Archive: Museum Art Display

23rd September 2003 12:14 UTC

Museum Art Display
I found this article in a newspaper a couple days ago:

Contemporary Art and the Mathematical Instinct is on display at UMD's Tweed Museum of Art. This exhibition of thirty contemporary artists presets work in a wide variety of media that is derived from, responds to, or is influenced by mathematical concepts. Many of the artists employ new technologies in their math-related works, while others practice traditional forms of art making, including wevind, sculpturing, painting, and drawing, creating from and expressing mathematical concepts.

So would any of this pertain to AVS? I'm not really sure, but it kinda sounds like it to me.

23rd September 2003 20:35 UTC

just that nobody gives a fuck about avs or any consumer plugin

23rd September 2003 21:30 UTC

maybe, maybe not ;)

23rd September 2003 21:44 UTC

ditto with yathosho

24th September 2003 06:44 UTC

go ahead and try, it is worth a shot

24th September 2003 14:23 UTC

MAybe it is relevant I Dunno.

On a releated note. I got an email directly a few weeks ago (and later it was posted on now unless they spamed me from some mailing list somewhere I presume they targeted me directly because of my visualization work.

Submissions for a arty-type festival. I think it is in your home town killahbite too.



Moving Media Multiplicator

MMM is a publishing platform for
visual media productions (moving media)
of emerging contemporary artists
in various genres.

Works of all types (Videos, Films, Demos etc.)
can be submitted to us starting today.

The MMM infrastructure offers
public screenings (at the Kunsthalle Wien),
the web interface (Fs2),
a global independent artists forum
and a diversity of other events,
guaranteeing you a high quality program.

The sharing of information is a
fundamental part of human activity in
the 21st century.
MMM offers an opportunity to fish
independently, by oneself,
for treasures within the information flood.

starting: october 8th

further information and submissions:

please forward!

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Moving Media Multiplicator

ist ein Medium & Forum zur freien Publikation
visueller Medienarbeiten unabhaengigerer

Arbeiten jedes Genres
(Videos, Filme, Demo Szenen etc.)
koennen eingereicht werden.

Die MMM-Infrastruktur bietet
oeffentliche Grossbildprojektionen
(Terminal bei der Kunsthalle Wien),
Events, dem Webblock und ein
unabhdngiges globales KuenstlerInnen-Forum,
welches fuer Programm,
Inhalt und Qualitaet buergt.

MMM bietet die Moeglichkeit frei
und selbstbestimmt aus den Informationsfluten
des Netzes Schaetze zu bergen.

Eroeffnung: 08. Oktober

Naeheres und EINREICHEN unter:

mit freundlichen Gruessen,

Bitte moegliche InteressentInnen informieren!
Sorry for Crosspostings.



>> Kunsthalle Wien (Project Space)
>> Pani Projecting & Lighting
>> University of Applied Arts Vienna

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24th September 2003 18:05 UTC

thanks, rovastar. i received it as email before, since i know the people :)