Archive: Website??

28th April 2003 05:15 UTC

Well howabout it? Forums are designed for question asking/answering which makes for less intuitive (be careful how you interperate that) access to knowledge. A stable - permanent knowledge base could be quite useful to new and even experienced learners. A place to download packs, view tuturials - primers - tips - apes - anything avs.
I can source webspace and help with the coding (time permitting).

New users will go to a website before going to a forum which would keep this area a little less uncluttered with repeat questions.

Theres a strong community here and theres alot of people out there who want to be a part of it all. Im not going to bother without active participation from you all - in fact I might not even have time to do it. Who's up?

28th April 2003 07:33 UTC

I have been pondering about the same thing... So far i would be willing, but im not technically able to pull it off.

I only know basic html & a very little css... :hang:

Tho if the website is not suppose to be dynamic i could try to make it, but it would require manual uptading in the future (meaning that i do pages with a text editor-like programm without any automagic functions)

28th April 2003 08:55 UTC

maybe some kind of a Wiki? the other possibility would be a CMS, which of course would require more administration. anyway, i can run some kind of wiki on the VISBOT server.

also check:

28th April 2003 12:02 UTC

I have also been thinking about it for a while.. i think was on its way to becoming avs central.. but we need a more 'stable' webmaster.

I'll ask around, i have some html-geek friends that are slghtly into avs, they might be interested.

28th April 2003 12:22 UTC

good idea, then we could stickie the link and route the newbies to a knowledge base.

I have enough experience (mostly Dreamweaer) with my own HP to get it on, shouldnt be a prob if it is only html - based. If you want to do that using something like a read-only php forum, it would be quite difficult, but better to handle for those who want to add stuff without upload everything.

Another idea would be a newsgroup with some daily tips ;)

28th April 2003 13:04 UTC

Its a good idea, too bad i cant help (unless U need some blinking flash up there:D).I hope it gets realised.

28th April 2003 13:56 UTC

Go Go Go. It will be a valuable resource.

28th April 2003 15:45 UTC

Me and my mate have been building a website for about 6 months now. It's a music site and all we have to do ebeforewe release is get together advertising and bulk up content for a bit. It has a whole assload of music related things on it and if i can convince him i could add an avs section for the site. Don't worry about the quality of the actual site it completely rules, so to speak and it would be a good boost if it were part of a site that relates to a few different things, more people would learn avs and the like. I'll see if i can persuade him but i'm not promising anything.

28th April 2003 15:51 UTC

You're saying I'm an unstable person? :P

I could put up a Wiki on if you want it. That way I don't need to intervene.

The CMS that ran on acko (******) has a collaborative book feature that allows people to compose a book, modify existing pages, approve new stuff, etc. Basically a more structured version of a Wiki.

28th April 2003 15:53 UTC

Yes but my way people who go to a site for other things may end up learning about avs.

28th April 2003 22:17 UTC

This could be a good thing to have. I think someone should make it - I would, but my programming knowledge isn't that great.

28th April 2003 22:59 UTC

True but I have more trust in proven, tested and stable pieces of (open-source) software rather than a homebrewn solution hacked together in your spare time.

29th April 2003 00:59 UTC

OK sounds goooood. I guess all we need is content - who's up?

There will need to be tutorials on:
- The Basic GUI & Getting Started
- Simple Dynamic Movement
- Advanced Dynamic Movement
- Simple Superscopes
- 3d Superscopes
- Movement
- Writting apes
- Anything else??

The best way to tackle these would be to take the reader step by step through one or two projects. A simple project to explain the basic concepts. Then another to explain a little more in depth.
It won't be a recipe book - so you'll need to explain how/why/what/where in an easy to understand manner. Mathematic explanations could be tricky. I can help out with your writting skills - we don't want twenty page essays.

And most importantly - we need a good domain name. Any suggestions?

29th April 2003 01:07 UTC

Most of that is suppose to be in Atero's updated primer...

29th April 2003 01:59 UTC

Yeah, but this site would be a place to bring it all together. Right now, everything is randomly scattered through these forums - we really need a place to combine everything, which is what the tips and tricks threads have been trying to do, but the problem with them is the complete lack of organization.

29th April 2003 04:07 UTC

I'd like to see some in-depth articles about style and aesthetics and all of that. I'm sure there will be plenty of technical articles, but I think there should be a section devoted to explaining, or at least showcasing, the various styles of AVS that exist. I'd be happy to contribute, but my time is somewhat limited and I know nothing beyond basic HTML.

29th April 2003 09:25 UTC

Read my post in "Tips & Tricks posting chat". I'll see what I can do after my exams, any help and tips are very welcome at my mailaddress that I still have to set up for that purpose. More to come soon...

29th April 2003 11:07 UTC

well, I can write on most of the things except ray-tracing, and I need help on APE's.
my grandpa is the best grammatician(or whatever) I have ever seen..he could edit the whole thing..

30th April 2003 00:29 UTC

I'd like to host on however I think a dedicated avs site is required? The wiki solution is looking quite good for pack uploads/tips and tricks... I dont think its appropriate for the general content. That content will need to be moderated and controlled to ensure the site retains good structure (and doesn't get messy).

However tips and tricks definately need to be recorded and setup for intuitive access and that may/may not need to be moderated.

UnConeD is there much coding required for including a wiki? I haven't had a chance to read the whitepaper.

1st May 2003 16:05 UTC

im not saying that you are unstable in the axe murdering, pschychotic sence of the word, just that you have greater things to worry about such as study and what not, and cant be expected to host a reasonably active site all by your self.

I think its a brilliant idea if you wanted to have it at, that way you could also put in as much as you wanted and no more. BTW, i remember coming across some of youre posts on a html coders board a while ago (when i went through my web developer stage), i got the feeling that you know your stuff.

Also, i think we may have grossly underestimated the vastness of the ineta-ma-web Afterall, its not just us in this game. i searched just then and found two (very small) avs dedicated sites.

cant seem to find the other one anymore

hey.. if we get a mb up and running, we can all relocate. I really hate winamp, and hate being affiliated with it. ... maybe i shouldnt have said that.. (big brother is always watching you)

1st May 2003 22:14 UTC

/me loves winamp :P

2nd May 2003 05:41 UTC

Maybe i just hate this site..

2nd May 2003 10:50 UTC

well, I love the forums, cant imagine life without the forums after i became a member here.

2nd May 2003 21:56 UTC

addict... :P

3rd May 2003 00:10 UTC

/\ what do you have against forum addicts?

3rd May 2003 10:59 UTC

nuthin.. I love the forums myself as well. (Though "can't imagine life without it" is a little overrated in my point of view)

My excuses if I insulted anyone.

5th May 2003 11:16 UTC

Got a bit offtopic now.

