Archive: Winamp 5

3rd April 2003 14:28 UTC

Winamp 5
i'm wondering what happens to the development of avs, when they will now work on winamp 5 (2+3), uniting the best features of winamp 2 and winamp 3.. :rolleyes:

3rd April 2003 16:52 UTC

Who can say, your talking about a product/program that dosn't even exist yet, WA5(concept name) is a long way down the road, there is talk about summer time release, but hey, this is Nullsoft remember when has a release date ever mattered..

Of course, there is always the possibility that it might never happen at all, if the integration of Wasabi into the WA2 codebase proves to herculian a task , then who knows where it might lead.

3rd April 2003 17:49 UTC

I think that's a question that remains from when Winamp3 was developed and people got their hopes up about a new AVS coming didn't...

who knows when we'll get a new AVS system...

3rd April 2003 19:23 UTC

The devs themselves have said that AVS will be wasabified. They've indicated that maki scripters will be able to manipulate it; for instance: dynamically changing presets based on conditional parameters, going full screen via skin functions(button, menu, etc.), toggling other AVS features, etc.


3rd April 2003 19:40 UTC

Maybe in 2004.I think Nullsoft tries to get some money first and then,after creating some more stuff and programs and crap,will look downstairs to the AVS forums and think at upgrading AVS.Just my opinion...

3rd April 2003 19:54 UTC

I could live with that. If they aren't in business because they didn't make some kind of profit, we won't get any updates of anything at all. I know that the devs I've personally spoken with all think AVS is something important and they care about it, but everyone has priorities.


3rd April 2003 20:00 UTC

We will just have to sit(in front of the computer creating presets) and wait for the new thread stating "AVS 3 Released".

3rd April 2003 20:02 UTC

We'll end up creating all these sweet presets for this avs then as soon as AVS 3 is released they'll all be rendered obselite. Oh well, it's something to do for now.

3rd April 2003 20:07 UTC

It's a possibility, but the impression I got was that the changes mentioned so far would be seperate from the preset handling code and would only extend AVS, not obsolete anything. Like a maki scripter could use a command such as AVS.goFullScreen() or AVS.selectPreset("GonzoteksDreams") or whatnot; but already existing presets would be able to work with it.

Who knows you could be right, I'm just speculating in this post...please don't take it for fact. It's a long way off and we'll likely get a preview or ten before it's done.


3rd April 2003 20:16 UTC

Haha, nullsoft do seem to be rather "trigger happy" when it comes to releasing beta's and previews. I actually hope that they end up recoding the entire thing. It will render old presets worthless but it will open up new doors for better and more advanced presets. I doubt they will change major things like the way trig works into things though so i don't think we'll have to relearn most of the basic fundamentals behind the coding for things. But in the end who knows, we'll just have to wait and see.

3rd April 2003 20:23 UTC

Lets place bets. What will happen first, Nullsoft releasing AVS 3 or me releasing OpenGL AVS? Both seem massively unlikely to occur this year (to me at least).

3rd April 2003 20:46 UTC

I don't know. Depends on what happens with Nullsoft over the next year.

3rd April 2003 21:31 UTC

Originally posted by Raz_001
Haha, nullsoft do seem to be rather "trigger happy" when it comes to releasing beta's and previews.

Actually, no they aren't, the ammount of public betas that get released is tiny compare to the ammount of interal versions that get pushed around, 13 or 14 internal alpha's were released before any public beta was released of WA2.9, same goes for WA3, there are tons of versions of WA3 that never saw the light of day except internally.

The release plan is more cautious and planned than you would think :)

3rd April 2003 22:11 UTC

Ah well, i take it back then. I have no idea what goes on behind the scenes, it was just a comparison in the context of other media players releases.

4th April 2003 01:57 UTC

hmmm...maybe that means that AVS 3 might be in some pre-alpha stage.

4th April 2003 13:12 UTC


4th April 2003 18:09 UTC

My opengl AVS is a whole working opengl window winamp plugin away from being worked on at the moment... when I get it started I will make it a sourceforge project since I intended it to be open source anyways.

4th April 2003 18:24 UTC

if i can contribute anything (pixels!), let me know

4th April 2003 18:50 UTC

Will do... I still need to make the basic framework first though.. i have a really shit .obj framework that i d/led but i need to make my own from scratch so that i have full power and control over it.

4th April 2003 20:03 UTC

I bet Nullsoft will release AVS 3 first.There has been to much silence since the release of winamp3 so i guess a winamp3.1 will appear soon(or at least i hope) together with sweet AVS 3.

4th April 2003 20:57 UTC

Maybe they could use some competition?

6th April 2003 18:08 UTC

...with Microsoft's custom visualization crap.

Originally posted by jheriko
Lets place bets. What will happen first, Nullsoft releasing AVS 3 or me releasing OpenGL AVS? Both seem massively unlikely to occur this year (to me at least). if you're really going to code opengl avs, is there a chance you make it a project on sourceforge? you might find people to improve your codec and work on new features.