Archive: AVS log file

1st October 2003 15:49 UTC

AVS log file
Hey, before this start, let's make it clear : i'm not totally sure if such a request had already been made. So don't blame me if that's not the first thread about this, thanx.
Anyway, I now happen to have just dozens of AVS(es), just cause it's freakin good. But, one or two of those makes winamp crash.
I tried to brownse through all presets to determine whiwh ones are really bad, but that's a long work. I mostly use AVS with a random selection mode, so from time to time Winamp just stop (sometimes, there isn't even the Windows error screen).
So, i'm asking for a new feature in AVS : a log file, where winamp writes a txt of what it is about to load next, then load it. So, if Winamp crash, you know what's wrong and can delete the preset.

Does such a thing already exists or..?

1st October 2003 16:29 UTC

I don't think such a tool exists... though AVS is known to crash at rare occasions, and then this is usually not the fault of the preset. Only if a preset crashes consistently should you delete the preset itself.

Otherwise you will have to wait for the next version, sorry. AVS 2.7pre (somewhere around the forums) is not too stable though, so 2.6/2.6.1 is the best option now;

1st October 2003 18:12 UTC

Oh.. I'm using AVS 5.4.1 so, it might be an answer to my problem. I'm sure a few of my presets are faulty (winamp crash as soon as those are manually selected, whatever you do).
I though the studio.ini kept trace of the last preset but it isn't accurate.. Must be for another use.

Wait.. You're UnConeD ? I got a few of your packs, I just love them. Keep up the good work !

2nd October 2003 03:24 UTC

AVS 5.4.1? Was that typo or do you have something we don't? A log file could be useful if it also logged things like hangups in your coding, (ie-too many variables, bad parenthesis, etc..)

2nd October 2003 04:22 UTC

umm. if you're using avs 5.4.1, get the fuck rid of it. it's a virus.

maybe yath was right :weird:

2nd October 2003 20:43 UTC

Did i wrote "5.1.4" ?
Woops, now that's a typo.
It's actually 2.5.something. On one of my PC winamp crashes instantly when i open it, so i can't check right now (no worry, i know how to fix this, it's only a corrupted file at the top of my list)

4th October 2003 22:22 UTC

I had a few presets which constantly crashed my machine, but that wasn't occasional.