image and saves it to the second buffer, does that not work or something? Like I said I'm a big n00b and I may be wrong, but anyhoo, if you can figure something out cool.

3rd February 2004 02:11 UTC

Err... whoops you are right. The Buffer is set to maximum blend. Nonetheless, I'm getting an all black preset when I switch from the 'shock value - remix 1' to this. I'll try to see what the problem is... maybe a global variable that wasn't properly reset.

3rd February 2004 20:52 UTC

I discovered my source of error, something indeed to do with some global values I messed around with in your nifty superscopes. But it's all fixed up now and changed around, I attached the new preset.

4th February 2004 07:05 UTC

I thought you made sense.
But,then again alot of people tell me I have no sense,which to tell you the truth. I really think is a bunch of nonsense! Shit,I guess they're right. I just put my hand in my pocket and I really don't have any cents!:igor: anyway here's a remix for 'ya. I'll try and do the rest in the the next couple of days,when I have the time.

10th February 2004 23:43 UTC

:D (edit: new colors)

10th February 2004 23:49 UTC

Sorry, I'm unable to think of anything more. I'm uncreative.

28th February 2004 22:35 UTC

Here's my remix

28th February 2004 23:34 UTC

Synth-C, that is exactly the kind of remix I'm looking for. It's really original and looks great! I like how you took the idea of a tunnel and added a shiplike thing in the middle of it (which is eerily similar to what I did in my finished version, but that's OK). Excellent work!

I think I'm going to include one remix in my pack for each preset that I supplied in this thread. Synth-C's preset will almost certainly be included unless someone can top his preset with their own remix, for example. Hopefully people will continue to make remixes for the other presets, because I haven't seen anything so far that is a "lock" for being included.

Oh, by the way, Synth-C do you mind if I name the preset like it is named in the zip and add the song identifier at the end of the preset (again, see the zip)? Don't worry, the song identifier only slows the preset down during the first six seconds of a track. At all other times it is switched off. This question also applies to everyone else who is making remixes for me.

1st March 2004 13:07 UTC

Don't mind it at all, just update the comment (fill in the questionmarks, you'll see)

16th March 2004 03:04 UTC

Any deadline?

I've started work on a mix but I've dropped it temporarily to do something more time critical.

16th March 2004 12:42 UTC

I'd say you have at least a month, as my pack is only about 65% done at this point. I'll let you know if I need it by a certain date, but you should have plenty of time.

And BTW, anyone who wants to remix a preset from my first pack, "Energy" (see sig to DL) can feel free to do so and if its good and original I'll include it in my upcoming pack.

10th April 2004 07:56 UTC

My preset pack is available: Metal Mind Productions
I don't know which preset is high quality for remix.

10th April 2004 12:12 UTC

I'll see what can come up with.

11th April 2004 04:49 UTC

ill see what i can do

11th April 2004 17:37 UTC

This remix isn't as good as the first, not as visually appealing, but I've never seen anyone do it before.

11th April 2004 17:38 UTC

This remix isn't as good as the first, not as visually appealing, but I've never seen anyone do it before. Almost forgot attachment.

11th April 2004 18:12 UTC

Sorry for the triple post, but I just made a remix of a preset from Shock Value's "Energy" pack. I really like how it turned out, so I had to post it.

13th April 2004 02:51 UTC


13th April 2004 04:22 UTC

Thanks for all of your remixes! I still could use some more though. You can mix the presets I posted or anything from "Energy".

BTW, Yathosho, do you mind if a modify the convo in your preset so its scaling is 32? Like this...

0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 2 1 1 1 2 0
0 1 2 1 2 1 0
0 1 1 0 1 1 0
0 1 2 1 2 1 0
0 2 1 1 1 2 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0

It looks the same but makes the preset run about 50% faster.

14th April 2004 03:50 UTC

ok, will post it along a hopefully better mix :)

17th April 2004 17:50 UTC

Here's my remix.