Archive: i wish for...

29th October 2003 22:33 UTC

i wish for...
i would really like to see a chess styled preset. I don't like chess but i'd like to see it done.
e.g a 3d chess board with moving ssc chess pieces.

30th October 2003 08:43 UTC

well... make it :). If you don't know how, learn it. There is a shitload of information on the forums on how to code, as well as a load of math sites which can help you on your way as well. If you have something, show it to me. I like the idea.

30th October 2003 10:22 UTC

i learn enough math at school, maby in school holidays.

30th October 2003 12:22 UTC

Well the cool-o-factor given by the tech freaks would be through the roof, but let's consider the visual side of such preset mmkay? Do you think that a chess board has much to offer when it comes to music reactivity? Yes you could make it spin or move to the music, but then again you can do that much easily already and they are pretty much beaten to death ("wall" type of presets i mean). And then what about the pieces, aah yes they could indeed be very sound reactive by growing & shrinking according to a data on the spectrum, but then again with so many pieces in a chess board it would be very messy looking since you would have to almost certainly use wireframed models for fps purposes.

So in the end it would just be a pretty animation, any attempts to add music reactivity would end in the outter ruin of the preset.

Tho this is only my opinion, im sure someone can prove me wrong, in that case i would like to see a chess preset that is sound reactive and is succesful at it ;)

30th October 2003 12:30 UTC

only a few chess pieces