Archive: avs 2.7pre3 yay

16th September 2003 10:23 UTC

avs 2.7pre3 yay
OK just want to give you guys the latest build

what's new:

Going to add Unconed's simpler APEs soon, I think.

Also, for the eval help, will probalby just include a .html (AVS primer stripped down?) and have AVS spawn on demand, perhaps to the right section. Sound good to ppl?

(edit: oh yeah, need to add Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Y for undo/redo eh)

16th September 2003 10:30 UTC

ok, cool, so justin when can we expect a 2.7final ver?

16th September 2003 10:38 UTC

Originally posted by Montana
ok, cool, so justin when can we expect a 2.7final ver?
I guess with Winamp 5, say, mid to late october =)


16th September 2003 10:42 UTC

justin can you add a option to just save, because the current save option is a "save as"-option.

16th September 2003 11:24 UTC

Wow, W5 is that close? Awesomeness! ::can't wait::

BTW, just a nitpick: "Preset may have been edited" not editted. ;)

EDIT AGAIN: one more thing, perhaps a fixed-space font (ie. courier) for comments? It'd definitely help with ASCII art/formatting.

16th September 2003 11:48 UTC

Yay. Sounding good.

16th September 2003 12:10 UTC

made effect lists expanded by default on load
And a disable this feature button to go with it? ;) Im too used to the old way and i think it's pretty confusing if all the effect list's are just spreaded out. (just take my "moon of mana" from bitmapped II and you can see why...)

16th September 2003 14:54 UTC

avs 2.7final with wa5final in late october? I LOVE YOU GUYS! GREAT!

And indeed it would be nice to have a fixed-space font for the comment screen. ASCII pictures are sweet to use in the intro presets of new packs.

16th September 2003 15:01 UTC

I dont like that wa5 comes out so early... :(
that means its prolly full of bugs and... even Nullsoft cant make avs rock in so little time... :(

16th September 2003 15:10 UTC

hehe thanx justin:D you pwn.

16th September 2003 15:11 UTC

It seems that WA5 is just WA2 with some extras tacked on. It's supposedly not buggy at all. Hopefully things will be good with it.
I know the new AVS kicks ass.

16th September 2003 15:33 UTC

ndd: needs a seperate rtf comment for backwards compatibility :) otherwise it'd fuxor things like skupers's comments

16th September 2003 16:13 UTC

With this version of avs(pre) I have experienced some very weird crashes this happens allways (with one exeption) when I'm coding a ssc...
I can not say what causes this but I'm sure there is a bug in it (d'uh)...
This crash even sucks more than usual onese :P that give me a chance to save my preset :hang:, i must say this REALLY sucks.

If it's needed i can send the preset whan i was/am working on, it has crashed allready 3 times.
If i get more info about those crashes then ill let you know.
Oh, once it crashed when it was loading preset, it cant be varjable limit... prolly it is about global varjables... or maybe not.
help... :(

Also, for the eval help, will probalby just include a .html (AVS primer stripped down?) and have AVS spawn on demand, perhaps to the right section. Sound good to ppl?
personaly i think it would be better to add it to 'expression help'... and add a tutorial option...
well, maybe its not that good idea...

Mind my english if its really bad :p

16th September 2003 18:24 UTC

Originally posted by uNDefineD
one more thing, perhaps a fixed-space font (ie. courier) for comments? It'd definitely help with ASCII art/formatting.
terminal 6pt

16th September 2003 20:45 UTC

Now i got after few crashes an error
The instruction at "0x77f5b13b" referenced memory at "0x00000014" the memory could not be "read"


Am I really only who has this problem... or is it about winamp... maybe ill reinstall it... or... :hang:

16th September 2003 20:49 UTC

SSC crashes? I had problems with 2.7pre1, the SSC dissapeared, while editing it. Though I have not had any problems with version 2 and 3. Could you please post the avs you were working on, and tell what went wrong exactly, and also when exactly?

