Archive: Freq. field AVS

9th July 2003 06:09 UTC

Freq. field AVS
Im such a nub I dont know how to write super scope code I got most of it but i dont want it to spin and what not i want it to be like a EKG thing. I here is what i have please help!!!

Init: dt=0.5;t=0;n=60;r=0.5;mx=0;my=0;mz=0;dst=2;rx=0;ry=0;rz=0;rdx=1;rdy=1;rdz=1;p=3.14159265;p2=2.0*p;p3=180/p

On beat: rdx=sin(t)*4;rdy=sin(t)*4;rdz=sin(t)*4;dt=-dt

Per frame: t=t+dt;rx=rx+rdx;ry=ry+rdy;rz=rz+rdz;xs=sin(rx/p3);ys=sin(ry/p3);zs=sin(rz/p3);xc=cos(rx/p3);yc=cos(ry/p3);zc=cos(rz/p3)

Per point: y1=r*cos(2*p2*i+t)+v/10;z1=0;z1=r*(i-0.5)*2;y2=y1*xc-z1*xs;z2=y1*xs+z1*xc;x2=z2*ys+x1*yc;z3=z2*yc-x1*ys;x3=x2*zc-y2*zs;y3=y2*zc+x2*zs;x4=mx+x3;y4=my+y3;z4=mz+z3;x=x4/(1+z4/dst);y=y4/(1+z4/dst)

Thank you if you can help!!

:blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:

9th July 2003 06:16 UTC

Go to the avs forums in the future.

OK...I assune you did not write any of this code. If you didn't, you have to give explicit credit. If you want an oscilloscope, then you just need to write this: x=i*2-1;y=v;

You also messed too much with the code, because I don't see anything when copying it.

9th July 2003 20:24 UTC

Thank you I got that from my friend and i dont know where he go it

9th July 2003 22:43 UTC

He probably ripped it from another thing then screwed around with the code. When you say EKG I assume you mean an oscilloscope (like a sine wave or the basic built-in vis). If that's what you want, what I said earlier will work.

11th July 2003 23:12 UTC

Thank you and for the comment how do you want me to add you? basicly i have "Special Thanks To m2k for superscope coding"

12th July 2003 01:52 UTC


m2k, that's el's 3d. you should know that.

and you - the one with the obnoxious handle - take a look at avs primer. and please try not to be a n00b, mmk?

12th July 2003 06:59 UTC

well, yeah and this guy is crazy

12th July 2003 07:09 UTC

lol, funny user name he's got:D

12th July 2003 09:57 UTC

Originally posted by m²k
When you say EKG I assume ....
Never assume anything. EKG = Electrocardiogram. That heart monitor thing.

EDIT: Its called an EKG and not ECG because there is also an electrocephalogram, which is called an EEG, not using ECG is meant to avoid confusion, although since the cardiogram came first is is sometimes still refered to as an ECG.

12th July 2003 15:44 UTC

I know that- I had an EEG done in 4th grade

12th July 2003 16:09 UTC

init: n=2;
point: x=if(above(x,1),-1,x)+if(equal(i,0),0,0.03);
use whith 5 pixels set render mode and a light fadeout

12th July 2003 17:04 UTC

Dude,I-did-your-mom,you know that code you have will get you a 3d object ? You could try learning the basics of superscopes first...

13th July 2003 00:35 UTC

Thank you nixa that is EXACTLY what i wanted you get the 1337 award of the week! Thank you all and Im giving cedit to those helping me since i didnt write the code i stayed up to about 6AM trying to learn how to do it if you know any good sites that will help me please let me know

13th July 2003 01:54 UTC

the 1337 award of the week? :igor:

13th July 2003 03:32 UTC

Good sites to look at would be to just search the fourms, read the FAQ, look at the Atero's AVS primer and just try things on your own based on other people's work that is at your level (Don't go around looking at UnConed's work, or somebody like that, you will just get a headache and kick your computer out a window)

13th July 2003 03:33 UTC

good sites? search the forum and look at the faq and the primer.

edit: doh we posted at same time, is there a way that I can delete? It says I don't have access.

13th July 2003 04:11 UTC

No, you can't. A moderator can, but I just wouldn't worry about that post.

13th July 2003 07:50 UTC

Thank You guys a ton! Im going to work on my brothers car as it has to be ready for the car show.. and work on my friends top.

13th July 2003 08:09 UTC

Is there such a way as an easy way to learn :-D hehehe Im not new to winamp but my ADHD doesnt work with me it seems to work agianst me and well say with being a NOOB!

13th July 2003 08:35 UTC

hey, didn't i tell you to stop being a noob? use the goddamned edit button.

13th July 2003 08:42 UTC

Good start?
Well it blows but hey Im getting the hang of it and it will be cool some day!

13th July 2003 12:30 UTC

You were asking help regarding 3d code and then you dont use it ? :rolleyes: Anyway,remove the movement,it sucks.And try using(or tinker around) with your own code,almost everything in the preset is from other people.

