Archive: AVS app idea

30th July 2003 00:43 UTC

AVS app idea
This is really not a feature in AVS, but an app that one of our programmers talented in c++ could write.

Basically, an app that will automatically copy the avs file to the avs dir. When extracting compressed files from the forums, it would be a lot easier just to be able to double-click the file.

30th July 2003 01:01 UTC mean, something that would launch winamp/avs and run the preset (as well as make a backup of what was already in there)? that'd be pretty sweet...especially if you could open compressed files that have one preset in them and run them with the images contained (if any). as for backups, it could keep making backups so you could go back and find something later in case you forgot about it...

30th July 2003 01:12 UTC


You can always drag/drop a preset onto the AVS window... works exactly the same.

As for Atero's idea, that would be pretty nice...

30th July 2003 02:37 UTC

Somewhat like Atero's idea, except my biggest wish is just double-clicking would automatically copy the file to the AVS directory (and maybe run it). Also, if the filename had a dash, the text before the dash would be the directory name.

For example
double-clicking on stars.avs would copy stars.avs to the plugins\avs (or wavs\avs or something like that for losers with wa3).

joe-stars.avs would copy the file to \avs\joe\stars

30th July 2003 03:13 UTC

Ah, you mean like the way double-clicking on a skin will copy it to the skins folder AND open it in WA?

30th July 2003 03:27 UTC

He's not talking about skins. He's talking about AVS. But yeah, that's what he's saying.

30th July 2003 03:46 UTC

ever since i joined I've been saying that quietly to myself.... thanks for speaking up!
So why can't we just see how that works with skins and modify it for AVS?

30th July 2003 06:45 UTC

you can just shortcut the avs folder to your desktop or start menu. it does seem a lot simpler than writing a program that has to intigrate winamp with it's plugins, and lord know how many other variables that would be involved.

30th July 2003 06:58 UTC

to quote robert kennedy: "we do not do these things because they are easy. we do them because they are hard."

(some people say that robert kennedy was a fag but i happen to strongly disagree with that explanation of the above statement.)

30th July 2003 10:44 UTC

m2k it sounds like you need to use Winzip, you can extract to recently used folders with a right click on a zip file, in my list of recently extracted to folders is c:\program files\winamp\plugins\avs

If you really want this program of yours then download Visual Basic 6.0 and make it yourself, it wouldn't be hard, a simple combination of Shell, SendKeys and reading the command line parameters would be all thats required, you could even overwrite vis_avs.dat to run the preset on load. I would do it if I had enough HDD space to download or install VB 6, but I don't. VB is so painfully easy to code that any of you should be able to make this program within about 6 hours of having first used it.

30th July 2003 22:36 UTC

wasn't rob kennedy also shot dead?

30th July 2003 23:00 UTC

wasn't martin luther king also shot dead?
wasn't john lennon also shot dead?
wasn't abraham lincoln also shot dead?

need i say more?

31st July 2003 01:10 UTC

Wasn't George W. Bush also shot dead?

Oh wait, sorry, wishful thinking on my part...

31st July 2003 01:17 UTC

well that shut me up

31st July 2003 06:50 UTC

Nah if you shot George W Bush, he wouldn't figure out how to die.

31st July 2003 20:00 UTC

i just put together something that does that. it copies the avs to its belonging dir by double-clicking it. also it gets opened by window (the problem is, that this will overwrite the current preset and works only when winamp gets closed*).

sicne i just wanted to test this briefly, it works in commandline only. so next thing is going to be an installer that sets up the file-associations (basically easy, but i won't do it today). i thought of adding a support for zip-files (only executable via left-click).

* since i'm using a script-language only, i don't see another way at the moment. with hotlist being capable of switching presets while winamp and the avs window are open, i assume magic.x might come up with a better result.

1st August 2003 19:13 UTC

The prog should be launched instead of WinZip. Then it should check if it contains any avs presets. If this is the case, all the files should be copied to a avs subdir, named like the zip itself. Ape's and Bmp's go to the main folder. If there is no avs prest within, Winzip will be launched.

This should do it.

But unfortunately i'm actually loaded with projects (codemate, hotlist 2.3) so this will have a low ranking on my priority list.

Killahbite, i'll share all my knoledge if you want to o further into this. Just mail/pm me.
Maybe you should start this with Borland/Inprise C++ Builder, this makes Application creating a lot easier and i could easily do co-works.

2nd August 2003 00:56 UTC

Why use builder? The overhead of a windows application is excessive, a console application would be fine for this... if no one has made this by the time I get my decent PC back (the one with all of my development software and tools on the HDD) I'll do it.

2nd August 2003 02:51 UTC

Make a new file extension for it. AVZ or summin.

2nd August 2003 03:04 UTC


3rd August 2003 21:59 UTC

you can copy a shortcut from your AVS Folder in the SendTo folder (C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\SendTo)
ok, move your files with a right mouse click / send to / avs ;)