Archive: My first decent preset (advice and opinions welcome)

30th August 2003 21:47 UTC

My first decent preset (advice and opinions welcome)
This is the first preset I've ever made that wasn't from a tutorial and I want to know if it's any good. All advice and opinions are welcome (don't worry, I won't break down and cry if you say my preset's a piece of crap).

30th August 2003 22:20 UTC

I can tell that you haven't been doing this for long, so I'll try to help you out some. First off, I would take a good look through Atero's Primer - . That should help you figure out how a lot of the stuff works - make sure you keep an eye on it to see when he updates it - it'll be real nice when he's done.

Now here's some tips with your preset. In the first effect list, you have "enabled" and "enabled onbeat" checked. If you have "enabled" checked, then it will be enabled at all times - this means that "enabled onbeat" isn't doing anything. If you want it only to be enabled on beat then check "enabled onbeat" and uncheck "enabled". Same with the second EL.

The worst thing about this preset is that it is very repetitive. It's not really dynamic. The key to making it dynamic is to use DMs and SSCs(this isn't the only way to make a dynamic preset, but it sure does help). In order to use SSCs and DMs, however, you first will have to figure out how they work. It requires a decent math base - if you don't already have one then you will need to really spend some time figuring out how everything works. Atero's primer will be an excellent place to start using them, as will several other sources once they get made(I have begun on a SSC tutorial, but I'm not furthering it until Atero gets done with his primer).

Have fun with AVS, and continue to make stuff.

11th September 2003 11:52 UTC

yeah , that preset is something like i done when i first made avs
put more effort in , anyway i am a newbie too ;)