Archive: Secondary Display Fullscreen?

5th January 2004 03:32 UTC

Secondary Display Fullscreen?
Ok, I have Winamp 5.01 pro. I have an AMD 1.5ghz and 512 ram. I have an ATI Radeon 9700 video card with 3 outs...DVI, Regular Monitor (composite?) and S-Video. I can drag the minimized AVS box over to my secondary display (31 inch jvc television). But every time i try to make it fullscreen it makes my PRIMARY display fullscreen with the avs! I have looked through the options like crazy but to no avail...

Also, it seems like some visualizations dont even work on my secondary display...can someone point me in the right direction for the above questions?

5th January 2004 05:26 UTC

Don;t use a TV. That might help.

5th January 2004 11:16 UTC

Trying using regular overlay mode, not fullscreen overlay mode. Most drivers will have a "theatre mode" or something similar where they automatically put the overlay on the second display.

15th March 2004 11:50 UTC

"Trying using regular overlay mode, not fullscreen overlay mode. Most drivers will have a "theatre mode" or something similar where they automatically put the overlay on the second display."

This is what I was looking for. I've been searching the forums. I've just discovered the overlay feature's theatre mode, and love it. My problem is the AVS doesn't work on the seconardy screen. I've had videos playing, and also had it working with my DVD software.

When I try and use the overlay feature, the secondary screen goes fullscreen (like it should), but the AVS doesn't play on it, all I get is a single line down the bottom of the first frame of the AVS when overlay is initalised.

Got any suggestions??

1st April 2004 01:40 UTC

AVS Overlay does not function as Video Overlay
Yup, there seems to be a fault with the AVS Overlay mode. I have a Radeon 9600XT with TV output set to Theater mode; all videos come up fullscreen on the TV but the WinAmp AVS does NOT, even with Overlay mode set on (instead, I get the current AVS preset as a static image).

8th April 2004 23:01 UTC

It seems theres another thread about the same topic (also without a solution so far) ... Ill take the liberty to make a cross reference so everyone may check both threads no matter which they find first, should a solution come up :D

9th April 2004 20:12 UTC

Why you want to use TV?
look AVS in monitor.

22nd September 2007 13:35 UTC

I have the same problem with the fullsceen AVS not working on the second display, simply appears on the primary monitor.

Why you want to use TV?
look AVS in monitor
The reason I want to use my TV is so that I can use my monitor for web browsing/working etc and have the AVS running on the TV AT THE SAME TIME!

Also i like to pipe the secondary output through to a TV in another room (along with the audio output) for parties.

The R4 pluging works fine in fullscreen using the TV as the secondary output, why can't AVS?

23rd September 2007 21:23 UTC

searching the forums does help some times...

12th September 2008 06:07 UTC

First "ZeroNeo", this is a forum to help people not to make stupid comments. Your answer is the same as 'give up'.

I've been messing around a while with this and kinda found a solution. I don't have Overlay mode working on my TV. I decided to drag the AVS window over to my TV and stretch it to full screen.
I can play AVS on the TV fine and if I want it on my desktop too I just enable the Overlay mode.

20" LCD.
Winamp (classic skin.) - with main and playlist open.

(little)" TV.
AVS - Extended to cover whole screen. (I have enabled Pixel Doubling to lessen the strain on my poor computer)

please note that the downfall I had was if I wanted to minimize Winamp... AVS disappeared off my TV. So to hide winamp I just Press Alt+W to hide the main window and Alt+E to hide the playlist.

12th September 2008 07:25 UTC

:confused: hey check that: grandchilds post is from 9/23 @ 9:23 *lol*

12th September 2008 12:34 UTC

Originally posted by Kahali_Tao
First "ZeroNeo", this is a forum to help people not to make stupid comments. Your answer is the same as 'give up'.

I've been messing around a while with this and kinda found a solution. I don't have Overlay mode working on my TV. I decided to drag the AVS window over to my TV and stretch it to full screen.
I can play AVS on the TV fine and if I want it on my desktop too I just enable the Overlay mode.

20" LCD.
Winamp (classic skin.) - with main and playlist open.

(little)" TV.
AVS - Extended to cover whole screen. (I have enabled Pixel Doubling to lessen the strain on my poor computer)

please note that the downfall I had was if I wanted to minimize Winamp... AVS disappeared off my TV. So to hide winamp I just Press Alt+W to hide the main window and Alt+E to hide the playlist.
Actually... you are stupid.

1) resurrecting a dead post
2) not understanding how to configure the overlay to be on the TV
3) insulting a poster who will likely not see your reply
4) not providing any new information on making AVS work on a second screen

Thanks for your post. Please come again. :)

12th September 2008 15:42 UTC

good shot, J.