Ok, facts:

-there are enough possibillities to get free webspace
-there are enough people, willing to contribute

conclusion: we can put up a simple avs site (simple only for the start, goes bigger and more complex as developing)

If i get some time i'll work out a frameset and a design in the meantime we gotta get a stickie "AVS Website Content" thread in here

I know, somewhen i'll be struck up in my multiple projects, but if you guys really want, i'll put up the site and share the ftp account with those who worked on it too for updates.

5th May 2003 15:09 UTC

we gotta get a stickie "AVS Website Content" thread in here
Not another?! Then unstickie the devart & steven wittens things since those are hella annoying...

5th May 2003 15:37 UTC

Originally posted by Magic.X
-there are enough possibillities to get free webspace
but are there's any free hosters that allow you changing directory/file permissions (wiki requires this and many CMS too). if you're going for a CMS you need most likely a db (mysql for instance) and a script language (most commonly php).

since i havnt checked any free hosters since geocities back in 1997, i'm not really up-to-date regarding free hosters. usually they suck (> bad speed, pop-ups).

5th May 2003 18:04 UTC

you can find free webspace providers and use a cool URL redirect like :) Or we can all donate 4$ and we could buy a host and space for 1 year.

6th May 2003 07:34 UTC

Tug, thats what i already said. Devart and the Seve Wittens Pack can be unstickied as they are not of general purpose (IMO).

Killahbite, i dont want to put up a wiki or anything like that. I'd rather like to start with a little house than the empire state building. A good website with a collection of tips and tricks in normal html will do it, later on we still can change this and expand the site.

Considering free webspace, i got a host for mine with 25 megs, no ads or pops. This should be fairly enough for starting the project.

9th May 2003 01:02 UTC

Thats right mx - the only content that needs to be uploaded is new avs packs (if they really need to be included at all). Theres no need for discussion groups and forums etc - although maybe later on perhaps.

I just need content please - who's doing who what where when... please!

9th May 2003 07:43 UTC

I'll open a new Topic for the content, so everyone can write a artikle about whatever he'd like to publish about avs including files and stuff.

If all is done i'll create a website where all that stuff is collected.

9th May 2003 11:12 UTC

Aw, too late to edit. Anyway, i found this free host:

Looks good, doesnt it? And besides, this would offer a possibility to create a avsers forum apart from wadotcom.

9th May 2003 18:07 UTC

Look even for a simple website, a CMS is the way to go...Saves you lots of time in the long run.

9th May 2003 19:07 UTC

It looks good...But i dont trust the name broadiecarpark and it doesnt load the webhost provider page from my computer.For forums this forum is perfect and shouldnt be changed :)
UCD : cant you do smth with so that we can post articles,tips,presets and news ? Like an AVS portal ;)

10th May 2003 00:58 UTC

The server for was funded by someone else, so there's a good chance of "no"

10th May 2003 01:04 UTC

looks nice...wonder what the catch is.

has anyone registered the AVS site yet?

10th May 2003 04:58 UTC

hmm...maybe this is NOT the best spot.
read this:

We might want to try this: It was rated top overall and in features, although it is apparently hard to join. (See the link) is open is open and are taken
any other suggestions?

To get this, though, we have to 'apply' with an example of our site or something.

10th May 2003 09:17 UTC

Michael that is absolutely great ! Apply for an account and as a reason say that we need a new forum :) Suggestions : :D

10th May 2003 10:39 UTC

does anyone ever read my posts?

10th May 2003 13:22 UTC

i read it,just that i forgot about it :) Can you give the URL ? This seems like a good idea too,lets see what will happpen.

10th May 2003 15:52 UTC

We have to get content before applying. What we MIGHT want to do is get another free account somewhere else, build up the site (but leave out the PHP that we might need- leave a placeholder), then submit our request.

Oh- we might have to buy a domain...otherwise we will get a subdomian ($

10th May 2003 16:01 UTC

its getting harder and harder to find a free sub-domain without ads..
even .tk has ads now.

10th May 2003 16:35 UTC

Phaze we haven't released yet , we're just bulking up content before we release. But we need time to get the avs content sorted anyway.
People are still not reading my comments, i've talked about it and i can get you free hosting for it. The site is called Rock World, music site blah blah, i can get a subdomain for it. www.avs.rockworld....... Hosting problem solved, i can add whatever content wants adding as well, so i host and maintain, that sound alright to anyone.

10th May 2003 17:21 UTC

i can also offer you webspace and database on VISBOT.NET

10th May 2003 18:35 UTC sounds nice.I agree with Raz now :) Michael : on the site it says that they give the domain for free...

10th May 2003 19:06 UTC

.xxx, heh, that should be for porn sites, along with .org(y)
Anyway we just have to do content before we release like i say, the site completely kicks ass so put the information in the site template. So no worries about site design. Trust me, no worries about site design once you see the site you'll know.

11th May 2003 10:50 UTC

www.***.tk does have ads, but you are easily able to remove them. Just log in onto your MydotTK -> click MyDotTK Linker Promo -> select domain -> select "No thank, no banner for me"

and your done :P

Just my two cents...

12th May 2003 01:40 UTC

k...registering right now.

login: avsforums. email will be sent to

PM me for the passwords.

12th May 2003 04:35 UTC

Yeah but if the avs site is connected to another music site that will get a lot of people visiting because of the content. They will subsequently think "hmmm, what is this avs thing" then avs gets popular, then winamp releases better version blah blah blah blah.....

12th May 2003 05:12 UTC

www.***.tk does have ads, but you are easily able to remove them. Just log in onto your MydotTK -> click MyDotTK Linker Promo -> select domain -> select "No thank, no banner for me"
wow! thats insane..i didnt know that.. i wonder if i still have my tk addy.

i think somone should get started on structure.

12th May 2003 10:55 UTC

Originally posted by Raz
Yeah but if the avs site is connected to another music site that will get a lot of people visiting because of the content. They will subsequently think "hmmm, what is this avs thing" then avs gets popular, then winamp releases better version blah blah blah blah.....
This is überistic and 31337istic.I totally agree with that post.Raz can you give me a PM with more info about this site you and ur friend are building ? Oh and yes,.org(y) is sweet!

12th May 2003 12:22 UTC

wow! its vacant!

12th May 2003 12:41 UTC

Originally posted by Raz
Yeah but if the avs site is connected to another music site that will get a lot of people visiting because of the content. They will subsequently think "hmmm, what is this avs thing" then avs gets popular, then winamp releases better version blah blah blah blah.....
i find this point of view pretty naive

12th May 2003 15:23 UTC

I find lack of sleep makes people naive ;) but i also think that if people visit a music site that they may subsequently browse it and find out what avs is. It can't be bad now can it.

