Archive: New test APE

20th October 2003 12:51 UTC

New test APE
Here's and APE I made in just 1 day. Its incomplete, as I want to add more stuff in it and probably use MMX as it runs slow. But then maybe I think I should send part of the code to Jherico so that he can include it in his Multi... I dont remember the name APE. What do you think?

20th October 2003 13:10 UTC

Cool idea.

First of all, yes its pretty too slow, as the first two effects slow my presets down by 6fps. The darkening effect seems to be nice.

Maybe you could include stuff like contrast adjusting?

20th October 2003 13:36 UTC

nice, but slow, AND i dont like it coz basicly you could add all possible effects (well, not all, the mainly used onse) in apes

20th October 2003 13:37 UTC

But you can do this stuff already with convolution and colormod... ?

21st October 2003 08:51 UTC

Um. I will just give the code to Jherico, maybe he will optimize it and then include it in Multifilter. And btw, are there any ideas for other effects?

21st October 2003 10:59 UTC

*cough* frameratelimiter *cough* badly need it *cough*

21st October 2003 11:35 UTC

Hey, I posted code for that ages ago. Compile it and it's yours :P.

21st October 2003 11:49 UTC

Umm, erm, yeah. Gotta do so! :D Thnx again.

Yeah, there it is:

Sometimes i seem to loose my head. :p