16th September 2003 21:04 UTC

ok here we go
2 time when i was pasting and editing those getosc(1/16,0,0)'s
once when i loaded the preset
and i THIIINK it was few time whan i was just coding the point code
it crashed wile loading and few time when editing code...

I think it cant be about global varjable coz the secong ssc doesnt use global varjables :P
i have no idea... maybe it me... :S

16th September 2003 21:47 UTC

I really like the solid grid, though nothing seems to go wrong here. I played around with your code a bit, most of the time fucking it up, though nothing weird like crashes. Also I loaded the presets about 10 times. No crashes at that as well.

Sorry mate, but I think it's just your comp. Bad installation maybe?

16th September 2003 21:58 UTC

i hope so... but i doupt so... but maybe :D

anyways... tomorrow ill reinstall the wa and dl the avs2.70pre3 again and ill see... i really need sleep.

16th September 2003 23:58 UTC

Originally posted by Atero
ndd: needs a seperate rtf comment for backwards compatibility :) otherwise it'd fuxor things like skupers's comments
Perhaps a switching option would work?

BTW, I haven't been having any problems with 2.7 thus far.

17th September 2003 03:16 UTC

YAY jheriko pack 9 intro works with this version.

17th September 2003 03:44 UTC

Question for justin-
What is the deal with the laser "plugin" we have found lying around in the code?

17th September 2003 03:57 UTC

It's for compatibility with those cool(yet really expensive) lasers that some nice clubs and such have. They can create cool laser shows using it. I don't know if a final version was ever actually released. May be wrong though...

17th September 2003 09:14 UTC

You mean using a laser to project AVS output?! Coooool.

EDIT: Found a bug - when using U and Y to scroll presets, it only scrolls within the selected "random" dir, ie. I was viewing a Jaak preset and it jumped straight to one of mine instead of the next Jaak one, because the random dir was set to uNDefineD.

17th September 2003 12:54 UTC

I also had that with older AVS versions...

17th September 2003 15:27 UTC

Just a minor peeve. Any chance of having double menus or just more added on when needed because scrolling through endless presets is tedious and irritating. Especially when it scrolls as slow as the avs menu does.

17th September 2003 15:43 UTC

i'm amazed
you wait two years for a new version of AVS, and then 3 come along all at once...

good stuff, global variables, evallib... gosh thats going to take me a while to figure out how to program.

i have 2 probablly unreasonable and unpopular requests..,

1) more scratch area or global variables, enough to allow my midi recieving plugin to transmit a whole 16 channels of midi events

2) a way of syncing redraw on windowed or 'overlay' output to stop those horrible horizontal tearing lines...

17th September 2003 15:46 UTC

this isn't 3 versions - it's just one version - these are all prereleases. Make sure you wait until the final version comes out before you start any major development - a lot may change.

17th September 2003 23:44 UTC

1. 100 globals isn't enough??
2. Turn off "resize image" under display.

18th September 2003 03:13 UTC

Don't think this was mentioned before, but entering variables with charector lengths over eight, store the variable using only the first eight charectors. ie: abcdefgh=0; abcdefghi=1; If you would then try to recall abcdefgh, it would return 1, and trying to use abcdefghi would result in your code not working.

18th September 2003 17:25 UTC

2 small wishes for AVS 2.7, hope they'll get in. Other people, let me know what you think of them.

1. the next/previous buttons on the AVS window, like in winamp 3.0
2. Extra ability for coding: to format variables to a certain number of decimals. For example, to format a 10 decimal variable to a 2 decimal variable. It can be useful together with the global vars, for example to trigger a different scope if 2 others are at a certain location.

18th September 2003 17:34 UTC

I definitely agree to number one.
number 2 isn't really necessary.

18th September 2003 19:00 UTC

deamon: if you want to round stuff, you can already use something like:

// 3 decimals

Not very efficient, but should still work.

18th September 2003 22:16 UTC

yay! Thx UnConed. :D

18th September 2003 23:14 UTC

i hafta say... thats much neater :-)

i like the additions to it ^_^

19th September 2003 03:55 UTC

Heres a bit of a bug with the effect list on the left thats always really pissed me off.