12th May 2003 23:08 UTC

Of course, with it (popularity) comes (bitchy) newbies, so we need to prepare for the flood with the coming of the website...
Still, go with it... I just hope there are some gems out there...
It'll take a lot of work to get AVS quite popular, but from the looks of it, I think most of us are ready :)

13th May 2003 10:34 UTC

does anyone have detail knowledge about web designing and stuff?

13th May 2003 11:50 UTC

I know about handling html files, file structure if a site, frames & layers and what goes with that.

I actually have no clue howw to handle cascading stylesheets or script related things, but i will go into that as the project developes.

13th May 2003 15:05 UTC

Don't bother with web designing, i've got it all down, trust me. COpy paste page template = new page. Send screenshot of it soon. Just don't worry about it.

14th May 2003 06:20 UTC

I did have a site template coming - but let me know how yours comes along raz. But wheres all the content guys? A little less conversation a little more action.

14th May 2003 06:41 UTC

magicx, css is easy as pie..
its just one of those big words to describe a simple idea.
you should learn it, gives you so much more customisey freedom

14th May 2003 11:42 UTC

As far as i know, it mixes up layer and frame based web design to get the advantages of both.

14th May 2003 15:40 UTC

I got a css menu template and allsorts we can use. Trust me, don't worry about it. Content now.

15th May 2003 00:17 UTC

Custom Style Sheets (CSS) just reduces repeat code by tieing it to the css. Thats how I remember it anyway.

15th May 2003 06:56 UTC

yah.. css is not neccesarly to do with frames or layers, but it can work with both. It is just a way of customising most features of html code.
most common usage in real life is just costomisng text, like making hyperlinks different, so that they arnt underlined, or so that they change font when mousovered. And those pages with costomed scroll bars are also css.

You specify your css stuff in one spot, and then refer to it later when you want to use it. its like making html 'presets' that you can refer to easily.

15th May 2003 11:33 UTC


Raz, any idea about the design of the Site? I'd like the style of, nice green, main menu on top and a layered detail menu on the left side.

15th May 2003 11:58 UTC

Just make sure you don't tie the CSS to form but rather function. Use a cascading structure that encompasses your entire page and goes down to the smallest distinction.


body { ... }
#header { ... }
#header a { ... }
#sidebar { ... } { ... }

All too often you see people who claim they use CSS, and still end up putting class="..." in every <a> tag or similar. That's just stupid.

15th May 2003 13:51 UTC

i didnt get that ucd.. maybe im just super dense

15th May 2003 14:18 UTC

Well the sites on my friends computer but here's a screenshot of it, it hasn't got the header design on it though. The blue text in the top right is a java applet and the menus on the sides are automatically added using css. I've talked to darren and he agrees that we can use the basic design in it because it will be a subdomain of rockworld. It doesn't look much like this but it's much better with the header on it. I'll post another screenshot with the header when i get one but this is all i can find on mine for now. By the way the loading time with everything is only a few seconds on the home page. All images are gifs and the setup uses the minimum ammount of images possible.

15th May 2003 14:56 UTC

Nice design raz :) Simple & easy to use (by the looks of it). Tho the colors ain't my cup of tea, but i can live with that :p

16th May 2003 15:16 UTC

Don't blame me, but i dont like it. Maybe we should do (thos who like to) diffrent D-Signs and then vote for the best one? Just an idea..

16th May 2003 16:35 UTC

Bah GIFs... use PNG instead. Down with software patents!

17th May 2003 07:09 UTC

colors can be changed i hope.
does this mean you are going to be the full-time webmaster dude raz?

sigh.. im filling up the board with my posts, im bored and at work and getting paid 25$ Australian an hour! hahahaaa

17th May 2003 11:02 UTC

i see we have a next billy gates here :p I have a question : cant provide some space for a or ? I dont think we are asking too much...

17th May 2003 11:06 UTC

considering nothing else has it, and we are a relativly small community compared to others at, i think its unlikely.
Im still at work. i think i might get fired today.. i havnt done anyhting yet.

17th May 2003 15:23 UTC

I hope i'll be a full time webmaster. If it takes off anyway. Get paid to play 2 player goldeneye and occasionally make an update would rule. :D

What did i say about the site looking better with a header :p Well change it or not, i have a completed design if you guys want to use it.

17th May 2003 19:03 UTC

Raz how about helping your friend in making the site and put it up online then tell us about how good it looks :p We may be a small community but we rule baby!

21st May 2003 02:43 UTC

Raz - it needs some nice design up the top just to 'theme' the site.
By the way Im sure I can get this website to fund itself. Im not sure I like the idea of putting it on rockwell. But at the end of the day it doesn't really matter. welldone.
I'd like to design some artwork for it if thats ok?

21st May 2003 12:24 UTC

I'll get a screenshot off my friend in a couple of hours when he comes on msn with the header on it. Been really busy lately, 3 out of 16 exams done. Haven't the time to AVS and site design.

22nd May 2003 08:58 UTC

16 exams ? uh...Thats a lot! Good luck!
Question - if we will have a new website with forums too,what will happen to this forum ?

22nd May 2003 09:14 UTC

They shalt remaineth!
n00bs love it here.

23rd May 2003 11:45 UTC

Of course this site will remain - this is where everyone comes.

23rd May 2003 12:01 UTC


26th May 2003 02:17 UTC

Just so you know ben working on forums for our site, we'll have a fully functional forum along with a knowledge base.

26th May 2003 11:57 UTC

Just an idea, how'bout having multiple languages to choose? At least French, Spanish and German could be added. I'm sure that IF we once have enuff content there are some Volunteers that would translate it into their first language.

12th June 2003 02:47 UTC

Magic.X: Never trust regular users to produce remotely accurate translations. They will commonly:
- Use different translations for english computer-words than the 'common standard' (e.g. your OS)
- Contain hints of dialect and grammar errors.
- Never be updated because the person who did it just felt bored those 5 minutes and isn't interested anymore.
- Get forked as people disagree over what words to use (just search for 'francais, français, french' or 'italian, italiano' on this site and count the results).

Call me a pessimist, but I have yet to see a fan-produced Dutch translation/language pack that doesn't suck...

16th June 2003 14:09 UTC

On the other hand, Dutch is a minor Language so there's only little chance someone will do...

20th June 2003 22:35 UTC

minor language, eh? i think dutch is spoken in more countries than you probably imagine (think of the many former colonies).

anyway, before talking of translating content (and i agree with unconed on this idea) you better produce content first. i don't see anything happen on this issue.

my personal opinion is, that raz should give the people user-accounts, so they can upload their content at will. this will motivate people to start and motivate others to follow. waiting will change nothing (or at least not much).

20th June 2003 23:26 UTC

I agree killahbite. User accounts would definitely be good to have.

20th June 2003 23:42 UTC

Have done, i have a forum similar to this one that requires signing up.

