Archive: What about ColorMod?

5th October 2003 19:57 UTC

What about ColorMod?
Color Modifier is great BUT it'll be so nice to access variables:
"x" and "y" or "d" and "r" (or all of them ) for read only.
This'll be very useful to create dynamic gradients (like the ones with Color-coded SCC + Movement in the multy-blended effectlist now).

5th October 2003 20:37 UTC


This had been covered before.

A per-pixel modifier would be slower than 3 fully loaded convos, I'm guessing.

6th October 2003 02:40 UTC

fragmer: colormod doesn't work like that
It's more like a colormap with separate programmable gradients for red, green and blue. Your code is not applied per pixel, but to an input gradient. This map is then applied to the picture.

Using x/y wouldn't make sense in this case, because the map is constant across the image.