Archive: SetLineWidth

30th October 2003 11:56 UTC

Ok, I finally came up with a simple, yet extremely useful APE.
I recently opened the apeSDK and found out various new features,
then I figured out how UnConeD managed to get the current blend mode and all the global variables.
I have included 2 examples for the n00bs, but it is so simple that they will figure it out themselves (I think).
The problem for creating solid superscopes is solved I think. No need to set n=(w+h)/something. That would slow down the speed of the preset to greter extent than what increasing the linewidth will do.
And besides, there is very less code in here, so the APE doesnt cut down the framerate.


and btw. the APE will be found in Misc / ...

30th October 2003 16:01 UTC

Why didn't you make it directly codable? You can easily use the code VM through the extended API.

31st October 2003 07:01 UTC

Doesn't cut down the framerate? your second example with the cube works 7 fps faster on a 500mhz celeron without the set line width APE :igor:

Also, i can't put this along in my pack without including the example presets? :igor: I quote: "You can distribute this APE,
but make sure you atleast include the Example files."

Sorry, it was just the presets fault, not the ape's. Solid ssc's tend to be slow as i just remembered :p

31st October 2003 08:01 UTC

UnConed: I thought of it before, but then here you have to modify only one variable, so there is no point in using the extended support.

31st October 2003 09:31 UTC

cool , another useful ape.

31st October 2003 18:08 UTC

well done!

1st November 2003 02:23 UTC

yeah, pretty cool idea.

Directly codable would be ok, but you can already do that with a ssc or something, since you have the reg99 access.

i agree with tugg though.. there is really no need to have the examples distributed with packs, that would just be a hassle.

1st November 2003 08:14 UTC

ok, dont distribute the examples.

10th November 2003 14:47 UTC

this is a cool ape,THX. Aldough I agree with UnConeD. it should be directly codable that way you could put the code for the scope in it and use the scope just for drawing. because this ape has to be above the scope to work therfore a scope cant set its linewidth in the current frame.

I hope this makes sence :).

10th November 2003 20:38 UTC

the man has a point.

12th November 2003 16:08 UTC

Ok, I think I should try to make it directly codable, although I think now I should ask for some help.
In the APE sdk, the APEinfo struct has pointers to functions. right?