20th June 2003 23:46 UTC

Not just forums though. Actually used on the website. We don't need another forums. The user account part would just be so that people can upload their tutorials and presets(?).

20th June 2003 23:52 UTC

Yeah it would work in the same way, i'll just have to organise it just for the AVS part though. Not a problem, i'll get to it.

24th June 2003 18:40 UTC

look, isn't this website (at least the AVS part) just going to be a glorified FAQ with some downloads? That was the impression i got from the original post.

Why is anyone even bothering talking about translations into other languages or user accounts with automated file uploads into computer generated databases? Why is there a forum? There isn't even any content yet. In fact, there isn't even a webpage online yet. It's all just vapor. With all the time some of you guys have spent dreaming about the ubersite that will make all other forms of entertainment obsolete, you could have a simple HTML page that details most of the concepts of avs for newbs (UnConeD has practically written everything already... you just have to search) and includes a few essential downloads and links. Every month or so the admin could take the bits of new material he'd recieved and slap it into the appropriate section. After you've got something simple like that, if you think it's necissary, you can worry about beginning to add user accounts and graphics and crap like that and integrate it with the stuff raz has.

Perhaps I went a little overboard in my rant, but just do something and put some content or something somewhere. It seems like Raz is waiting for all the perfect content to be available and Those Who Write Content are waiting for Raz to put his perfect site up.

Here, I made just a very crude beginning of an idea for content in a poorly programmed webpage, if you could call it programming. It definately didn't take any more than half an hour. I also used a lot of UnConeD's stuff without asking. It (the webpage) is clearly not very much, but it's more than anyone else has produced in the way of content. If anyone has any suggestions about the site's organization I'd be glad to hear them. Even better, actual articles. Once I have more time I can put some slightly less basic HTML in (actual links and organized content) but this page will either be integrated with raz's design or will be forgotten so I won't spruce it up very much.

UnConeD: I hope you'll agree to let your stuff to be used in my crummy thing and any future renditions. You would/will always be cited clearly and I'd remove it any time if you said so.

I'm probably just making a big a** out of myself. I am kinda sleepy...

24th June 2003 19:00 UTC

I have a domain name and a finished design, how many times do you need telling. Give me your finished articles and i'll make a page for them, it'll take me all of about 5 seconds to do this.

24th June 2003 19:49 UTC

I was aware that you had a domain name and pretty bits that would go around the words and a forum. I didn't know you had a design for the organization of the content but apparently you do. anyways, one of my main points was that you can use what we already have for now: the explanations that UnConeD has written, El-Vis's 3d scope engine and explanation, other explanations like in the Tips and Tricks post, Atero's primer, common APEs, and things that I can't think of right now. All you need is to ask permission of the authors and then HTMLize the text. It isn't like you need a re-write of everything that's already been explained: you just need it organized on a web page for newbs to look at. My beef was that you were busy programming forums and setting up foreign language lessons when you practically have all you need, especially if you have everything but the articles/files worked out. Maybe I didn't express myself very clearly.

24th June 2003 21:06 UTC

Wow it sure is hard to transport text into html.

I. Have. A. Page. Design. All. I. Have. To. Do. Is. Paste. The. Text. In. Send me the finished article via pm or e-mail ( and i'll make the page, i aint getting it all sorted contacting people abd writing things and searching out things, i'm busy and to be quite honest can't be arsed. I'll gladly host it all and make the site and keep it running and all that, just get the articles to me.

24th June 2003 21:14 UTC

El-vis's engine is not the greatest. We use other, faster ones. Plus, this can cover in detail many complex things in AVS, such as raytracing, advanced 3D people can UNDERSTAND it. This is MUCH more complex then you think it is OK, so if you have a problem with it, just leave and stop bitching about things you don't know about.

HTMLize the text? then it would look INCREDIBLY shitty...this has to look NICE and PROFESSIONAL.

24th June 2003 21:51 UTC

unregarding how often you repeat yourself. the fastest way will be to make user-accounts and let people upload their content at will.. i described the motivation thing before, i don't want to repeat myself either. actually, i thought you even agreed on that.

25th June 2003 02:06 UTC

can cover in detail many complex things in AVS, such as raytracing, advanced 3D people can UNDERSTAND it. This is MUCH more complex then you think it is OK, so if you have a problem with it, just leave and stop bitching about things you don't know about.
this isn't good enough for now?

cut the first six words of UnConeD out. There you go, article. I understood it and I'm just a dumb kid. It covers everything in reasonable detail if you already understand 3d scopes which you should if you're going to tackle ray tracing.

edit: also, el-vis's engine is mentioned in almost all of the threads that I know of that involve explaining 3d scopes. It's just something for newbs to plug numbers into when they first get interested in 3d scopes. but if it isn't perfect enough then don't use it, whatever. It was just a suggestion.

25th June 2003 02:11 UTC

Yes, but it could be made even better. I am still in the process of making a huge SSC-tutorial starting from the very basics. I have finished discussing all of the built-in variables in great detail and have done some of the common user-created variables. Once I get through with the variables and functions I will post what I have done so far.

25th June 2003 02:29 UTC

yes, that sounds fantastic, good job, but until every little bit is made better, what is the problem with using what we have?

that's why my link says "this isn't good enough for now?" until someone makes a better ray tracing section. that's been my whole point.

25th June 2003 04:57 UTC

Raz - its taken.. oh how long? And no-one wants to give you any content...

Who gives a crap about lang packs and other crap guys. You want a solution to stop noob questions in your precious forum - then stop whinging - and start writing!

Otherwise I dont' want to hear a peep about áwww'stupid noob..seach the forum... wwaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh.....wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... mommy... waaaaaaaaaahhhh...''....

25th June 2003 07:08 UTC

OK, here are five promising articles from other people. I don't have any author permission whatsoever yet, but i'm asking. Coding for dummies especially has a TON of info, but I think it might be better if it were split into multiple articles and was edited to be a little more professional and article-like. Anyways I'll talk to Nic01 about it. It shouldn't take more than 15 minutes of editing to make it polished enough. Gradients by tugg could be renamed something like "how to create basic background gradients" because just calling it gradients seems too vague or something.

Anyways, etc. The authors should give input on what they might want to change to turn it into an article, not me. Hopefully nobody has any problems with re using their stuff and the final versions could be given to Raz in a few days.

There's still a heck of a lot of stuff on this forum that could be helpful, but I'll get to that later. I'm tired.

Does anyone have any comments on any of this?

25th June 2003 09:11 UTC

Man, I forgot I wrote that. Fixed a math error and some spelling (there may still be some, I don't know). I also included the developer preset the explanation was dericed from, and the finished one. It's pretty much more of the same with some optimizations and a rotation matrix.

