Archive: i hate people who dont know AVS and laugh about it

7th April 2003 07:23 UTC

i hate people who dont know AVS and laugh about it
Please, dont shout or be angry with me or shout out for this, but I just had to do this. Firsly, read this:

Originally said by Tuggummi
So heres the deal :
Well i have sometimes come upon in a situation where i need to explain what it is that i do with my computer, and when i try to answer that i mostly do avs and try to explain that avs stands for Advanced Visualization Studio and it produces cool effects sychnorized to music people just don't get it! So finally i end up saying i do these thingies called "dancing lines", this is when usually the laughing starts... Im just so fed up with the shit that people just don't get it what's so cool about avs or in visualizations anyway... So this is my personal "revenge" for those ignorant and stupid people that are always mocking me for my only hobby i actually ENJOY! I hate you! I HATE HATE HATE HATE, ******* HATE YOU!
I agree with tuggummi.
and there's no specific reason I posted this thread, it's just that my friends joke about my only hobby and call me a COMPUter bug! :mad:
I am so happi that there's an avs forum where u can talk about avs!

7th April 2003 09:22 UTC

Usually i tell people about the winamp cool ANIMATIONS not AVS. RESULT -> Aaaaaah! I know them! Very cool...

7th April 2003 10:21 UTC

thats a good idea, but people dont understand the excitement while making AVS presets

7th April 2003 10:57 UTC

Tell them that at any self-respecting rave party, there are usually huge videoscreens projecting just exactly that: trippy, computer-generated music-synchronised visuals.

What? They haven't been to a rave? Who're the pussies now...

7th April 2003 11:11 UTC

So im not the only one mocked at :(

Yes people think that AVS is lame and time wasting, but it's a hobby of mine and i like it. As much as i hate football or sports generally i don't go mocking people about it if they happen to like it. So why do we need to deal with this kind of insults? What is so bad about AVS?

7th April 2003 11:24 UTC

Explaining visualizations to the non-beilieves can be a nightmare.

If they actually see the visuals (on a decent machine :);)) more often than not these people are really impressed - did YOu do that?!?, etc.
Anyway all of us here waste far too much of our time doing visuals. ;):) *sigh* how many hours a week. :)

7th April 2003 11:27 UTC

Re: i hate people who dont know AVS and laugh about it
Tug you made one BIG mistake. I never try to explain avs, instead i show it ;)

Once we had to do a presentation with a free theme, just to practice how to do a presentation for the hell of it ... well i made the best out of it that i could and presented: AVS :D :D :D

I took a beamer showed them my presets and to explain howit works, i took them apart step by step - worked fine, they were all deeply impressed, even more as i told them that i had written the controller myself. :)

7th April 2003 11:30 UTC

Magic, true, but then again i don't own a projector! :igor:

And also it really depends how fast & smooth avs is when they look at it the first time! I don't think i would've impressed anyone with my 266mhz Pentium "back in the day" :D

7th April 2003 11:32 UTC

I have no such problems, but I know a person who was convinced he made better presets than me, and he insisted that it was so. He showed one of my friends his best preset and my friend started laughing, why ? Because the preset looked something like this

Fyrewurks - (color not changed)
Bass Spin - (one green, one purple)
Text - additive, big green letters saying "Let's Patry"
(It really said patry, not party)

The only time someone laughed at me was when I sad some of my friends that I was probably one of 30 best Avsers in the world. Although that isn't true now, my 3rd pack (2 years ago) was for a long time on the front avs page (never featured though), and that was probably before many of you started doing presets.

7th April 2003 11:39 UTC

Originally posted by Tuggummi
I don't think i would've impressed anyone with my 266mhz Pentium "back in the day" :D
I'd doubt that you could have done anything beautifull with that old crappy thing because: eihter slow :( or ugly :igor:

I don' want to change this into a hardware thread, but what are you using actually? (Me=AMD K7 1000C + 512 MB DDR, waitng for upgrades :D)

7th April 2003 13:38 UTC

Well my pals are impressed by my results but not my coding you see. Whats that.... my coding... yes I can do it now... :D
Wait till you see Pack 5. YOu wont be laughing then.
But yeah back on point.
They are all impressed when I show them my work... but I try not to put too much empasis on it. And enevr mention it in conversation, Thats what I save for my BC RICH WARLOCK guitar.