13th July 2003 14:54 UTC

Totally off topic, but I'm pretty sure EEG = electro-encephalo-gram (Greek: kephalos = head, en- = inside). The abbreviation is correct.
The reason an electrocardiogram is spelled EKG is probably because in Greek, heart is kardia (Greek has no 'c', it's only through Latinization that it was introduced).

(edit: removed greek because doesn't like it and I don't feel like putting down HTML encodings)

13th July 2003 15:45 UTC

Yeah, the letter c is pointless - it doesn't have a sound of its own, besides when used in combination with h as in cherry.

13th July 2003 19:44 UTC

*Changes Junior Member to Major Newb*

13th July 2003 19:58 UTC

blah blah it blows thanks im know but im a newb thanks!

13th July 2003 21:00 UTC

Stop whining dude.The preset is quite...original,but thats all.Nice effort writing all those drugs :D

13th July 2003 22:20 UTC

:D thank you thats what I call ADHD at work

13th July 2003 22:46 UTC

My newest 2 i was just messing around I got a cool one and a lame one I will tell you its only worth looking at the file names "something.avs" Its cool building blocks is yet FAR too easy and boring with a tub full of NOTHING SPECIAL.. :D But I made one cool it still isnt as good as your guys

14th July 2003 00:52 UTC

...why havent you attached the presets in the previous post ? :confused:
The presets ? Both are very n00bish,you can do better than that.The building blocks preset is something everyone did and the second one is too chaotic and that r=y movements does more harm than good.Look at my version,i tuned it up a bit.

14th July 2003 00:59 UTC

Weak shit,i forgot quick reply doesnt have an option to attach.My bad!

14th July 2003 03:24 UTC

Can you use .zip? I have winrar, but zip's are a bit more often used on this site.

14th July 2003 05:45 UTC

Here it is *.zip :D

14th July 2003 05:59 UTC

Eh, that's still a n00bish preset.

14th July 2003 06:28 UTC

Well this is some new ones I whiped up and I hope you will comment on them. I look at what i started at 2 moving particals with a blur :blah: :blah: and then what it is i have now. I think I have come a long way!:up:

14th July 2003 17:53 UTC

I said i tuned it up a bit,not remixed or added my stuff :P
new presets - still very n00bish,but i see you begin to experiment with the code,keep it going!

14th July 2003 23:46 UTC

Well either way you get some credit. :D Better some then none. Well Im out of ideas but Im brain storming and writing and drawing ideas and hoping i can put them into motion with the help of Phaze to edit the bugs and his thoughts on it. I have been working up something pretty sweet in my eyes but im sure its not so sweet to your eyes... But im working on it.

15th July 2003 01:52 UTC

I'm sure you are and i'm glad, but we really don't need a running commentary. Keep working "and just keep cranking stuff out, you'll get better fast" as xenibalt said to me when i was but a noob :blah: Very true though.

As for the presets, still basic but there's potential in them, good work. Keep trying.

15th July 2003 06:25 UTC

heres a quick one on (Timescope)
This effect makes ravel of left on the right, a vertical line whose intensity of each point depends on the importance of the various frequencies

15th July 2003 08:24 UTC

where is it???
should'nt this be in the presets forum?

16th July 2003 03:57 UTC

I was explaining what timescope is I found out what it is

16th July 2003 04:43 UTC

This is for the Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) fans out there. This is EXTREMLY n00bish but Im out of ideas i lack creativity.

16th July 2003 07:40 UTC

uh...where is the pic.???

16th July 2003 07:57 UTC

heres the pic i forgot

16th July 2003 07:59 UTC

Sorry for not using edit, but i used quick reply that time so it wont let me attach the preset.
Anyway, i managed to create an EKG which looks cool in my opinion, Just needs colormap and some music ;)

17th July 2003 05:55 UTC

Well hell heres one i whiped up tell me what you think of it

17th July 2003 10:38 UTC

colours are nice but needs to be a little more dynamic.
by the way you liked that EKG i made up?:rolleyes:

17th July 2003 22:26 UTC

Well no offence i personaly didnt like it because of the ssc only would work to the beat in a small spot not the whole thing. Im not saying I could do any better matter of fact I cant do anything equal to that. but we are all entitled to think what we want

17th July 2003 23:11 UTC

heres my lame ass intro

And this time i actully ziped the picture file in it so it will work lol :D

17th July 2003 23:37 UTC

Nice,it aint too bad :) I like it.

18th July 2003 11:14 UTC

Well no offence i personaly didnt like it because of the ssc only would work to the beat in a small spot not the whole thing.i am not saying I could do any better matter of fact I cant do anything equal to that. but we are all entitled to think what we want
duh! i thought EKGs are like that.:confuesd:

18th July 2003 18:07 UTC

nixa gave me this code so he gets the credit but this is what they look like for the most part