25th June 2003 16:59 UTC

btw, most likely DeviantArt v3 (DAv3) will have its own section for AVS tutorials. this of course is completely independent from that pure avs website. then again people here should consider submitting their stuff to DAv3 aswell, since this might attract other people (deviants) to learn AVS, due to the larger user-base.

25th June 2003 21:28 UTC

here is a Shereyas article...
there's also an edited version, because some of the grammar was bad and some of the writing didn't make sense out of context. I also put the code into a SSC, but I don't know if that's necissary... some newbs might not understand how to increase line size to make scope solid. Again, I don't have permission yet.

And yeah, someone needs to come up with a shorter name for the article.

25th June 2003 21:39 UTC

Since it will probably be a while before I finish my stuff I'll go ahead and post what I got so far and see what you all think. I may add pictures of the stuff, but I'll have to figure that out later.

26th June 2003 01:50 UTC

arrgh i wrote a fairly big thing and it went kaboom.

any ways, anubis: very nice. Now criticism:

the variable i should be written differently. perhaps put it in parentheses so you can tell the difference between:

one time (i) went to the market.
one time I went to the market.

it's just a little confusing the way you have it, it distracts from reading the article.

Also, use spell check. It's worth it.

finally, your definition of r is wrong. r is the measure of the angle counter clockwise from the positive x axis to an imaginary ray that starts at the origin and intersects the point. The positive x axis is a ray that starts at the origin and points to the right. I know that you know what r is, but your description wasn't precise and could have many meanings.

r is commonly referred to as theta. You should mention that because if the reader has used theta in math class then he'll get what you're saying. The angle that you described would probably be referred to as alpha.

You need to use pictures to describe polar coords, otherwise stupid newbs won't understand.

26th June 2003 02:07 UTC

Thanks for giving me a good way of describing r. I was having trouble coming up with a way of putting it in words(a problem I often have). Like I said - I haven't finished(as you can probably tell by it ending mid-sentence:p ), so I haven't gone back to check everything again(spelling, coherence, ability to properly explain everything, etc.). I am open to any and all criticisms so that, hopefully, more people will understand AVS better and will be able to make some fresher presets(I'm going to die if I see another preset with just firewurx and a roto blitter) And I know pictures will help - I just don't want to take the time to make them.:p

Also, once I finish discussing all of the different functions, I am going to go into more advanced topics(except for things like ray-tracing which I am not terrific at, and which already have excellent tutorials being written for them).

26th June 2003 02:52 UTC

And I know pictures will help - I just don't want to take the time to make them.
I hope text pictures are ok:

* |
\ |
\ |
\ |
| \ = distance
| * = point
| # = origin
| ---> = positive x axis
| <--- = negative x axis

y axis


d = length of \

r = the angle, going counter clockwise, from the positive x axis to the distance. in this example, r is approximately two radians or approximately 120 degrees. (120 degrees does not equal 2 radians, it equals 2.094395102 radians, so it's very close.)

just put that into your article with a font that doesn't screw it up.

by the way raz, UnConeD has given permission to use his stuff, so you can now put up his articles.

26th June 2003 03:00 UTC

I'm not going to use text pictures. I'm going to make some real pictures(well MSPaint pictures anyways:p ). If I don't get around to making pictures than I'll use that, but I fear that I will have to make pictures as time goes on and I get to more complicated stuff.:(

26th June 2003 05:01 UTC

ok, here's UCD's ray tracing stuff. When he gave permission he said clearly note changes but... well, they're such puny changes, just getting rid of stuff that didn't make sense out of the context of the thread... I also stuck three posts together to make one article, but whatever, it works.

UnConeD's explanation probably is a little too brief, or at least it's not how I would've done it... I might make my own raytracing article since a lot of people don't get UnConeD's.

26th June 2003 06:45 UTC

Im doing a more in depth explaination of some of the more confusing parts of 'AVS script'. Mainly maths stuff like acos, and i spose ill do getspecs and stuff as well..

Is plain text ok?

26th June 2003 10:36 UTC

I'll make pictures, just give me the right text stuff, i'll get on the pages soon, i'm just not at home right now do i'll do what i have to do later. Nice one guys, some progress :up:

26th June 2003 10:46 UTC

Is plain text ok?

26th June 2003 12:38 UTC

Plain text is fine - if we want to make it "look nicer", than we could just get someone to easily HTML-alize your text.

26th June 2003 13:06 UTC


26th June 2003 13:16 UTC


Raz, you need a longer name or something, nobody notices you...

26th June 2003 14:34 UTC

Will this work?

26th June 2003 17:10 UTC

yay, here's a ray tracing article by me w/ example DM. I know nothing is optimized. Also I haven't checked spelling and whatnot... I need to take a break from this before I read it over and correct stuff. I'm just posting so I can get some criticizm and see if this is understood better or worse than UCDs.

Oh, and I used the llama pic that comes with Winamp. I assume that everyone has this, if not, just choose a different pic to render.

raz: you'll have to blow it up about 2x size, flip it upside down, and put it in your sig. That might hold people's interest for a little while.

26th June 2003 18:26 UTC

Might want to give me your real names when you send the articles so i can put "article by: user name (Real name)"

and i added this to the end of your article 1337, just thought i'd let you know: "oh yeah, fix the aspect ratio: y=y*(w/h) <u>OR</u> x=x*(h/w)."

26th June 2003 19:47 UTC

hmmm...the preset crashes my comp.

27th June 2003 05:28 UTC

hmm... does it tell you anything about what's crashing it? It only contains an effect list, a picture II, a buffer save and a DM. does it work without the picture II? that's all I can really change.

edit: There are some stupid math errors at one point in the end... when you see a sentence that looks like this, use this instead:

The computer registers (101.1,47.3) as (-0.9,-0.7) because wrap is on.

27th June 2003 09:04 UTC

my 3d and ssc base

27th June 2003 10:35 UTC

Ok, here is my final article. I fixed some bad parts and organized it a little better. I also put it in word for some reason. It isn't totally perfect, but that's all I'm gonna do for now. BTW Raz, as far as I know your aspect ratio fix is wrong. It's x=x*w/h. This is because DMs take the color of the pixel from the x value you specify and places it on the original pixel, not the other way around like SSCs do. If you don't believe me, open up my preset, stretch your AVS window out into a long rectangle, and try changing it to your way. It'll look really weird and stretchy.

Now if only we could get someone to HTMLize the text...

27th June 2003 11:37 UTC

Shreyas, you gotta put a comment in there about how to use those bases, some explanations and stuff

27th June 2003 16:59 UTC

yeah, cause nobody would understand it just by looking at it.

28th June 2003 05:16 UTC

im sorry to ask this again, but when do we get a sneak of the webdesign?
a link would be nice. But screenshots are ok if its not up yet.

currently working on different render/blend modes explan.

