Archive: New and improved version of AVS.

20th August 2003 18:39 UTC

New and improved version of AVS.
Well, as the people at Nullsoft arent bothering about AVS I thought I would make it better to use for the regulars atleast and came up with something - multiple lines for frame and beat section of AVS! Although I know that many must have done it before, but I wanted to ask, can we release this version? Is it legal? Anyways, I have incuded a snapshot of the new ssc interface.

Also I revealed the Laser options in the Display options which was previously hidden. Apparently clicking the button or checking/unchecking the options doesnt make any difference. Dont know why they are included there.

btw. the multiline frame section modification is backward compatiable also. When a preset saved in multiline format is opened in 'normal' AVS you just see || 'carriage return feedbacks' or something. But the preset runs smoothly without any problem.

So can we release a new version of AVS???

20th August 2003 19:08 UTC

How did you manage to do that? You somehow got the AVS source code?

20th August 2003 20:33 UTC

Thats spooky... i would gladly test it :D ;)

shreyas_potnis, maybe you should ask it from someone more top?
like mail it to Steve or Justin or wutever

20th August 2003 21:32 UTC

Reshackers can easily allow you to change the layout of dialouge boxes. In my modified verseion, I have a new menu for "New Preset" to avoid accidental clicks. I also moved the remove button all the way to the right.

20th August 2003 21:36 UTC

AAARRRHHH..! must have... :(
bloody darn winamp guys... curse them, curse them ALLLL.

20th August 2003 23:49 UTC

is it possible to change the font of comments to a monospace font (terminal or courier). terminal 6pt would be optimal to include some ascii art into the comments.

20th August 2003 23:58 UTC


21st August 2003 00:24 UTC

and is it possible to lenthen the char limit in the boxes? according to unconed it's 30kb (big...but not big enough ;))

as a matter of it possible to fix the parser so that you can use more variables and so the | and & functions work? we'd have to make them cpp style (|| and &&) so as not to screw up older presets that used them tho.

oh...and...way fucking cool shreyas.

21st August 2003 01:56 UTC

Nice job Shreyas. I found this Website that may have something to do with the laser feature. Don't know if it has been brought up before, but it is a website for a company called Pangolin, they create laser projection devices for various price ranges, (cheap-$7000+!). They also say they created a plugin for winamp called Laser around July 2002. Winamp Plugin Discussion. Oh and very nice job Shreyas.

21st August 2003 07:09 UTC

Yay, thats exactly what CodeMate is supposed to do + code highlighting (if it will work).

21st August 2003 07:28 UTC

Me likes it :)

21st August 2003 09:20 UTC

The only problem i recall someone mentioning, that if nullsoft would allow to publish hacked AVS's, they would be crawling all over the place and not all of them might not be as good as for example: this one. So many different version out of avs would probably end up in major incompatiblies between the versions. Which would also end up in including the hacked avs version into installers and installing them without asking the user first (some installers just automaticly install everything right after they are executed, without even notifying the user :mad: )

So think about it, would you like your avs version replaced with a custom hack avs by every pack you download?

Solution for this could be a community hack project where people add different things to avs, discuss about new features etc. But nullsoft would ultimately choose the best ideas/hacks out of them all.

just a thought... :rolleyes:

21st August 2003 09:22 UTC

but nullsoft would........I guess nothing, as they do for years :(

21st August 2003 10:27 UTC

No Atero, cant fix | and & operators. Resource Hacker can only modify dialogs, windows, menus, pictures, icons, etc..And yes we can change the font of the comment. I made it comic sans ms.

21st August 2003 11:04 UTC

Here is my suggestion:

Nullsoft won't allow any hacked versions and i doubt they would tolerate spreading them. And if they would, there still is AOL having a word to say.

So why don't cowork on Codemate?

-It does the same
-It works on runtime (no hack)
-It will support save and exchangeable settings
-It will (eventually) support extra features like
Code Highlighting and componet settings aving

21st August 2003 11:49 UTC

I would help you with CodeMate if I had the skills to do it. Unfortunately I don't. In two years I hope to have learned enough programming at my new school so I can do stuff like this. Sorry for this time, but you have to wait a pretty long time before I can be of any help. Maybe I'm with you with CodeMate v3 or so ;)

21st August 2003 11:51 UTC

That's sweet. Nice job shreyas.

21st August 2003 11:57 UTC

@Deamon there wont be any v3, at least not by me.

After i've done v.1, i'll leave this project, unless i'm in the mood to continue. Thats why i wanted co-workers ;)

21st August 2003 13:18 UTC

That's why it's an easy promise to help with v3 ;)

21st August 2003 18:08 UTC

cool! :eek: nice work!

22nd August 2003 09:01 UTC

If anyone wishes to obtain the file or is doubting the originality of it, then they can mail me at: asking for the file.

22nd August 2003 12:57 UTC

Atero: the 32K limit is for single-line editboxes, and 64K limit is for multi-line editboxes.

It's a Windows9x limitation all the way, and was often a source of critique from Loonix users saying that notepad (which was implemented using a big editbox) couldn't even handle large files.

It doesn't apply to Win2K or XP though, probably because the Unicode versions of said controls no longer have this limitation. For compatibility, they probably kept the limit on ascii boxes though.

22nd August 2003 14:31 UTC

Am I the only one who thinks its lame to post this as a new version of AVS as if some actual work was done to make it. Why not just post and tell us all about this resource hacker you used to edit the controls? This way we all get a 'new version' of AVS and you don't look so lame for trying to get credit for using a piece of software to do the hard work for you. Its not like you actually had to do anything to make this is it?

22nd August 2003 17:21 UTC

YAY! I managed to do the multiple lines SSC too :D Its damn easy.....

23rd August 2003 02:01 UTC

You are right Ishan, It is easy. If you want to be lazy you could just copy most of the DM stuff into the superscope, change a few things around, SHABAM! It is so much fun to play with resource hacker and just go mess stuff around on all my programs, .dll, .anything...

23rd August 2003 06:29 UTC

Okay, here's how yo0u do it:
1) Download Resource Hacker (dont know from where, searching the net may help)
2) Open vis_avs.dll in ResHack.
3) Search for the ssc dialog (dialog no 148).
4) When found, right click on the per frame edit box and select edit control.
5) paste 50A110C4 in the style edit box.
6) click ok.
7) do the same for beat.
8) then do the resizing stuff according to your wish.
9) compile the script and then save.


23rd August 2003 06:53 UTC

You can also toggle the varying flags for the edit boxes through a nice user friendly menu. So you can get rid of the scroll bars if they annoy you... for instance.

EDIT: What we really need is a decompiler of some kind... I've looked a few up but they all seem like crap. Then we can make the really useful changes... like stopping the crashing.

23rd August 2003 08:44 UTC

I agree with jheriko here, we need to stop the crashing.

23rd August 2003 13:29 UTC

i think a mod version of avs would do no real harm. the source-code still can't be seen. back then when winamp had no skin support, there were hacked versions around, with different bitmaps (~skinned using a res hacker). i say yes to vis_AVSmod.dll, just make sure the comments are displayed in a monotype font, preferably terminal 6pt :P

24th August 2003 02:43 UTC

Jheriko, get PE Explorer, it's the best one I've found.

24th August 2003 03:04 UTC
