Archive: AVS's 2 MOVIE???

29th October 2003 11:27 UTC

AVS's 2 MOVIE???
I'm want to record some AVS's into some sort of video format, what software can I use to do this? (preferably free?)

29th October 2003 11:46 UTC

Be reading the FAQ

29th October 2003 12:32 UTC

And be sure to search the forums!

29th October 2003 15:17 UTC

if you figure out how to easily get a clip of avs into an animated gif file, for free, let me know...

29th October 2003 15:36 UTC

You use AVSGrabber to get an AVI, and then you use a simple freeware anmation program capable of opening/saving AVIs and GIFs. It ain't hard nobby.

29th October 2003 17:11 UTC

i have yet to find a freeware program that does that. what do you use?

29th October 2003 18:12 UTC

I use Jasc psp7(animation shop 3), but that isn't free.

It took me all of 5 seconds to find this:

Just go to and search for "avi gif" - you'll find lots

29th October 2003 18:50 UTC

You can use Gimp.

29th October 2003 19:58 UTC

If you can find it..

Microsoft gif animator will take avi's and convert them too gif's. It used to be a free download from MS but it was soo good they decided to pull it. Googling will yeild a result or two.

29th October 2003 21:07 UTC

How about listening to what people say. Get AVSGrabber: It's free, and it's great. There has just been a new release, just search the forums for it.

30th October 2003 02:29 UTC

I think he was referring to the AVI -> GIF conversion, not the AVS grabbing part.

30th October 2003 04:18 UTC

how bout the next release of avs grabber comes with avs -> avatar sized gif


30th October 2003 06:35 UTC

And a mp3 conversion to MIDI which will then be added to the GIF ;)

"Midi playing AVS avatars"


30th October 2003 08:04 UTC

Get real Tugg ... analyzing MP3, dividing into certain istruments and finding a good sounding midi replacement is insane!

I wouldnt want to let anyone code this (and i guess it doesnt exist), besides the result will be most likely to sound horrible :igor:

30th October 2003 08:07 UTC

Heh, well i assumed sidd's post was a joke so i just continued the joke, i didn't really mean that ;)

30th October 2003 08:13 UTC

Tough if it would actually work, you really could have fun with it. :)

30th October 2003 09:33 UTC

Yeah, by simultanously listening to all the beeping avatars that are on the current page ... :blah:

30th October 2003 09:54 UTC

lol, that'll be horrible.

30th October 2003 10:08 UTC

It would sound like one of those crappy old even pre-nintendo handhelds and would make me either smashing every single speaker of my pc or otherwise simply go mad...

NO! to Sound-Avatars :p

30th October 2003 10:39 UTC

Not even a sound jiggling/dancing T? ;)

30th October 2003 10:45 UTC


You'd better NOT start this discussion again otherwise we'd have an avatar competition again.

But ... umm ... do show me if you got the sound T working :p

30th October 2003 10:56 UTC


Yeah, i don't want to change my avatar again! Not even for that ;)
Also i lack the software and knowledge to apply sound to gif's :blah:

30th October 2003 11:22 UTC

Same over here, i'm sticky and happy with mine too. ;)
Plus it's impossible do do some wicked weird psychedelic Simon Posford like trance with midi only :p

(and it was it would be a fucking huge avatar in respect of the filesize)

30th October 2003 11:34 UTC

Not necessarely, i mean, what do you do when you want a background sound for your webpage with a wav? (i know you don't want this, but let's assume you do :p) The answer is you make it LOOP! With midi's being pretty small files already even if it's a full lenght song, a 10-30sec looping midi would be really small and would go under the 15kb limit along with the animation in your avatar. Now i don't know how long music or how many frames you could have, but it can sure go under the limit if needed ;)

Im mostly guessing, but im pretty sure it's possible and not only "in theory" :blah:

But i really do hope that no one will ever get the urge to do it! :D

30th October 2003 11:49 UTC

Lol, me to

Theoretically, it WOULD be possible, but midi's capabillities are limited to the soundcard on the one hand (how many instruments, etc) and on the other hand to just sequence and arrange those insturments ... no filter effects, no reverb, no phazers, no flangers, nothing :(

As for music loops, have a look here:
This is a funny made guide to electronic music describing nearly every style you can imagine featuring sound loops from popular artist.

Give it a try, have a look at Trance > Goa and what come futher and then tell me wheter you can redo this in midi or not ;)

30th October 2003 12:08 UTC

Yeah, no way you can make that in midi to sound like anything, but...

Jungle -> Experimental -> Sample 3 "Aphex Twin - 4"

That sounds like a midi already! :D

Anyway, im sure that the inter-web is full of midis even 10sec loops, just go pick one ;) So why should i bother to make my own?

btw. great site that guide thing, thanks!

30th October 2003 15:12 UTC

There are actually already mp3/wav -> midi converters, but they don't work well at all(even on simple 1track pure-instrumental sons). Doing it requires a lot of work, and is beyond our capabilities currently.

I have made my own soundformat before that could fit thousands of hours of music in a file the size of an mp3. It used the system bell to make the sound. :p Annoyed the hell out of my family - lol.

1st November 2003 14:51 UTC


post it!

1st November 2003 15:06 UTC

I no longer have it - it isn't difficult to create though.

2nd November 2003 13:05 UTC

lol, damnit. I would love to have it.

2nd November 2003 15:23 UTC

The program only took like 30minutes to write - if I felt like it I would write it again, but it was extremely annoying and I don't feel like rewriting it.

All it does is convert notes to a corresponding frequency(I found out the formula for this on the internet), and then just used the dos functions(I believe they are sound, sleep, nosound) to play the notes for a specific length of time.

2nd November 2003 15:30 UTC

you're insane, you know that? ;)

2nd November 2003 15:38 UTC

can you convert mp3/wav/midi into this new format?

2nd November 2003 15:48 UTC

no - that'd be just as hard as with midis.

Read up on the wav>midi conversion and see how difficult that is. It ain't easy. The program has to try to pull apart the wav and seperate it into different instruments, and then(assuming it did the first part correctly) has to try and determine which note is being played, as well as strength it was played with, duration of play, etc - when many different notes are probably going to be played at one time. The amount of gaussian transformations is mindboggling now, and the prototype programs hardly make something remotely recognizable from the original song.

2nd November 2003 16:22 UTC

midi ---> silly beep thing?

2nd November 2003 16:38 UTC

That would be fairly easy to do if you know the format of .midi files. I don't know the particulars - I just know a lot of what .midi's do store.

2nd November 2003 17:58 UTC

Originally posted by Nobby Nobbs
midi ---> silly beep thing?
depends on how you use midi data.. it's actually a professional sound format, which allows to play it on any midi-device (hardware and software). common mediaplayers and cellphones of course are consumer-software with different purpose, they play beeps.

read on here, but i guess you just wanted to say anything.

2nd November 2003 18:49 UTC

I think you misunderstood him yathoso - he is wondering if you can convert from midi -> the beeps - I believe. Unless I misunderstood him(entirely possible).

As soundfonts get better, midi's will begin to sound almost exactly like the real thing. They are beginning to get close, and with programs like fruity loops you can create some amazing music.

2nd November 2003 21:34 UTC

fruity loops is nice :) I got some really great midi's which indeed sound almost real. Though the best midi program imo is CuBase.

2nd November 2003 21:36 UTC

no anubis, you got it right.