28th June 2003 06:29 UTC

here goes:
3d dm base will be out soon.
read comment for more info.

and Raz, by (real) name is Shreyas Potnis :D

28th June 2003 11:40 UTC

yah raz, we do all this stuff and none of it has been put up yet... it gets kinda discouraging after a while. What's the delay? You said a while back that we would at least get a pic with the header...

28th June 2003 15:10 UTC

Oh sorry, thought i did, here's the style. There's still some stuff i haven't changed from the Rockworld side of things yet but it's basically all there. By the way anyone want to write the opening statements for me, i aint great at writing space filling stuff.

28th June 2003 15:16 UTC

That's decent looking, but the grey areas are a bit plain - a nice texture would make it better.

28th June 2003 16:18 UTC

Yeah, also the big black box in the upper left: It's twice the height it needs to be in order to contain the text that's inside of it. Do you really need the number of lyrics, reviews, tablature, and CD covers to be posted in the AVS section of the site?

One more thing: It needs a border. All the text is smooshed against the side of the window. Just focusing on the upper left edge makes it look like the page stretches off into the distance. You need clearly defined boundaries on any kind of design or it just doesn't look right. Trust me, I took an art class once (from a really good teacher, not some half assed art docent), I know these things. Besides, people are going to accidentally click the links on the right when they try to scroll down.

actually, this site has a lack of boundaries elsewhere. The "lyrics, reviews, tablature, and CD covers" thing is floating in space and the advertisement is too. It's sort've like they don't quite know where they should be. Or maybe I need to take my crazy pills.

It is very good overall though, these are just minor things.

28th June 2003 16:51 UTC

Big black box, when it's smaller it looks ten times worse, trust me, i've spent about 6 months working and learning and working and changing and arsing about and it looks better like that.

I really, really, don't agree with you on the borders, for two reasons, one, i don't see your point at all, i think it would look toss with the borders and two, the right border, left border, header and footer are inputted through css and i'll be damned if i'm going to change all that to add a bit of a border.

Haven't shifted the lyrics cdcovers crap yet from the design, it wont be there. I really don't see where you're coming from on the advertisement either, looks fine where it is to me.

28th June 2003 16:55 UTC

Hmmm... avs website, looks like ive been away too long, i dont know whats going on... :S
but im back now... and yes, 13373571 thanks for the raytracing tutorial... now i know how the mapping works :D;)

good luck on making a kick-ass site

[edit] plz make alpha blending like 3/ik or something like this [/edit]

28th June 2003 17:26 UTC

plz make alpha blending like 3/ik or something like this
err, what you're saying is change the example?
I said in the alpha blending section that essentially you could blend it how you like it... I dunno why you would use ik though, as ik hasn't been normalized... it's almost accurate though, I suppose there wouldn't be noticable problems.

thanks for the raytracing tutorial... now i know how the mapping works :D;)
I didn't know how the mapping worked either :D I didn't realize that until I was almost done with the article though... Oh well, I figgured it out.

Edit: Actually, (i'm assuming you're going for a "fade off into the distance" effect), I just thought about it and ik is really inaccurate...

29th June 2003 06:43 UTC

Page looks pretty sweet IMHO.

29th June 2003 07:31 UTC

yeah, i like it!!:up:

29th June 2003 11:03 UTC

Very nice indeed :)

29th June 2003 11:58 UTC

Some of my bases and stuff, you might find it usefull as content:

Random 3D rotation matrix (SSC)

Per point:

x1= ;
y1= ;
z1= ;

z3=y2*cos(xt)+z2 *sin(xt);


Per frame:


On beat:




Point to Point scoping

Per Frame:

Per point:


N must equal size of maximum P!

Simple static surface (DM)



Ball (for surface rolling effects) (movement)
User defined:


Ring defined movement (movement)

dinner= ;
dring= ;
douter= ;

innerringdist= ;
outerringdist= ;

d=if((below(x*x+y*y,(outerringdist))),(if(below(x*x+y*y,(innerringdist)),(dinner),(dring))),(douter)) ;

29th June 2003 15:46 UTC

Deamon you might want to optimise with the sines and cosines of the x=x+y stuff, make new varibles. Also ou might want to change the rand function to getosc or getspec for synching.

29th June 2003 23:45 UTC

Raz ya want some artwork/backgrounds + intros? I should have a few moments here and there :P.

Hmmmm... perhaps I can pay for a domain/hosting... There's something about free sites...hmmmm... what is that exactly?

30th June 2003 00:17 UTC


legohead, just give me the money and I'll send it where it needs to go.

30th June 2003 04:47 UTC

Yeah, my pocket. :)

30th June 2003 09:23 UTC

rand() to getosc(): I most of the time do that, indeed for synching reasons, though if you're new and want to learn it, rand() looks les scary than getosc(). I haven't updated my rotation matrix, because I hardly know anything about 3D maths, and it already was a bitch to write for me. (see the forums: tips & tricks 2 - beginner and intermediate only). It's all explained to me there, and so is point-to-point scoping.

30th June 2003 11:46 UTC

Legohead, thanks but it's alright, the loading time on a 56k for that site is 1 frikking second over 56k, now i think that's damn good. I wouldn't want to spoil it with textures and whatnot. Do we really need an intro? If so i'll be up for putting it in, the main Rock World site has a flash intro page so it wouldn't be problematic to do. And i'm hosting it on the same domain as the Rock World site (wise considering it's near enough the same style) anyway so no domain help needed.

Thanks for offering though :)

1st July 2003 01:26 UTC

I haven't updated my rotation matrix, because I hardly know anything about 3D maths, and it already was a bitch to write for me.
what are you talking about?

all raz is saying is to do this:



It has nothing to do with the matrices, it's just defining some variables in per frame so they don't have to be calculated every pixel.

1st July 2003 06:57 UTC

how about when the website is done, people can submit their articles and whatnot. right now, this thing seems way too meesy for any organization, with groups of people working on the page itself, and others working on articles. and there are talks of actual presets here. work in order of prioity,

1, get an address
2 build site
3 add stuff to site.

1st July 2003 07:05 UTC

Horse fly:

Raz has an address and a site already. Him and some friend of his are the only people who have ever worked on the site. Everyone else is giving him articles. He will be uploading the site (hopefully) soon.

BTW raz, why hasn't the site been uploaded yet? You have content now right?

1st July 2003 11:28 UTC

Because the damned transfer for the payment of the domain is taking forever. Soon.

2nd July 2003 04:49 UTC

I was reading this over, and it seems we do have a lot of content now, but what are some things you still want added Raz?

2nd July 2003 20:15 UTC

Yes, i need articles on:
AVS settings
complete version of the very basics of coding, a COMPLETE version.
APE articles: basic and advanced

and as many as humanly possible on any subject you like, we can never have too many articles.

2nd July 2003 20:28 UTC

I've gotten a bit further on the complete basics of SSC coding.

