Archive: Nullsoft WASTE

30th May 2003 11:11 UTC

Nullsoft WASTE
nullsoft released waste and i was wondering who to benefit from it. i think we could use it instead of irc (and open a channel there) and also as somekind of avs p2p.

30th May 2003 12:12 UTC

Looks alright, but mIRC is good enough for me.

30th May 2003 13:42 UTC

well see what happens.. see what features come about..
Because it is open source/binary, it will probably explode into a very popular platform. Plus, it is more adaptable to AVSers because of the file sharing/browsing aspect.

"Firewall issues become moot as messages are routed to the appropriate party through other hosts.
You can imagine that this will be music to alot of peoples ears.

[edit] im all for setting up an AVSers channel/group/whatever

30th May 2003 21:16 UTC

I suggest you guys use mIRC-friendly and easy and customizable-and give Undernet a shot...That network is big,user friendly and #avs is free :D We can register it and make that channel the primary avs chat channel.

30th May 2003 21:36 UTC

oh god...more fragmentation

I think that we should try to LIMIT the sites we use. So much easier.

30th May 2003 21:52 UTC case you haven't noticed, there is that #FINNISH-FLASH that BOTH of you frequent already...besides that i heartily agree with m2k, the last thing we need is another avs site/chan floating around.

30th May 2003 22:01 UTC

that 'avs p2p' idea sounds really cool, and i think that it's up to each one of us which site to use. WASTE would be kinda different from those sites cause it's real-time... that's what i think.

30th May 2003 22:40 UTC

yeah but isnt finnish flash going to brake up ? And the chan will be purged i guess...

31st May 2003 01:46 UTC

FYI WASTE is no more. See for more info and that is as much as I know.

I was going to lock the thread but that debate on p2p, protocols of it all can continue

(Oh and no posting linkls to the software please as they will ahve to be removed)

31st May 2003 01:57 UTC

yegads.. how did it get onto the news so quike if it was unofficial.
I though you would have had to release some promo shit to get that sort of responce.

So when is the real WASTE arriving?

Meanwhile, i think #finnish-flash is good enough, #avs would be pointless seeing as we allready have an AVS dedicated channel. BTW, most of the people at finnish-flash have nothing to do with finnish flash. And plus, if finnsh-flash does die, that dont meant hte channel has to.

2nd June 2003 07:09 UTC

Even though finnish flash the team might not release anything ever again (we have 3 members "active") The channel will remain im pretty sure about that. So don't think that the death of the team will be the death of the channel.

22nd July 2003 11:49 UTC

New Waste forums
NEW Waste forum
Located here:

22nd July 2003 13:20 UTC

According to the Nullsoft statement, i guess it is not so clever, posting here that you illegaly use waste, is it?

22nd July 2003 13:59 UTC

Was it not released under GPL? (Cannot be revoked)

Also, put a search in google for
Nullsoft Waste Mirror
And I'm sure you will get more than 10 results.

Would it not be fair to say it was AOLs action that cause it to be removed?

Just my 15pence worth.

22nd July 2003 14:45 UTC

I didn't ment to tell you not to use it, just thought it would'nt be the finest idea to tell everyone, especially within Nullsofts own Forum.

Dunno wheter they care or not...

23rd July 2003 04:26 UTC

Well if you search for "ILLEGAL FLAMING HAMSTER PORN" you're sure to get at least 10 results too. Rule number one for debates: NEVER use Google to back up your arguments.

23rd July 2003 04:52 UTC

So Dogpile is better to use then... :blah:

23rd July 2003 09:17 UTC

Laws shmaws, they differ too much between countries.

23rd July 2003 13:35 UTC

the question is if AOL can simply undo the license under which WASTE was released. they're in a similiar sitatuation as SCO right now.

24th July 2003 12:53 UTC

The GPL cannot be revoked, but only if the distributer had the right to release it in the first place.

24th July 2003 13:12 UTC

As far as i know, this prog found it's way onto the site by mistake, which for my understanding doesn't include any kind of license for those who redistributed it.

But i think this will be released sooner or later anyway.