7th April 2003 20:41 UTC

BUT...yes there is a but ! I convinced most of my friends to try making AVS presets and they started making presets ;) Just show them some el-vis or fsk or unconed stuff,get that WHOA from your friend`s mouth then show them how do really do a preset.Soon they will be hooked up on this but probably after 1 month the will forget about it :( I curently have a duron 750 with 192 sdram and a geforce 2 pro.

8th April 2003 03:29 UTC

Just show them milkdrop or geiss first. They catch on pretty quick!

8th April 2003 06:26 UTC

and when i show my code, they say "you typed all that!"
and then i try to explain what that code does until I am tired of talking, but everything goes above their damn head :mad:

8th April 2003 12:54 UTC

From the sounds of it, it seems like you're explaining AVS wrong.

Don't start with: "This is AVS. You can create your own visuals by combining separate, basic components and coding your own scripting routines for movements and scopes."

That'll just make them nod, smile and back away slowly until you're out of sight.

Instead, show some presets: "This is AVS. It shows you trippy visuals that respond to the music. Look! *preset* *preset* And you can create your own visuals ('presets') using the editor. Basically you can plug together tons of effects to make a visual. Now, light up that spliff and let's watch the display!"

14th April 2003 10:43 UTC

I'd doubt that you could have done anything beautifull with that old crappy thing because: eihter slow :( or ugly :igor:
Let me remind you that it was not only than 5 months ago when i still had that comp! The only packs i have so far made with my new comp are: "Techinically Incorrect" (half done with my old comp) and the new "Bitmapped II" All other packs were created with the older comp. Packs like:
A Very Small PARTY
Again Very Small PARTY (in one 2 pack)
strobotonic II (in one 2 pack)
Generation X
New Age

Personally i don't think it's up to your comp wheter or not you can make good presets...

14th April 2003 17:19 UTC

I made all but my most recent two finished presets on some old toss computer i got for 400 guid over two years ago.

14th April 2003 17:22 UTC

I enjoy spreading the word about AVS. Makes me feel like I'm contributing to the community.

16th April 2003 10:23 UTC

me works on a crappy old 450 MHZ PIII comp..
why is that the artists suffer? :mad:

16th April 2003 10:51 UTC

geez, if anything my comp is 2 fast! when i don have full screen on, it goes insanly fast, which hard when trying to code and it going 200km an hour!

16th April 2003 17:29 UTC

Celeron 300A here, 292 MB SDRAM tho...

17th April 2003 17:44 UTC

EmDurA: Display Settings -> Display performance (or something like that) allows you to slow everything down a bit.

Pentium 433, 128 MB RAM, 16 MB Video Memory Shared. :( Though I'm going to buy myself a new machine after this summer.

I have a friend who does AVS himself as well. It's a lot better if there is someone to talk to about AVS than when you have to do everything yourself. Though when I talk about AVS, most of the 'normal' people (the f*cking slaves of the system) just nod, and try to pretend I'm not a complete idiotic fool which is wasting his time with his useless "little funny color thingies".

18th April 2003 01:28 UTC

thx Deamon, having a friend who does avs is alway good, can talk stuff over and look over each others work

18th April 2003 02:35 UTC

All of my presets so far were made on a 400Mhz computer with 64MB of memory. However, I am expecting recieve my new Dell computer any day now (ordered it last Sunday and already recieved the monitor). Some quick specs: 2.4Ghz P4, 512MB RDRAM, ATI Radeon 9700. Basicly, you can expect many of my new presets from my next pack, "Pixels", to take advantage of faster processing. Of course, I'll try not to forget about those with slower computers.