And you can have too many articles - when it becomes difficult to find what you are looking for, you have too many articles. Mathworld is a great example. Although it does have some great info on it, it does get extremely difficult to find certain things because of the massive number of articles it has. If you search for one thing, you may get 20 different articles that you have to go through to find what you're looking for.

2nd July 2003 20:34 UTC

You see that big menu system, i can make a new one of those on every single page in about 3 seconds. If there are subdirectories that will make it easier to navigate, they will be made. We can _not_ have too many articles.

And Elitest, stop asking for the site to be put up, the message got across the first time, it'll go up when it's good and ready.

2nd July 2003 21:14 UTC

Anyone care to write the opening statements for me, the "What is AVS?" one and "The purpose of this site" one, i'm no good at writing things like that.

Oh and can someone come up with a good caption for the site. Example winamps is "It Really Whips The LLamas Ass".

2nd July 2003 21:19 UTC

"Smells better than a dead sheep"

What Is AVS?

AVS is used by many porn sites as a user/password service. Winamp made a sweet program using the same basic principles that creates some kick-ass visuals. AVS is not affiliated with Wild Tangent in any way, shape, or form.

How's that?:p

2nd July 2003 22:11 UTC

Has anybody thought of giving sexual favors to Steve and asking for our own subdomain on (for those who don't know what i'm getting at: Someone would have to pay for it, I'm betting.../me points at anubis

2nd July 2003 22:12 UTC

wtf? Why me pay???

2nd July 2003 22:34 UTC

because Atero doesn't want to :p, why else? though the idea aint bad.

2nd July 2003 22:46 UTC

The idea would be good - I know nullsoft has allowed other things to use up some of it's resources - they may allow us to have a subdomain, and a subdomain under winamp would be the best way to at least try to spread AVS to more people.

2nd July 2003 22:46 UTC

So anyway i need a longer more padded out opening statement actually informing people of the site and of AVS.

Yes i am sure we'll get a site out of winamp, leave it all to AOL, i'm sure they wont fuck it all up :rolleyes: can you trust AOL with anything? Knowing them they'll kill avs and get rid of it. Never mind give us our own site and an update for AVS every once in a while. Or every two years whatever. :hang:

2nd July 2003 22:50 UTC

I think one of the better ways of telling other people about AVS without using a winamp subdomain would have to be to have a link to this site in all of our sigs as well as on various other websites and forums that some of us frequent. Do it enough and it will spread.

2nd July 2003 23:12 UTC

There will be a nice link on Rock World and if that gets big then people will see it. Also get a link in that article on the components page, and moan for links all over the show, maybe they'll give them us just to shut us up.

I'd just like to apologise for being so negative and sparse around here lately, life is piling up. Stress blah blah, enough excuses, style update:

2nd July 2003 23:14 UTC

I see you made the black box smaller.:p
And I'm pretty sure optimization is spelled with a 'z' not an 's'.

2nd July 2003 23:24 UTC

You vulture, you had to go for that one tiny mistake didn't you :p wheres my praise? where's my "Thanks Raz for making our site so great in your own time off you're own back for free and giving you free hosting and being so damn shexy" ;)

cue people sending that back word for word minus the shexy bit. :p

2nd July 2003 23:27 UTC

Thanks Raz for making our site so great in your own time off you're own back for free and giving you free hosting

Damn, I didn't even read that last line and did exactly what you said. Weird.:confused:

3rd July 2003 07:23 UTC

geez Raz, What do you have against Zs?

oh yeah,
Thanks Raz for making our site so great in your own time off you're own back for free and giving you free hosting.

Edit: And the updated site looks much better.

3rd July 2003 09:24 UTC

Thanks, Oh allmighty Raz, for making our site so unbelievably great in your own blessed time (in which you should control the world, but you don't, specially for us), off you're own back for free and giving you free hosting, we really appreciate it. You're so great we're blinded by it, and therefor didn't thank you yet. Your wisdom is so much greater than yours that we didn't fully realise what you were doing for us.

Me bows honour to Raz, thank you.

Now when will the f*cking site be put up? ;) (j/k)


3rd July 2003 12:10 UTC

:D Finally, some recognition ;)

send more info, APE collections, APE tutorials, you can see the menus on the screenshot, get em in...

3rd July 2003 12:23 UTC

Speaking of recognition raz, you wouldn't really have much use for this website if you didn't have any content, now would you? :D

And I didn't notice this post before (I have a weird habit of missing your posts raz... I didn't see two of them until several days after they were posted)

And Elitest, stop asking for the site to be put up, the message got across the first time, it'll go up when it's good and ready.
I only asked once.

3rd July 2003 13:13 UTC

Funny, it seemed like more.

ok then let me put it this way to everyone:

3rd July 2003 13:36 UTC

I asked once and you told me, and then later you sounded pissed and told me again even though I hadn't asked again. I told you I had only asked once to try to clear up any misconceptions, and then you posted that huge block of monkey dung. I'm the only person' who's asked and I only asked once, you don't need to shout about anything, sorry for whatever I did, you're the greatest person in the universe, please forgive me.

3rd July 2003 16:04 UTC

slimeball :p, though very friendly indeed.

3rd July 2003 18:14 UTC

Jesus, that was directed to anyone who asks because "people miss my posts". Dang, thought the :D made it clear that it was a joke, calm it.

3rd July 2003 21:04 UTC

lol, everybody cool now?

3rd July 2003 21:42 UTC

Actually, I'm hot as hell now. It's going to be in the upper 90s tommorrow - ugh.

3rd July 2003 22:04 UTC

Don't whinge, it's been raining here.

3rd July 2003 22:08 UTC

I like rain - I'm a lifeguard so it means that I get payed to sit there and play cards.
I don't like heat - Heat means that I have to watch lots of little 12 year olds.

3rd July 2003 22:20 UTC

lol, I wouldn't call it rain over here anymore, it's a goddamn waterfall.

3rd July 2003 22:37 UTC


3rd July 2003 23:10 UTC

What has this "website" as you call it got to do with our oh so interesting weather? :p

4th July 2003 07:36 UTC

wait, wait.... so when is this website going to be finished? :):):)

4th July 2003 12:14 UTC

kill.... kill..... kill.... :p

4th July 2003 13:47 UTC

/me slaps horse fly around a bit with a large trout :D

5th July 2003 06:46 UTC

/HF poos on trout

5th July 2003 10:03 UTC

sexy :)


7th July 2003 06:22 UTC

we've already tried to get nullsoft onboard with hosting... but it looks like a negative houston. Perhaps if you show them all the stuff you've put together - they might bat an eyelid at it... SO GET INTO IT!

by the way... anyone have any idea when this website is going to be up?

Good work anyway gang - very impressed.

