Archive: avs random transition effect.

3rd October 2003 23:16 UTC

avs random transition effect.
how do i configure, or where do i go to access the random transition function on the visualization studio?


4th October 2003 00:55 UTC

double-click the avs window so the config dialog comes up.
Click on the Settings Menu, go to Transitions.

Select "random" from the combo box.

4th October 2003 18:20 UTC

where's my shotgun?

6th October 2003 00:29 UTC

well, that was already selected, i guess i should have worded the question differently, how do i make them change, like from visual to visual, by randomly going to the next visualization, what do i need to make that happen?

6th October 2003 01:43 UTC

*Sigh* even stickies at the top of the forum do not work.........:cries:

6th October 2003 08:03 UTC

Rovastar, he means switching between different visualisations, not different AVS-es. I don't think it's possible though. And also this has been asked a damn lot of times, they're just too lazy to look at other posts. In their own little made-up world, they think they have an important question....