Archive: sphere help

2nd May 2003 06:37 UTC

sphere help
Can anyone help me with this preset.

the funny circle in the middle is meant to be a 3d sphere, but i cant work out how to texture it properly.

I have tried and tried and failed and searched and seached and failed etc etc.

2nd May 2003 10:30 UTC

siddharta, are you avs axer?

and then, are you an Indian? (i think the name is...)

2nd May 2003 11:43 UTC

yes i am, and no im not..
(ohh, confusing)
i am axer, but im not indian.. im very much australian.

siddhartha is originally a tibetan name, no doubt it is used all over the eastern world. It is also a book by Herman Hesse that you all should read, though it has nothing to do with avs.

can anyone help me out with that texturing.. i can think of what it should be, but when i code it it doesnt work.. very frustrating.

2nd May 2003 13:16 UTC


Problem solved.

i had
instead of

2nd May 2003 16:49 UTC

Oh, thanx alot. Now I have this bloody sphere preset to delete. I hope it's a nice preset!

4th May 2003 05:54 UTC

2: that's anything but spherical :igor: have you tried the d=d/sqrt(1-d) formula?

4th May 2003 06:52 UTC

bloody hell, i said ignore this thread everyone..
1: the image doesnt matter, use any friken image..
2: the sphere code is right, the texturing was wrong. Thats why it looked weird. but its fixed now, dont worry.

but.. just to keep the prols happy, here's some meat.

4th May 2003 23:28 UTC

i reiterate: that's anything but circular.

5th May 2003 02:59 UTC

post a screen shot, cause its working fine for me.
id like to know if there are any weird glitches on other machines..

is it the grid size thingo, like a sphere with square edges??
if it is, dont get stressed, ill alpha the edges when its done.

5th May 2003 04:00 UTC

what i'm saying is that shape ISN'T a sphere. how are you calculating it?

5th May 2003 04:40 UTC

Atero: it DEFINITELY looks spherical here, aside from the *sp*ct r*t**.

5th May 2003 09:43 UTC

oh.. if there are any weird variables or lines that dont do anything, its cause it started as something different.

but by buhjeebus, does it really matter whether its coded as a sphere if it looks like a sphere? i mean, do people look at a preset and judge it by the code. do they hope that code will jump around the screen to the music? if so, ive been going about this the wrong way all along. Also the aspect ratio thnigamy wasnt fixed when i posted that (i think)

edit/ i looked at mr.Acko's post again and realised that *sp*ct r*t** means aspect ratio.. very cryptic...

edit2/ the sphere code specifically was based on unconeds raytracing explaination in a thread here a while back, only slight adjustments have been made to those parts of the code. the camera angle code was from someone elses code (probably his again, but i cant remember) it uses clever atan2 stuff to make the camera always look at a point. (0,0,0) in this case.

5th May 2003 20:19 UTC

err - sorry, my comp lost that circle preset somewhere, the new version is...

6th May 2003 00:03 UTC

goodo, now lets all just leave this ghastly thread alone.