Archive: seperate L & R data?

12th December 2003 21:23 UTC

seperate L & R data?
1) why does the new thread button not show up in mozilla?

2) (much more importantly) is there a way to teach AVS to do math on the left audio stream and the right audio stream INDEPENDENTLY?

I know that you can show two scopes, one left and one right, but i want them to interact. specifically i want to subtract the right side of the audio from the left, then draw a scope based on that new data alone.

another example would be to draw a dot on screen whose placement is determined in the X coordinate by the right channel and the Y coordinate by the left channel. A perfectly mono recording would draw a diagonal line, from lower left to upper right, while a perfectly out of phase (left and right do exactly the opposite at all times) would draw a diagonal line from the upper left to the lower right.

is this possible with AVS? If not, is there a plugin SDK that has this functionality?

Thank you.

12th December 2003 21:32 UTC

a. it does for me (Firebird .7)
b. yes. Instead of using v for your sound data, use a getosc() or getspec.
To get both the left and right oscilliscope data, you would use something like this:


12th December 2003 21:36 UTC

gratzie. after manually pasting the URL for the new topic button into my browser's address bar it magically appears now, but only within this forum, (not the nsis forum, for example)


and thank you.

12th December 2003 22:19 UTC

Originally posted by m²k
a. it does for me (Firebird .7)
fixed. ad-blocking .css file was causing it (as per my suspicions yesterday). nothin in the href /looked/ like it would trigger a rule but something was getting set off so i made a false-positive rule to turn it back on.

works great and thanks for the avs help.

13th December 2003 14:08 UTC

I see you understand phase encoding. Perhaps these may be of interest.