7th July 2003 07:22 UTC

The site will go up when there is at least one page for each menu item in the above shown style. And the damn hosting gets sorted, Darren being slow with the money handling.

7th July 2003 17:56 UTC

Uh....Ah....Eh...Lots of ideas but i cant see any results...If something goes wrong with Raz`s website i have a canadian friend that has 2 shells,maybe he could provide some space and a domain.

7th July 2003 18:41 UTC

The site will go up when there is at least one page for each menu item in the above shown style.
So some time next year? I don't think anybody is doing anything anymore, it will take a lot of time for all that to be available.

8th July 2003 01:16 UTC

Raz, I would just go ahead and get the site ready once your friend has it up - add user accounts and people will submit stuff to the site as they make it.

8th July 2003 04:56 UTC

I don't see the need for user accounts, maybe if there was more than just at most about 20 odd people submitting anything. If there's ever a need for it it is available but for now just sending it via e-mail with the necessary information would do fine. Things should be kept as simple as possible, but by no means simpler.

8th July 2003 05:25 UTC

And will someone write the damned opening statements.

AVS is........

The purpose of this site is to.........

I'm crap at writing that kind of stuff.

8th July 2003 09:30 UTC

/me volunteers, but it won't happen immediately ;)

11th July 2003 02:17 UTC

IMHO - fok user accounts. Have someone in control of content and it doesn't end up a mess! :)


Welcome to the world of advanced visualisation studio . This neat little site was created voluntarily by a nucleaus of enthusiasts - who are inundated with repeat - "noobish" questions that eat up our regular forums. If you're a beginner or advanced user - you should be able to find answers to 99.99259% of your questions right here. Use it wisely :) and don't expect to be "SPOON FED" everytime you get stuck. Problem solving 90% of what avs is all about.

[B]You'll be creating amazing presets before you know it![B]

Although it may seem a little extreme at first, it really isn't difficult to learn avs. Here are the secrets to becoming an expert avser:

a) OBSERVE - presets you enjoy. Start out simple and play around with simple settings at first. What gives what effect? What if I change that?
b) READ - the tutorials on this site and find out why that happens and how it was done. Again - start out simple.
c) FOLLOW - the tutorials on this site so you can start building your own presets from scratch.
d) EXPERIMENT - with settings and variables to make your own unique presets.
e) REPEAT - if you get stuck and try some problem solving!

Look foward to seeing some great presets from you! Good luck!

11th July 2003 10:34 UTC

Nice but i dont like it too much.Ill write my version later :)

13th July 2003 19:09 UTC

I'll write an article on optimization tips (if nobody else is).

13th July 2003 22:16 UTC

Here`s my intro :

Hello and welcome to AVSWorld - home of visualization artists from all over the world and the biggest resource center concerning AVS on the net.

Nice intro eh ? But now you are probably asking yourself " what`s this AVS thingie ? ".You may find the answer by opening your Winamp and starting the Advanced Visualization Studio or by going to the Help section on the site.On this website you`ll find : explanations , tutorials , downloads (including presets and different plugins for AVS) and a friendly community always alive and helpful.

Have fun browsing the site and remember , AVS is da bomb!

-> quite short,but straight to the point and nice.

13th July 2003 23:23 UTC

I refuse to use the statement "da bomb" in any pages or articles or anything with my name even remotely associated. :p

14th July 2003 00:33 UTC

Have fun browsing the site and try to remember , AVS whips the llama`s ass!
Have fun browsing the site and try to remember , AVS gets you in the mood!
Have fun browsing the site and try to remember , AVS gets your groove on!
Have fun browsing the site and try to remember , AVS is the real shit!
Have fun browsing the site and try to remember , AVS is fast and furious!
Have fun browsing the site and try to remember , AVS gets your girlfriend wet!
Have fun browsing the site and try to remember , AVS replaces porn!
Have fun browsing the site and try to remember , AVS blows your mind miles away!
Have fun browsing the site and try to remember , AVS makes you wanna go WOO HOO!
Have fun browsing the site and try to remember , AVS will turn your world upside down!
Have fun browsing the site and try to remember , AVS makes you forget about school!

14th July 2003 01:16 UTC

It really waxes teh llamas benis :blah:

14th July 2003 01:18 UTC

(btw i won't be using the above forementioned, whoo i think it;s time for bed after a leetle update on me enon wilderness thingy, haha i wonder what I'LL be submitting for the glow in the dark tourney entry. HAHA.

14th July 2003 01:22 UTC

you forgot to close the brackets )

14th July 2003 02:23 UTC

Parenthesis = ()
Brakets = []
Curled brackets = {}

We should have somebody good with English proofread and spellcheck all of this so the site looks credible

14th July 2003 02:37 UTC

I still like mine (of course) :).

a) do we need to explain what avs is? (How did they get to our site)
b) do we need to explain that there are tutorials etc - when they are quite clearly on the sidebar menu.
c) we need to tell people some basic ideologies - so they dont' end up back here within 2 minutes clogging the forums (that was what we where aiming to overcome??)

Anyway - thats my 2c worth. Im heading off on a huge road trip shortly. Look forward to seeing the final result. Good work RAZ.

14th July 2003 04:35 UTC

the AVS site is going to be a subdomain of Raz's new site ( or, which will attract more attention. Thus, visitors will see a link to "AVS", so an explanation is necessary. Tutorial explanations are also necessary for the same reason- what is a superscope? what do i use it for?

14th July 2003 09:45 UTC

Yes every minor detail must be explained, and don't mind my earlier posts, i was about to go to bed and tired as hell.

28th September 2003 22:56 UTC

Are we still going ahead with the website? I've been working on and off on my article and here's my progress so far, although I still have to clean it up a lot.

29th September 2003 06:51 UTC

Lol, had totally forgot this project :p

But then again im not participating in it, am i? *goes to read his old posts*

29th September 2003 07:07 UTC

why is this resurrected?

29th September 2003 07:11 UTC

Maybe people still want to work on it perhaps? :rolleyes:

29th September 2003 08:26 UTC

two months and still no prototype? seriously...

29th September 2003 15:20 UTC

maybe it's just me but it seems that all i ever see you doing is shooting other peoples' ideas down lately hf....

29th September 2003 16:35 UTC

Oh yeah, forgot about this.

I got kicked off the project for being a lazy shit...


I can still build you a similar template though. Won't take me long.

29th September 2003 22:34 UTC

i am just a critical little boy

29th September 2003 23:04 UTC

Originally posted by Horse-Fly
why is this resurrected?
Hmm...maybe if you READ MY POST, you would realize that I was wondering about the progress and I was posting my unfinished article.

30th September 2003 08:55 UTC

I can try to write some articles as well. Though my english sucks as hell, so don't mind the spelling ;)

3rd October 2003 10:07 UTC

I think this forum must organize with clever persons.
Such as tuggummi, unconed, elvis...