16th April 2003 18:59 UTC
Spinning Wheel
Hey, this was a quick one. I was kinda lazy, tired, :o
and nauseated :rolleyes: when I did it, so it was second-hand newb work. Not very bad, but not very good.
Archive: Spinning Wheel
16th April 2003 18:59 UTC
Spinning Wheel
Hey, this was a quick one. I was kinda lazy, tired, :o
and nauseated :rolleyes: when I did it, so it was second-hand newb work. Not very bad, but not very good.
16th April 2003 20:51 UTC
Well you can see some improvement...try using r=r*3 to get rid of the nasty effect in the left side.Nice colors.Also dont use 5000 for scopes ever...that slows the preset A LOT ! 500 is enough for your scope.
17th April 2003 05:12 UTC
It's better that you first set. :up:
Phaze is right about the # of point in a scope. You rarely need huge amounts of points. If you can do in with half the points, that's half the clock cycles freed up for more CPU intensive effects. Best to get into good habits early.
You also don't need the second effect list. Just set the first one to clear every frame.
I'm afraid I don't see you beat reactivity either. :(
17th April 2003 16:11 UTC
oops. I must have forgotten to take that second Fx List out from the test stage.
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