Archive: Built-in AVS Collection

24th May 2003 04:35 UTC

Built-in AVS Collection
Well, I'd like to have the entire collection of avs presets that came built-in with winamp. The problem is that as newer versions of winamp/avs came out, the newer presets weren't added but replaced older ones. So it would pe painful to start downloading all winamp versions from 2.5 or whatever, install them one after other, and so on, and finally install the latest version I'm using (2.80). So would it be nice if I can get that collection from elsewhere, stand-alone, to put it into winamp path (and keep the existing/newer files with the same name). Any help ??

24th May 2003 05:01 UTC

Take my advice, don't watch those tired old presets. Read this article and download some of the packs off here. You won't be disappointed.

24th May 2003 05:21 UTC

I do not consider those oldies so tired. I remember there was some who came with 2.71 or something so. One was called dr. love or something similar. I liked them. Just a different opinion. However thanks for your reply.

24th May 2003 10:55 UTC

why dont u try out whacko avs series or tug's presets?? i agree with raz the presets that come with avs look sick(to me):p
[edit] sorry i forgot to mention el-vis:) But if u still seem to like the older ones more than the above mentioned what can i say?[/edit]

24th May 2003 20:11 UTC

HOLY SHIT! A ROMANIAN! salut cornel :) bine ai venit ! w00t!!!! Try for more presets,use the search option there.Most of the AVS artists have pages there and you`ll easily find great packs.

24th May 2003 22:27 UTC

get an old version of winamp and install the recent version over it, you'll have your old presets then ;)

edit: avs was introduced in winamp 2.61 (see whatsnew.txt), get that and a 2.7x version and you should have most presets

27th May 2003 00:58 UTC

ok, that would be, get the versions with major avs updates and install. after finishing that i would consider adding other vis packs as recommended. but until that i have to see what i'm doing about the avs version (2.60)that came with v2.91 , it does not work with previous skins and was buggy to read some presets from 2.51 that came with winamp3, while 2.51 was able to display those new from 2.60 . I saw on another thread it was recommended to replace the 2.60 with another one 2.5.1

27th May 2003 01:18 UTC

Trust me, once you see other much better vis packs you will realise how inferior the newpicks are. Be enlightened, please.

11th June 2003 05:47 UTC

Some of those Newpicks are intersting, Read: Duo
But others are well..... gay.

11th June 2003 06:49 UTC

True, newpicks are inferior to a lot of other presets, but I still like them... Duo's presets in Newpicks are more like an anomaly to me...

Truthfully, I tried to recreate the classic feel a couple of times... never succeeded, of course.

11th June 2003 08:04 UTC

hows about you don't revive dead threads from now on...thanks.

12th June 2003 03:49 UTC

I've got the entire 'built-in' collection. ~168 kb archived as rar. If someone else needs it...

12th June 2003 06:42 UTC

One person that no one ever seems to mention is the AVS Artist named Jim Manley. If you haven't seen his pack, (he's only made one) check it out! It's awesome!

12th June 2003 08:38 UTC

I remeber that. I wrote a staff review for that and it got lost by the DB. :mad: