Archive: [Quest.] Give me your comments ....

4th May 2003 12:59 UTC

[Quest.] Give me your comments ....
This are my first steps to compose AVS.

So tell me what u think about them.

4th May 2003 15:00 UTC

Firstly, this should be in the AVS presets subforum, don't worry about it just submit there in future, it's where you'll get the best response. Secondly, what is wrong with that attatchment? i had to rename it to .zip after i downloaded it.

Ok now on to what matters the presets. These are very very noob presets, the kind everyone makes at first. They aren't necessarily bad presets but everyone has seen the same things done over and over again and are sick of seeing them. Don't worry though, we've all made them like that, it's just a case of improving now and you've come to the right place. I'll point you in a few good directions :)

The tips and tricks thread
The tips and tricks for beginners thread
Ateros primer
The search feature for the forums. There are countless threads full of valuable information for you to use and learn.

Try and use things like the dynamic movement and superscope. Don't start by looking at hugeass pieces of code from people such as unconed, jheriko, el-vis blah blah i'm not going to do a big list of advanced avs artists, start with simple things like a static circle, try and learn what simple code functions in avs do.

Welcome to the forums and good luck on your avs journey :)

4th May 2003 15:09 UTC

Well said, Raz. :)

4th May 2003 20:33 UTC

Yeap,very n00bish presets.Dont worry, do what Raz said and in a couple of months you`ll proably do some good stuff.Have fun in your journey ! :o)