Archive: AVS Live FX

17th November 2003 11:20 UTC

Just a simple idea:

To provide beat detection to Hotlist, i am using an APE.

Why don't fill it with something usefull?

It's no trouble to add some sliders and buttons to the hotlist interface, so does anyone have a good idea what could be usefull?

Basically i think about somethin like transitions, but a fast remote text display could also be cool. There could be multiple selectabe effects.

Your ideas please. :)

17th November 2003 23:09 UTC


If you have a look at doing something like milkdrop transitions which use random transitions that activate with some sort of beat detection setting. Some scenes change quite fast (1 sec changes) which is quite effective and some stretch out for longer... hmmm... perhaps a manual change setting with some unique transitions?

I kind of like the transitions in R2E although you'd need open GL to power them.


18th November 2003 10:50 UTC

I thought of something like additional filters or movements which you can control in shape and intesity directly through the hotlist interface.

I'll probably end up writing a control->regXX ape. So you can set your reg values by using trackbars to control whatever you like. 10 values should be enough I think.

Shouldnt be too hard to do this, but i guess this will be something for v2.4

Technically, i'll have to do it the following way:

-Ape sends message to Hotlist, submitting information about this value (to set by the user as a reminder e.g. "x-axis rotation") and requesting a value
-Hotlists displays the information and sends back the requested value.

19th November 2003 14:17 UTC

fast remote text display could also be cool
YES,this would kick ass. I realy like puting text on and the current way of doing it is cumbersome to say the least.

which remindes me:
this friday I had a gig in the biggest club in slovenia and I made a big pupu out of it:D. Didnt eat during the day because I was buisy and forgot. then during the projecting i drank cca.2dl of vodka and experienced a power failor in my head:D. all in all i played about 3 presets and put on the text 'i will fuck you all'. I then proceded with blacikng out and leaving the screen blank. When i came to eveyone was pissed off and i couldnt figure out why because i dont remember a damn thing. I got banned from the club and got laughed at on a local techno forum:D.
I also heard that i was danceing with my keyboard (which is missing about ten buttons and the connector) and tried to throw my monitor on the dance flor. Luckaly i was stoped by someone. The leason here is dont drink on an empty stomach or even better dont drink when on a job(even if you get a lousy salory):).

19th November 2003 20:02 UTC

ummmh, fsk, ummmh, lol

20th November 2003 08:05 UTC

Fsk, you didn't attend the "how do i promote myself" course did you? :p

For myself, i made up 3 rules:

Rule #1:
No Drugs when i'm in charge of something at a Party!

Rule #2:
Don't even think about bending rule #1 in any fucking way!!!

Rule #3:
If rule #1 and #2 and seem to fail, set yourself a limit so you're still able to act professionally.

It worked fine until now. Yesterday i had a VJ Gig in Doubledee Club Dresden. There were pretty few peopel so i had time to do live testings with the new Hotlist, which revealed 5 previously unknown Bugs, luckily all minor ones.At about 1:30, the party was almost over, so i put on the video i recorded on FullMoon festival and started dancing myself for the remaining 2 hours together with the organizers and DJ's that were still there. Nevertheless, this was also the first time that i really got paid - 150€ including gas so after all there's still 100€ left for my A64 :D

20th November 2003 09:44 UTC


hey man you can't tell me that iggy pop was made a super star for sticking to softdrink all night aye? :P

Then again... who the fuck wants to be iggy pop...

21st November 2003 02:47 UTC

Nice job Magic, making a 100 off of one night, whenever I VJ I always seem to end up with less money then when I started, and I am usually getting paid too, hummmm, maybe it is just me.

21st November 2003 09:32 UTC

One tip, S-uper_T-oast, drink less expensive drinks ;). And you really should get of your betting-addiction.

22nd November 2003 03:33 UTC

I don't usually drink at any events, but the betting is a problem, I can't help but betting on which person passes out first from the weird colored shots!

22nd November 2003 21:32 UTC


23rd November 2003 16:42 UTC

hehehehe lol :D

24th November 2003 14:07 UTC

yeah right lets laugh :D

24th November 2003 15:00 UTC

Nah, back on topic please ;)

I've implemented some functions for LiveFX already, got the new APE SDK and i'll try to code the other part tonight. More soon.

(can't help it *laughs at ST* :p)

24th November 2003 22:58 UTC

Can't wait to try this LiveFX thing out...

btw-I don't see why everyone is laughing, it has to be that they know they do it too, and they just can't admit it!

25th November 2003 07:46 UTC

Coded a dummy app yesterday and it worked fine with the oneway request. Next two day's i'll make up the ape!

Just a technical question, i'm providing 8 trackbar -> regXX controls with a range from 0 to 256. Is the range ok or should i in/decrease or shift it?

25th November 2003 08:31 UTC

I dunno but dont the color cahnels have a range from 0-255, so i gues that would be better. Maybe you should scale it down to 0-1 like the other things are.

25th November 2003 10:03 UTC

I don't know. I could provide nearly every range you like. -512 <-> +512 for example.
But taking these values you can convert a -128 <-> +127 range (signed byte) into one that reaches from 0 to 1 in 256 steps.

Its just a question of the resolution. A larger range allows more fine tuning, you can still downscale it within your code.

I could also make those setting customizable but this is sensless and would prevent any porting.

So the correct question would be:
-how many steps would you like to have (multiples of 2 or 10 do make sence here)
-should the range be symetric or asymetric (symetric = -x <-> +x, asymetric 0 <-> +x)

25th November 2003 11:15 UTC

I dunno what the best solution would be but ill stick to my earlyer sugestion 256 steps in an asimetric range.
Do you have any plans for midi control?

25th November 2003 11:25 UTC

Okay, so 0..255.
No, have no midi plans, because i don't use midi, neither do i have any midi controler which i could use for testing and so on.

1st March 2004 06:24 UTC


2nd March 2004 01:34 UTC

I thik you should make it 0...1 or -1...1.
1. it's more "standart" for AVS, so easier to remember :p
2. There is no accurate way to convert 255 to 1, except division, and division is much slower than multiplication. And -1...1 or 0...1 can be converted to anything.
Steps? What about FP 8 digits? ;)