22nd April 2003 22:30 UTC
First Pack
Releasing my first pack here, some presets you might remember from earlier posts, and some not. I have also released this at deviant art, and with that said, I kind of wonder why I'm doing this?:igor: Oh well.
Archive: First Pack
22nd April 2003 22:30 UTC
First Pack
Releasing my first pack here, some presets you might remember from earlier posts, and some not. I have also released this at deviant art, and with that said, I kind of wonder why I'm doing this?:igor: Oh well.
22nd April 2003 22:39 UTC
Really small, but there are some good presets in here. They were running really slow on my comp, though.
22nd April 2003 23:39 UTC
Well, I'm still learning to code so it took me a while to make this, and I think it is a good size because I wouldn't want to make, like, 30 presets, and then to be told they needed work. That's would be a waste of time:(
23rd April 2003 00:02 UTC
True. I would aim for at least 10 - either that or call it a mini-pack.
23rd April 2003 09:44 UTC
I believe i already saw this at devart weeks ago. Why so late to the forums? Also you i see you haven't uptade or added any presets from the devart version.
I wouldn't want to make, like, 30 presets, and then to be told they needed work. That's would be a waste of timeThe more presets you make, most likely the more&faster you'll learn. Though this can vary so im not suggesting you go on a rampage and make something like 200 presets in one month :igor: All im saying is that practice makes better :)
23rd April 2003 10:50 UTC
Intro-IMO Intro's needen't be fast, it must just look good. Instead of just t=t+.08 or .1, you could add some beat detective stuff, and more colours too.
in the first ssc, i found this.
I think it must be sin instead of ain.
All Hail to the Energy Man-
"I just wish I could have gotten that damn "line" off his "head"...."
you could have used alpha-blending, although I doubt whether that would work. Looks better without the last ssc and dm.
Chromabubbles-Good use of moving particles, but there's a weird sort of thing I noticed. the bottom part of the screen is filled with a line?!
Grand Light - Could be made faster by using a static movement instead of a dynamic movement. the dm isnt dynamic and you have n=200 in the dm but you havent used n anywhere?!
Water-Again good looking and something I noticed here:
in the last movement you have x=log10(d+1); but there is no use of using x=... as the movement is in polar coords. you even havent used x anywhre else
Malaguena-can use alpha blendin to get rid of some of the unwanted parts, looks really messy sometimes.
I would give 3 for this pack.
23rd April 2003 21:58 UTC
What about the other two? (Satin Galaxy and Supercircle)
24th April 2003 10:12 UTC
Isnt this the pack you released like 1 month or more ago ? These are exactly that those presets and i think i have commented already on them.Satin galaxy is pretty nice,looks like a Degnic styled preset :p and supercircle is ok,nothing too great.
29th April 2003 22:04 UTC
I submitted a couple of these presets on the forums, but not the whole thing. You probably just remember those ones....
Satin Galaxy is good?!?! I thought it was just a somewhat-n00bish preset I just threw in at the last minute! I don't get your style of AVS, Phaze....
AVS Axer
30th April 2003 14:34 UTC
You seem to have a reasonable taste of what looks good and what doesnt..(well, in most cases)
Malug..malla.. malaria is definatly the best one here, and i disagree with tugg, i think the ultra-complex instances look really cool. Good use of the bump too. Occassionaly the screen goes all white though.
There are MANY times in this pack where it seems like you just toyed around with random code until you got a nice effect, as a result, there are glitches and lots of unneccesary bits and pieces. Although you can sometimes get a good effect by doing this, i think it would be a good idea to make sure you understand it fully before you consider the preset fnished.
30th April 2003 21:43 UTC
I know exactly what you mean Axer...
It's just super hard to learn coding on the internet. Not just because I'm not a natural at math, but because it would be so much easier to learn it if we weren't talking over the net. They should make a high school course for AVS, that would be awesome:p
AVS Axer
1st May 2003 00:10 UTC
hehe, superscope coarces... raytracing 1A
Buissiness AVS.
1st May 2003 01:34 UTC
Learn to understand your own presets... it prevents random glitches and artifacts.
Fix for the DM:
Don't use a straight r in a calculation, because it is not continuous across the full image, this was causing assymetry.
Also, x needed to be replaced by abs(x), because the log function goes to -infinity for x approaching 0. This becomes +infinity when multiplied with a negative x. So there would be a discontinuity between +infinity and -infinity (= ugly line).
Also, make sure the argument for a log() function isn't negative, because this does not exist (well not as a real number anyway).
You can also replace y by y+.3 to move it up a bit.
The reason it flashes in the beginning is pretty obvious: the Effect list starts out as black, and fades to white due to the colorfade in the first second. Because you invert it outside, it starts out as white and becomes dark.
Add a 'first frame only' white clear-screen inside the fx list to fix it.
Also, the statement 'r=(d*d)*acos(d);' is useless in your movement because it's a rectangular movement, and only responds to x,y.
There's an artifact in the middle because your grid size is even in both x and y: this means that there is no grid point exactly at the center, and so distortion occurs. Add/subtract 1 to both x,y gridsize and the error disappears.
The general rule is that for circular DM's, you should use an uneven gridsize, but there are some exceptions (e.g. when you divide by 'd' somewhere, because you don't want a division by zero).
Satin Galaxy
Bump has a slight problem because it does not affect completely black pixels in the depth buffer when not using a separate depth buffer (i.e. 'Current'). This causes ugly artifacts at the edges of shapes.
If you want to get rid of them, use a 'render/clear screen' with rgb(1,1,1) additive, or put a buffer-save right before the bump and use that buffer instead of 'current'.
The presets themselves aren't bad though... :)
AVS Axer
1st May 2003 06:43 UTC
bloody hel!
ive just learn soooo much from that short post..
cheers unconed!
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