Archive: AVS causes my computer to crash.

22nd December 2003 09:31 UTC

AVS causes my computer to crash.
Now this is really starting to piss me off. I've had to reboot my machine 4 times now and lose lots of work - actually I only restarted it this one last time, now that I told windows to not reboot automatically, so that I could see the error message I got. It was "IRQ_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL" (or whatever the fucking message is, i can't remember what it is exactly but whoever knows what it means knows what I'm talking about). I've got it a couple times before on other machines but I don't know what it means.
Well I think I've traced the problem. First of all, Winamp (and probably AVS) was running every time I rebooted. But this time AVS started causing Winamp to crash over and over again before it crashed Windows - which is another problem I'd like fixed, as it happens to me occasionally, out of the blue, on my other machine too.
No, it is not a hardware issue, and no, it is not a virus. I'd like to get this fixed, because I can't trust Winamp, let alone AVS, when this keeps happening to me.

On a side note, whenever I run AVS my CPU heats up like a bastard. (This isn't the cause of my current problem - one time I got rebooted and I checked the temperature, it was only around 100F.) I've got a temperature warning in my mainboard, and right now it's set to beep at me at 122F (lowest setting). But since I obviously haven't had my processor melt on me yet, and since the warning goes up to 150F (or higher, can't remember), I'm wondering whether it's necessary to leave it that low. Especially when it starts beeping at me whenever I have AVS running for more than three minutes.

22nd December 2003 12:37 UTC

IRQ not less or equal message is probably the most general of all the bluee screen stop error message. ANd can cover anything from hardware to software configuration and drivers, etc. I often so it from memory problems.

There will be a number too that may be useful. This can narrow it down further.

22nd December 2003 13:00 UTC

Wee I got a BSOD in WinXP today. Nothing related to AVS though.

BTW Atero, and this goes for EVERYONE who thinks avs slows their machine down: Go to avs->display settings and change the priority to IDLE. That's what I have mine set to, and it runs fine.

22nd December 2003 20:26 UTC

Heh, it doesn't slow my machine down at all :D <3 having a gig of memory...Only problems I ever run into is if I'm being stupid and leave AVS on when I'm running Fruityloops or vice versa - they both take up massive amounts of memory, so if I've got them both running they fuck each other up. But if I'm using one I'm not using the other, so it's not a problem ;)
Rova: I'll see if I can get that number for you. I'm at work now and probably won't have a chance to get it until tomorrow or the day after. Thanks

22nd December 2003 22:19 UTC

A list of errors in xp. This might help solving the problem. I once had that error (your error is 0x0000000A, I had 0x0000000Aand 0x00000050 a lot) and it turned out one of my RAM pieces was damaged. I had to replace it. :(

( edited to add error numbers )

26th December 2003 18:08 UTC

Here it is:

***STOP: 0x0000000A (0x0000002C,0x00000002,0x00000000,0x80441A1E)

***Address 80441A1E base at 80400000, DateStamp 3ee6c002 - ntoskrnl.exe

Beginning dump of physical memory.
Physical memory dump complete. Contact your system administrator or technical support group.

28th December 2003 07:43 UTC

and those are the exact numbers i always get, if that's useful at all.

28th December 2003 19:32 UTC

whenever I run AVS my CPU heats up like a bastard
Just a question, how hot can you get it by running AVS?