Archive: New Guy here

15th April 2003 13:58 UTC

New Guy here
Here is some of my visuals. I am new at this, so any advice
(especially with variables), would be helpful.

P.S. Sorry about that last post yesterday, I was kinda absent-minded and
forgot to attach the files.

15th April 2003 15:18 UTC

Heh. I'm pretty sure everybody forgot to attach at one point or another. You didn't have to start a new thread though.

Anyway. Noob presets. Everybody's made them. My eyes don't hurt after looking at yours though. :up: That's a good start.

- if a movement is not set to rectangular, changing x and y won't do anything
- the builtins will only carry you so far
- use the search feature in these forums. There's alot of excellent old posts that may help you

15th April 2003 17:36 UTC

A good way to start, not giving everyone in a 5 mile radius a seizure ;) These are very noob but thats ok because you are new. Keep making and watch your skills develop. By the way noob presets are presets that have been done that many times that the regualrs or advanced avsers are sick of seeing them. It's ok though everyone has to start somewhere.

Ok since i'm bored and have nothing else to do i will show you how to make a moving particle, one of the main components of early presets through a superscope. There are lots of ways to do this in superscope but this is the easiest way:
First lets draw the actual spiral so that it just sits there in the center of the screen (red text just to explain)
n=800; pi=acos(-1); ("n=" sets the number of points the scope will draw. "pi" is just setting a variable, this can be anything you want as long as it starts with a letter. "acos=(-1)" this calculates pi in avs so i have set a variable to calculate pi. When i insert this into the x or y part of the scope the variable will add pi to it)

On Beat:

Per Frame:

(the scope is calculated in the x and y tags only. You can put any variables calculated anywhere else in the scope in and they will become part of the equation if they have been done correctly. cos simply means the cosine of what is in the brackets directly in front of it. sin is the sine of the ........ i'm not entirely sure what i does but it draws lines now i * 3.14159... (pi has been set as a variable earlier in the scope and the scope reads it) *30 which means 30 *pi) again times by i makes the spiral. the ammount you times pi by calculates the density of the spiral. This means how many times does it go around before you get to the middle. The * 0.1 simply makes the entire thing 0.1 times the size it was before on whichever axis you times it by

There is a moving particle type dot in the middle of the screen now. Now movements. This involves setting more variables and uses of other avs tags. Now just movements on the x axis:

n=800; pi=acos(-1);

rx1=rand(50)/50; (rx1 is again simply setting a variable. "rand" is an avs term, it simply means takes a random number from whatever is in the brackets to one. In this case, 50. "/50" divides the entire thing by 50, meaning the random between 0 and 50 is now between 0 and 1 but is split 50 ways.

Per Frame:
ax=ax*0.9+rx1*0.1; ax=ax simply means that ax= whatever ax was before plus whatever you continue in the equation. It's times by 0.9 meaning 9 out of 10 of the previous number generator then added the random number from on beat then made 1 out of 10 again.

Per Point:
this is simply what it was before except the x axis has the moving number generator added so the dot moves around to the number. add it to the y axis and take it off the x and the dot will move up and down instead of side to side. Use it on both however since it using the same random number generator it will move one dimensionally diagonally though. The easy solution is make another random generator. This simply means to copy the old one and change the variable names:

n=800; pi=acos(-1);
rx1=rand(50)/50; ry1=rand(50)/50;
Per Frame:
ax=ax*0.9+rx1*0.1; ay=ay*0.9+ry1*0.1;
Per Point:

This is just the same except there is a different random number generator moving the dot on the y axis which makes the dot zoom around to the beat. This means you can mess around with the movement of the scope and make your own random number generators and make it move however you want. Nifty aint it.

Another way to do it is just to make a textered dot. This means using the texer APE from UnConeD's whacko 6 (I think). This is simply the same movement method but you just draw a simple dot that zooms around and an image masks the dot. eg:

n=1; this only needs one dot drawn because it is just a dot
rx1=rand(50)/50; ry1=rand(50)/50;
Per Frame:
ax=ax*0.9+rx1*0.1; ay=ay*0.9+ry1*0.1;
Per Point:
the 0 just signifies where the dot is placed at first and the + shows by how much the dot should move

Thats about it, people can bitch all they want about how this has been explained too many times but i don't care, i'm bored shitless and i thought i'd explain some basic scope for the guy.

I hope that helps you a little and shows you that scopes aren't that hard and i hope it cleared up some things.

15th April 2003 20:46 UTC

Very nice explanation.

15th April 2003 21:34 UTC

hmm...these are actually quite good, for first tries. they're creative, and you know (or seem to know) what you're doing. keep working on it :)

17th April 2003 06:01 UTC

good beginer presets
keep going!

17th April 2003 18:24 UTC

Hey Raz?

I was experimenting with the superscope when I realized something. The moving particle only moves in 1/4 of the screen. What's up with that?

17th April 2003 18:29 UTC

Also, (this may be an extremely stupid Question but), how do put in planned movements. I want total control over it in my next visual.

17th April 2003 21:09 UTC
Use it.

Firstly, the moving particle was probably moving only a quarter of the screen because that entire thing was off the top of my head. Just play sround and see how things work.

Second, that question is only necessary in one thread. You are basically crossposting which is against the forum rules. It would have been answered all in good time if it were only in here.

I don;t get that question at all. read the FAQ, search the forum. Generally just learn AVS.