Archive: Subwoofer(s)

10th January 2004 20:46 UTC

I've been a long time user of winamp but have never caught onto the art of creating AVS visualizations. I listen to a lot of rap music so i was wonder if it would be possible to make a visualization with a subwoofer (or several) that hits every time the bass hits. And maybe an oscilliscope in there somewhere to catch the other beats in the song. I have found 1 other visualization like my idea at:

Someone please reply and tell me if this is even realistic. Thanx

11th January 2004 00:27 UTC

here's one.
I took the bitmap from that preset you linked to and made everyting else myself :)
Enjoy the power of orange :p

11th January 2004 03:32 UTC

Thanx but no thanx
I appreciate the attempt very much but i dont think you did want you were tryin to do... Maybe its my computer but when i use the plugin loads its just a screen that flashes black and white in a seizure worthy fasion. I downloaded the bitmap of the sub and it looks great but it doesnt show up on the visualization. Maybe some fine tuning would do the trick?

11th January 2004 06:23 UTC


there's no way to tell "when the bass kicks" as the 'bass' is taken over by tons of frequencies and most of them aren't the kick/the bassline. not to mention that basses/kicks vary from song to song. that's why beat detection is always so shit - until we create better artificial intelligence with a taste in music we'll never be able to detect what's a snare, what's a guitar, what's a trumpet, etc. by algorithm.

of course, if we made AI with a taste in music, it wouldn't be listening to rap...;)

11th January 2004 06:35 UTC

I think not...
Apparently they have discovered a way to detect hard beats (maybe not bass beats, but most of the hard beats = bass beats) because i have come accross a few visualizations in winamp 5 that accomplish this. One of the more successful ones is Reflectocube by UnConeD. Check it out. I just want that strength of beat detection, applied to a bmp of a subwoofer. If anyone knows how to program that kind of beat detection here is a bitmap of a sub.

11th January 2004 15:57 UTC

Why don't you make it yourself? And don't go 'I CAN"T!' because you can learn. What you want is easy, but we can't visualise exactly what you want, you have to do that yourself.

11th January 2004 17:36 UTC

Why don't you make it yourself? And don't go 'I CAN"T!' because you can learn.
He's right. Make it yourself next time.

But here is something close to what you wanted. You need texer 2 and the sub bitmap to watch this.

Note:I don't like rap much, so I don't know how this will react.

11th January 2004 17:37 UTC

Forgot to attach. Here it is.

11th January 2004 18:08 UTC

Very nice job Hungryskull, thats very close to what i asked for. 2 problems...Too plain, and maybe the sub is too small by a little bit but i guess you had to shrink it if you wanted to make it hit. Secondly, it hits harder on the snaps than the bumps, but still very nice. I appreciate your time.

By the way, if you guys are gonna bank on me for not knowin how to make visualizations, if you could lead me to a place where i could learn how I'll give it a try.

Also i just noticed it hits on a lot of the singing parts too :-\ Maybe if you could just teach me how to modify which beats it detects I wold be very thankful.

11th January 2004 20:28 UTC

Re: I think not...

Originally posted by Skandocious
... i have come accross a few visualizations in winamp 5 that accomplish this. One of the more successful ones is Reflectocube by UnConeD. Check it out. ...
...beat detection is not customized by the preset authors. You can't make your own beat detection, so Reflectocube's beat detection is no better or worse than any other avs preset ever made.

And that's got to be the first time someone's told me to "check out" an UnConeD preset rather than a whole pack - or all his packs, for that matter :rolleyes:

11th January 2004 23:17 UTC

Atero, you really should stop being such a nitpick. Reflectocube does have some sort of custom beat-detection for the cubesize. Slightly modified for range 0 to 1 gives you:


It's more like a lowpass derivative filter than a 'beat-detector' but it matches beats pretty nicely.

Just because it doesn't modify the behaviour of the "on beat" box doesn't mean it's not beat-detection.

I refuse to make a subwoofer preset for (c)rap music though :rolleyes:.

12th January 2004 00:53 UTC

like UCD, beat detection can be custom done by certain avs presets. I have used some custom beat detection to predict the next beat, for instance, so that I could have a drumstick move around freely but still hit the drum on beat. Unfortunately I lost that preset - not that it was finished - as most of mine never are.

AVS's standard beat detection does not vary from preset to preset though, so most of your presets will react to the beat in the same way. Nothing much to do to change that - until technology advances more. Some non-realtime programs can get the bpm of a song fairly accurately, but the technology is still too slow to apply to a real-time program like AVS.

12th January 2004 02:05 UTC

Haha, I appreciate that backup UnConeD. Although I don't appreciate your refusal to do such a small favor for a guy when you're such an obviously experienced plugin maker. By the way, keep it up, you're visualizations are definately of the better ones on winamp5. Thanx for the help guys. If anyone would be kind enough to make my day improve upon hungryskull's visual I'd appreciate it. Peace

12th January 2004 08:09 UTC

(sorry, couldn't edit my prev. post)
my preset works perfectly if you have:

AVS version 2.81b (Winamp 5.01)
fragmer_woofer.bmp in your AVS directory
ColorMap by UnConeD aka Seven Wittens
Picture-II by UnConeD aka Seven Wittens

here's a link to ColorMap:
and here's picture-II plug:
...and it's a realy nice preset actualy :)

12th January 2004 10:48 UTC

I do not wear tight bodysuits which emphasize my sizable breasts while running around a lost space-ship on some tacky sci-fi show, providing a steamy masturbatory fantasy to every straight male geek around the world.

The name's Steven.

12th January 2004 11:27 UTC

That's the next typo on your name.
We could start making a list, you know. :D
Another link

16th January 2004 05:07 UTC

Originally posted by UnConeD
I do not wear tight bodysuits which emphasize my sizable breasts while running around a lost space-ship on some tacky sci-fi show, providing a steamy masturbatory fantasy to every straight male geek around the world.
What. The. Fuck.

16th January 2004 10:43 UTC

I'm guessing Seven is the name of someone that does run around doing that stuff?

16th January 2004 11:21 UTC

I do know the movie Se7en, but that's not on a spaceship where UCD is a horny girl :p.