Archive: News from the surface!

9th September 2003 11:23 UTC

News from the surface!
Email from Justin i recieved today.. hot off the press
Here is the nitty gritty of it:

Does Nullsoft have anything at all planned for AVS?
We don't really have anything concrete planned at this point, but with the release of Winamp 5 we should be continuing development. mig is going to compile a list of things for us to do, based on his own wishes and what he hears from the community. And I'll try to get some of it done when I can.

Is open source AVS by any means possible?
At this point I wouldn't hold my breath. :/ It's tough to get a lot of things done in the current environment. We are working on changing this, but I really don't know what will happen.

Are AOL trying to mute our passions?
Heh I don't think they are intentionally trying to, but alas their interests and yours are probably not completely aligned.

Do you in particular have anything planned in the vis world?
Heh not so much. At this point my dev efforts are so spread out (basically all Winamp related development at this point is done by me and francis and christophe), that for me to update AVS some would be a lot. heh.

[edit] :P [/edit]

9th September 2003 11:25 UTC

Ooh! First post!!!!!! !!!
!!! !!!!!! !!!
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9th September 2003 11:40 UTC


9th September 2003 12:45 UTC


and I mean it ;)

9th September 2003 13:33 UTC


9th September 2003 13:45 UTC

Finally we get some attention :rolleyes:

9th September 2003 14:13 UTC

Well well.

9th September 2003 14:20 UTC

I don't think the changes are going to be terrific. Sure they'll start doing stuff, but justin doesn't exactly seem thrilled about it.

But if they do do a lot, then hell yeah. Go AVS. w00t.

9th September 2003 14:23 UTC

yay! :D this is great :). Even if this is minor, some people still think about us. Slowly the updates will come.


9th September 2003 15:45 UTC

At least we are not completely forgotten. There is hope at last.

9th September 2003 20:53 UTC

in the end , lalalala (linkin park)

9th September 2003 21:18 UTC

Originally posted by Tuggummi
Ooh! First post!!!!!! !!!
!!! !!!!!! !!!
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!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!
Take that sh*t back to deviantart. :hang:

The whole mail seems to explain everything pretty well to me - '(basically all Winamp related development at this point is done by me and francis and christophe)', sounds like an overstretched team for a project of this magnitude. I also had this strange idea that nullsoft were.. well.. more than three people. With such a small development team it seems excusable that Winamp 3 was so buggy and unstable and stuff. If you guys are out there listening or watching.. or whatever the hell you want to call it, please god don't rush Winamp 5 to meet some timetable or some burning desire to get it out.. make it perfect, even if it takes a year or two or more... I'd rather have a stable, brilliant 'work of art' piece of software after a veritable eternity of wait than a Frankenstein's monster 'cut and paste' hybrid of Winamps 2 and 3.:)

Well... I hope that we get at least one of 'global variables', 'arrays' or 'bigger variable limit' since these are the things that restrict me the most.

Render/OpenGL would be better.. but I won't hold my breath. :p

Looks like I'm never going to get to touch the AVS source. :(

9th September 2003 22:14 UTC

i agree to jheriko.

I was thinking the same thing when i read that email. They could definitely find others to help.

9th September 2003 22:32 UTC

nice :)

10th September 2003 03:51 UTC

/me huggles myself /me
I think it's just good that they do seem to at least acknowledge our benevolent existence :). 3 people working? That seems, kinda, stupid, must be budget cuts, or something. :rolleyes:

10th September 2003 06:11 UTC

Take that sh*t back to deviantart. :hang:
I thought it just explains about my confidence on this whole "news" that AVS is going to be uptaded, yada yada yada, i just don't believe it's going to happen. Sorry if you missed the irony/sarcasm in that :igor:

11th September 2003 22:32 UTC

Hey tug! Looks like I got the last laugh on that one. :P

Irony.. pfft... I knew nullsoft (well... justin) would update AVS... thats exactly why I kept bringing up the whole open source thing so much. :igor:

12th September 2003 05:42 UTC

Yeah, well but kinda makes me feel that they only uptaded it because we whine about it all the time... it's like offering candy in the store for your yelling & crying child :igor:

But you got the last laugh, a point for you on that J :up:

13th September 2003 21:38 UTC

Originally posted by Tuggummi's like offering candy in the store for your yelling & crying child :igor:
haha. shamful but sometimes the only way. :);)

And I'll try to get some of it done when I can. :/