Archive: Where do i report downgrading comments?

22nd April 2003 06:39 UTC

Where do i report downgrading comments?
Well it looks like mr. Ozgur has something against me for downgrading my work without giving me a real reason for so. I understand if people are pissed off by me not letting use my pictures, but cut&paste my own copyright msg is just lame. I quote:

ozgur ZEYHAN gave it 0 stars
DO NOT use... posted on April 21, 2003 @ 20:36 PM
"Pictures used made by Jukka Keskinarkaus (aka Tuggummi) The use of bitmaps i have made is strictly forbidden. DO NOT use my pictures for your own presets! And that includes ALL bitmaps, you aren't allowed even to use the Texer bitmaps i have made!"

Why im so pissed about this? Gee, well maybe that's because i worked my ass off to get that pack done and when people downgrade it just because they hate me pisses me off :mad:


[edit]I have stated the reasons why i don't want my pictures to be used in this thread[/edit]

22nd April 2003 09:15 UTC

who really gives what little reviewers who don't even know you have to say, u clearly stated that they weren't yours and that they were made for those presets

22nd April 2003 10:02 UTC

dont care about what other people say, they can say what they like, but just forget it, gret pack anyways :up:

22nd April 2003 13:52 UTC

Well i do kinda care if the rating drops from 4,5 to 4 for no good reason. Half a star does matter as UnConeD stated in the pickin Dim 3 matter a while back ago.

22nd April 2003 15:54 UTC

Not sure where to report them, the mods delete them occasionally but inconsistently. The 'neonazi viruswriter' comments on one of my packs is still there as well... :rolleyes:

22nd April 2003 19:23 UTC

Reviewers have no access to remove comments from the database at the minute, well, never have , admin used to do it if we had enuff comments to remove by one person, but it's a real time consuming task and they have bigger and more important things to deal with right now, including a furbarred DB for one thing.

Hopefully, if the new site design ever get's signed off we can start to do something about it.

Until then, your gonna have to live with it I'm afraid to say.

23rd April 2003 06:08 UTC

Ok, i understand.

And i do hope the main reviewer/reviewers (i.e. Rovastar) gain a bit more access, so they can help the staff in these kind of small matters :)

Thanks for the info.

23rd April 2003 12:05 UTC

I used to complain constantly for over 3-4 months because a serial downrater downrated my 3rd pack, and every other pack that was on the 1st-4th page, and nothing happened.

23rd April 2003 21:23 UTC

who the hell is Ozgur anyway ???

24th April 2003 11:05 UTC

Phaze, he is an AVS artist too. I don't follow his work, but i think he has released more than 8 packs probably both in and

25th April 2003 22:07 UTC

His latest pack:

29th April 2003 19:55 UTC


Originally posted by Phaze1987
who the hell is Ozgur anyway ??? An AVS artist who can't accept advice or criticism without trying to rip the crap out of you.