Archive: Open Source AVS

2nd September 2003 16:53 UTC

Open Source AVS
Okay, so theres now a sticky saying that AVS probably isn't going to get developed anymore so I take it that its been made official to some extent by the original developers... so how about Nullsoft gives us (the AVS community) the source code so that we can continure the development. I've said it before and I'll say it again... 'Give us the AVS source'.

People may say that opensourcing AVS will be a bad idea.. but take a look at NSIS... thats been open sourced and theres no development issues there.. and NSIS2 is quickly becoming a very powerful tool... much more powerful than the original NSIS. Why can't we do the same with AVS? I think we should ask Nullsoft for this, I'm sure many of us would like to trawl through the code and fix stuff/add stuff and maybe even integrate existing APEs into AVS. Theres also this entire forum to go through to find stuff to add/tweak/change. I'm sure that if a group of us banded together and asked Nullsoft for this they would agree.

So.. who's with me?

2nd September 2003 17:06 UTC

I agree...
We just can not live longer with a 2 years old winamp original vis. (tho there are no better visualazations around... peace Rova)
just look at the presets... what have they become... raytracing, 3d ssc's... amazing effects and loads of packs of them...and all is what avs wast planned to be... i think it is time to give the power making avs better than it is now to avs comunity
this may get messy, but if we organize this well itll be good

2nd September 2003 19:18 UTC

Sorry the sticky was just to inform newbies that maybe posting in this forums for x,y,z that the chancesare it will not happen.

I have receive no official word but as AOL they laid Ryan Geiss off from Nullsoft as there was non budget for someone making a visualization stuff then that was the nail in the coffin for me of any AVS devolpment (or other viz offically, actively devolped by Nullsoft)

I know is little as you about the 'official' line on this. It is just actions speak loader than words and I was just stating, if we are being truely honest with ourselves, that the devolpment is very unlikely to continue. I thought with Ryan at Nullsoft there he might have chance to update it but alas that is not the case now.

Just because I am a mod on teh forum doesn't mean that Nullsoft talk to us. Nullsoft staff post about once every few months. And then normally not about anything as trivial in their minds as visualizations. *sigh* :(

Actually I was hoping (ok I wasn't hoping more dreaming....) that someone from Nullsoft may come and reassure us here after seeing that post but alas not.

AVS Open SOuce yeah culd be I know Nullsoft like taht sort of thing but with the Waste fiasco resently (I think Ryan took a lot of time off writing vis stuff to be involved in that, I presume it was that non-visual project he was assigned to) maybe Open SOurce isn't high oN AOL's list of things to make money.

It would be a great project though. Although I do honestly feel with 3d technology in there it could be a pain to really push the power of it. It would be great to see the code though. ALthough it is so old it probably has roman numerials in there instead of base 10 numbers. :);)

Well yeah I am behind it but as I know more than ost what Nullsoft are like don't expect too much. Not a downer on it just a reality check.:)

No offence taken misguided fool. :):p

2nd September 2003 21:16 UTC

Nullsoft, they were all about their program, now they've deserted what really matters and it's all about the money.

End of my view on the whole matter.

2nd September 2003 21:42 UTC


<Jheriko> ... i think that can be done... we simply send them beer
<Phaze1NE> from the whole comunitty
<Phaze1NE> community
<Jheriko> with bevmo
<Jaak|> good idea XD
<Jaak|> :(
<Jheriko> and attach a note... 'give us the avs source and there will be more'

2nd September 2003 21:46 UTC

This really really sucks,with some updates AVS could have really blow competition(:p) or any visualizations away...Lets mailbomb nullsoft.!!!

3rd September 2003 03:37 UTC

Thats a good idea phaze :D . But I don't think we have a chance of getting the source code though, wouldn't surprise me of AOL "accidently" threw it out.

3rd September 2003 07:05 UTC

I fully agree. Lets make up a request mail, signed by the whole forum. (this would be much easier than hacking)

3rd September 2003 13:35 UTC

But will they read it if its email?

I still think we should send it on a physical piece of paper with some beer...

3rd September 2003 14:22 UTC

Yeah, with some gifts. But beer? Maybe they prefere other drugs. :p

3rd September 2003 14:39 UTC

Well... J sends beer with piece of paper, all other people mailbomb

3rd September 2003 22:56 UTC

I agree also... maybe with some development some of my "CRAZY" ideas wouldn't be so crazy after all
takes lots of snoozin to dream up crazy ideas

4th September 2003 02:48 UTC

Not really. The 9-in-one thing would be bad to implement because AVS is hard to optimize.

4th September 2003 08:00 UTC

Thread about avs developement
This thread is about opening avs for more developement (to which I agreed).with more involved in developement there is always the possibility that someone with more knowledge than you or I might possibally come up with a solution.And the multiple preset thing is not my only crazy idea (have several floating about in forums... in fact there are 2 in crazy idea thread). so I still have hopes (though not very high ones). :(

4th September 2003 12:05 UTC

We definitely need to try to do this. If we don't, then it means that we'll just be waiting for the next program to do what we want. I'm sure that nullsoft doesn't want that. The main reason I use weinamp is because of AVS. AVS is sweet - I don't understand why they don't spend any of their time on it. They have done many things to winamp since they last updated AVS.

4th September 2003 16:35 UTC

So what do you want to be done... I'm still tempted to go for the beer option, if someone sent me beer I'd send them the AVS source... hell if I was Bill Gates I'd trade the Windows source for a six pack of Guinness anyday.

I wonder if the nullsoft address on the 'Submit Components' page is still correct. What kind of beer would the Nullsoft boys like anyhow? I'd guess something watery, flavourless and weak... like most American beers are. :p

4th September 2003 18:02 UTC

Saku on ICE

4th September 2003 18:24 UTC

mass exodus
Maybe musicmatch :rolleyes: (which is quite primitive in visuals) would be open to the idea of more developement.they could be brought up to what AVS is now and better.Then maybe nullsoft would know we are serious about visuals if there was a mass exodus. Be a shame to have to start over from scratch... BUT if finished product comes out better what the hell

5th September 2003 02:48 UTC

musicmatch is nice, but it's waaay too big for my taste. i do like the way it can group things by artist, album, etc. tho...wish wa could do that.
just out of curiosity, is musicmatch's vis system plugin or preset based? could you make a vis plugin for it?

5th September 2003 06:40 UTC

i've seen someone posting musicmatch viz's on devart and they looked pretty n00b... judging from the screenshot tho...