Archive: Looking for an old visualization...

31st December 2003 05:43 UTC

Looking for an old visualization...
Here's an odd request:

Way back in Winamp 2.xx, there was a visualization included as someone's picks that (I think) was called Trippy Purples, or something along those lines (it did have Purple in the name)... does anyone have any idea how I can find this visualization again, apart from installing all of the different versions on Winamp?

Thanks in advance!

31st December 2003 07:54 UTC

if it was AVS, then you should post a picture, or atleast give a describtion, but if it is an stand-alone vis, then you should be able to find it in the plugins section, and search for it...

31st December 2003 15:49 UTC

are you looking for an AVS preset or some other visualization? tried searching this website for trip and purple? maybe those screenshots are a help.

Originally posted by Horse-Fly
if it was AVS, then you should post a picture
posting a picture of something he hasn't? :p

31st December 2003 19:59 UTC

It was an old AVS preset that came bundled with Winamp when you installed it (like in Justin's picks), and since I don't have it on any of my computers, I can't post a picture. I'll try and describe it, but I doubt that it would help... it was a simple visualization that had a spinning red line as the analyzer, and the background color was a purple that faded to red, basically.

Any chance that anyone hasn't uninstalled Winamp 2 and could look for it on their computer? This is an old AVS preset from years ago (I know I had it like 5 or 6 years ago, if that helps at all).

31st December 2003 20:31 UTC

Maybe this would help?

btw-nice avatar :)

31st December 2003 22:01 UTC

if it was bundled with winamp, then you should be able to find the version here

31st December 2003 22:08 UTC

Thanks for the quick replies... it wasn't in the zip file, but I'm going to look at winampheaven and install some of the older versions and see if I can find it... if not, I guess I'll install some more :D

31st December 2003 22:21 UTC

I found it!

It was included in Winamp 2.61 Full, when we first got AVS 2.0 . Thanks for everyones help.

BTW, it is called mighty tastey purples, in the Justin folder. It seems to run a lot faster now, though...

1st January 2004 02:53 UTC

post the picks from that winamp build in a zip file :)

1st January 2004 06:42 UTC

Here are the picks included with the original AVS: