Archive: making my own preset playlist

15th May 2003 16:34 UTC

making my own preset playlist
how do i make my own list of what presets i want winamp to cycle through?? i know how to turn off the cycling, and saw where to choose, but it only gave me the options of choosing all or the folder nullsoft...can i make my own folder w/ my own presets in it?? sorry for the noob question, i read the FAQ and did a search, but couldn't quite find the answer, thanks in advance.

15th May 2003 17:01 UTC

plain and can't. but please search the forums next time, this question has been asked at least once before (and only a couple days ago, if i remember correctly)

15th May 2003 17:46 UTC

You can make your own foler and put presets in it, but it will only cycle randomly.

15th May 2003 20:04 UTC

you can use the u/y keys to cycle manually, but you have no control over the order unless you set up an NSIS installer for every playlist...

and i just remembered, goebish made an avs playlister APE a while back. it's somewhere on the forums.

16th May 2003 09:21 UTC

True. Magic made Hotlist. A new version came out recently.

16th May 2003 11:59 UTC

Get it here :D
[click the sig]

18th May 2003 09:25 UTC

this remind me --- i cant play hotlist, can anyone explain it a bit?