Clicking and draging an effect, but not moving it from its position (so you get the 'move here' thingo to show up.. but still in the same position as before), results in it being moved one spot down the list. Even though it will still appear in its original position on the list. It only shows up in the correct position once you restart AVS.

There are also a few other weirdiums like this that generally result in stuff appearing in the worng place. So perhaps the best idea would be to just make the list auto refresh from the avs file, rather than ironing out all of the bugs.

19th September 2003 05:23 UTC

well one odd bug i just found this afternoon...sign(x) doesn't return the sign of x. it returns something slightly smaller than the sign of x, but still within the bounds of avs's required accuracy to be called 1. for example: sign(1)=0.9999900001, and sign(16)=0.99999937500039. it appears this number gets larger as the argument does.
also in this process i found out that avs disregards anything past the fifth decimal point - including 0's. thus, 0.99999=1, and 0.000001=0. this is true for all of the boolean functions (equal, if, below, above, bor, bnot, and band.

speaking of oughtta get rid of that nastyass indent in the expression help :)

speaking of the expression oughtta document use of whitespace and the old comment chars - any charachter above a certain number, forget which...but it includes alt+0160 (hard space).

19th September 2003 06:23 UTC

1. the next/previous buttons on the AVS window, like in winamp 3.0
Well excuse me for saying this, but that's just plain stupid. it's one of the reasons i hated winamp3 so much :igor: Why can't you just use y&u to shuffle through? The AVS window needs to be clean i think. Those buttons would only distract and spoil the viewing pleasure :hang:

19th September 2003 07:14 UTC

Mayby it's beacuse I'm nicely drunk, but I love AVS. The global vars are sweet, and I still have to play with colour mod. :)

Just glad I'm at home right now. Don't think i could drive anywhere.

19th September 2003 08:05 UTC

The new expression help looks great :). And yes Tugg, I know the keys, though half the time I forget them ;)

19th September 2003 14:29 UTC

Seems there is one line drawing bug which I had forgotten about.

Diagonal lines don't seem to get clipped into the view window correctly, because there is noticable slowdown with lines spanning huge coordinates.

E.g. Set render mode, line width=100, Superscope, n=2, draw lines.

If you use the following for per point:
There is no noticable slowdown (this is a horizontal line).
If we change it to:
however (which is almost 100% the same in the visible area), the preset is slowed down a lot.

This is annoying for line-heavy scopes because you have to include some basic clipping into the code.

19th September 2003 21:22 UTC

After a night of AVSing I've come to the conclusion that this version is a LOT more unstable than 2.6.

Crashes have happened when:
- Adding a new component to a preset
- Starting to play music in winamp
- Changing code around

In all cases, AVS attempts to read from an almost-nullpointer (i.e. probably a nullpointer to a struct/object that is being used).
Unlike AVS2.6's code crashes, after this happens it's impossible to save the preset by moving the 'this program has performed an illegal operation...' box away and using the AVS editor dialog before clicking 'close'. The editor *is* still responsive to mouse/keyb events, but saving causes a hang and after restarting AVS it turns out the save did not happen at all.

19th September 2003 21:29 UTC

w00t :) Finaly,a ray of light in the dark room of AVS...sounds soooo Danielle Steele like :)

21st September 2003 19:09 UTC

1- not for what i have in mind
2- you dont understand what i mean at all. when the screen is drawn it often displays 2 frames seperated by a horizontal 'tear' because it doesnt sync or double-buffer, 'wait for refresh' doesnt seem to have any effect at all. i know a lot of you guys like using fullscreen mode which DOES doublebuffer but i like to tweak presets while they are running.

Originally posted by m²k
1. 100 globals isn't enough??
2. Turn off "resize image" under display.

22nd September 2003 01:50 UTC

The new APE 'SDK' is great, the ability to access the global registers and use 'evallib' is great.. its a shame that there is no documentation or example of adding 'evallib' to an APE. The lazy half of me made an ape to demonstrate how you can use code in a SSC or DM to 'send' an ape values via a global register. This could be a good alternative to including a messy code box on a 3D ape, when you could infact send ox,oy,oz,rx,ry,rz vars through global registers to synch the APE rendered object with superscopes and DMs and such.

Maybe everyone already noticed.. but I think that this is probably the best thing about this version of AVS, making APE more powerful will help make AVS much better in the long term than anything else.

Contents of zip file:


Don't go about using this APE for anything, or distributing it.

22nd September 2003 09:39 UTC

Quote: Well excuse me for saying this, but that's just plain stupid. it's one of the reasons i hated winamp3 so much Why can't you just use y&u to shuffle through? The AVS window needs to be clean i think. Those buttons would only distract and spoil the viewing pleasure

1. the next/previous buttons on the AVS window, like in winamp 3.0
I totally agree with this. No extra buttons to AVS window !

22nd September 2003 11:36 UTC

deamn, i loved that button!
yes for teh great next button

22nd September 2003 17:07 UTC

Originally posted by Raz
Just a minor peeve. Any chance of having double menus or just more added on when needed because scrolling through endless presets is tedious and irritating. Especially when it scrolls as slow as the avs menu does.


(see sig for reason) ;) :p

22nd September 2003 22:28 UTC

List of 3 minor and most probably easy to sort peeves:
#1: The above quote
#2: The ability to put already inserted components into empty effect lists without adding another component first
#3: Alphabetically organised menus. PLEASE. It's incredibly hard to find things sometimes, not to mention the whole, when packs are released and the presets have numbers starting their names but are all in a messed up order.

22nd September 2003 22:48 UTC

#2 can be done already (if i understand you correctly). Just drag the effect to the little plus or minus sign next to the empty efect list.

22nd September 2003 23:42 UTC

Wiser : 2274 is nothing...
5702 on C:\ and 3191 on D:\, not checked for doubles or nonAVS .avs files.

8893 total, 7000-8000 if checked for doubles.
Long live packrats.

I don't really think double menus would be of much help... Subfoldering is more than enough for now, trust me.

22nd September 2003 23:43 UTC

Ahh, never realised that before. Still, it would be nice if it were clearer.

23rd September 2003 03:59 UTC

Yea, I just realized that after I released AVSP1.75 (which told you how to open up a brand new effect list to put something in it)...silly me :rolleyes:

23rd September 2003 05:33 UTC


23rd September 2003 14:32 UTC

#3: Alphabetically organised menus. PLEASE. It's incredibly hard to find things sometimes, not to mention the whole, when packs are released and the presets have numbers starting their names but are all in a messed up order.

only happens in w98, not in xp

23rd September 2003 15:21 UTC

Yes well XP sucks dick and nobody cares about it montana

23rd September 2003 15:39 UTC

I am in XP, it still does it, and yes, XP does suck momentous balls.

23rd September 2003 15:49 UTC

XP is better than some operating systems. *cough* Windows ME *cough*

25th September 2003 01:15 UTC

really, what IS so great about being *only* second worst?

3rd October 2003 21:14 UTC

1> The new gettime() function may be realy useful to replace the t var =)
But I still don't get how to use it - whatz the start_time for?..
2> The Color Mod is so great, just way cool, this is the best improvement I've seen!
3> It's a bit hard to have *Frame* above *Beat* in SSC - I got sooo used to the old style... If you could get *beat* back to it's position...
4> Undo/Redo is a great idea also!
There are *lots* of pleasant details in the new AVS, if you could kill all bugs this'll be a nice AVS v.3 RC ;)

3rd October 2003 21:17 UTC

1. The starttime is basically an offset for the timer. The higher the start_time, the lower the starting number.
2. no comment
3. Use a resource hacker (search if you want to edit that.
4. no comment

Originally posted by Nic01
Wiser : 2274 is nothing...
5702 on C:\ and 3191 on D:\, not checked for doubles or nonAVS .avs files.

8893 total, 7000-8000 if checked for doubles.
Long live packrats.

I don't really think double menus would be of much help... Subfoldering is more than enough for now, trust me.
:eek: eek
