7th October 2003 23:54 UTC
First Attempt at AVS
Hey everyone, you don't know me, I've never posted. But I've browsed the Winamp website since Winamp 2 first came out. Always wanted to get into AVS but never had the time. Found some time so heres my first attempt. Tell me what you think.
8th October 2003 03:21 UTC
Very n00bish, but that's pretty much what anyone would expect for a first time. Keep playing and learning AVS, there are many helpful resources such as Atero's AVS Primer, UnConeD's FAQ thread, and etc. which you could check out.
Welcome to the AVS community! :)
8th October 2003 09:53 UTC
Kinda n00bish indeed, but keep it up. Look around a lot here, and you should get better fast :).
And a very nice welcome from me too.