- AVS Presets
Archive: LONG live SIMPLE 2D
2nd April 2003 23:16 UTC
I'm fresh here, so let me introduce myself. I am tottaly 2d. MY pack of presets is not realy a pack.It's just a bunch of avs I made, to protest agains going too much into the FORM. THere are many complicated 3d presets around here, but they mostly don't have THAT THING witch suck your mind from the skull. And AVS should do things like that to your head beacuse they can. Maybe I am a n00b because I mostly use reder/simple and easy DM, but I see worlds... colorfull worlds... do you?
2nd April 2003 23:47 UTC
I understand your wish to be totally 2d. UnConeD and others have made some great 2D presets. However, if you go 2D, it is much harder to make a good preset.
fragtal_wars_more: way too n00bish and has been seen WAY too many times.
mathemagic: way too simple. improve on this so the SSC does more.
morningstar_tunnel: too dark and the texture is too simple
the_ground_is_dolby(surround): too n00bish.
with x=1, the cos(r*x) is the same as cos(r) because multiplying a number by 1 has no effect.
thru_the_rainbow: too much like morningstar_tunnel. try and make this different.
Like Sunny Day: the best in the pack. make the DM a little more dynamic and make the simple a SSC so you can control it more.
Keep working, learn how to use the SSC and DM more effectively, and this will turn out much better.
3rd April 2003 00:53 UTC
These are noobish. In order to make a good 2D preset you have to really push some new stuff with a lot of nice effects. 2D has pretty much been covered in the thousands of 2D presets and there isn't much left that hasn't been done before.
3rd April 2003 01:41 UTC
2D can look good if you do it right. Here is my review of these presets.
Likesunnyday - Looks OK.
fragtal_wars_more - Ok but simple.
mathemagic - Looks fairly bad with barely any music reponsiveness but at least it a superscope.
morningstar_tunel - It could look better and it uses a simple.
the_ground_is_dolby - I think it is ugly but at least it uses a DM.
thru the rainbow - Don't like this one.
Sorry if my review of some presets is too harsh.
3rd April 2003 03:28 UTC
Ok, what the *hell* am I doing here?
Easy, there was a twinge in the back of my mind, telling me something was rotten in the state of Denmark. Being drawn to this forum, I noted a particular thread stood out... this one. Apon invistigating, I noticed a preset that had the comment "This looks like MilkDRop".
I knew my purpose then and there.
it was to inform everyone that, apart from what you may initally think, that preset does *not* look like Milkdrop.
Also, about the 2d revolution you are starting... Doesn't the comment in Morning Star Tunnel say you initally wanted to use a 3d SS in it but then chose not too...?
(This has been a public service announcement from me.)
3rd April 2003 03:30 UTC
LOL, didn't notice that comment. Funny.
3rd April 2003 06:06 UTC
Ok here is a small insight what i think about them.
fragtal_wars_more - Well i just don't like to watch "disco party" presets (water+simple+flow). Btw. you are using a dynamic movemement without making it dynamic (or using alpha blend for that matter), you can just cut paste the code on it to a regular movement and it will look just as same (and work faster)
mathemagic - The most used "technique" with the spiral ssc i know of :) Maybe someone likes it, but this preset needs music response. Now it just "spins" and looks rather dull imo.
morningstar_tunel - Looks nice, but it's too dark.
the_ground_is_dolby(surround) - Looks nice i think, but if the whole thing would rotate and/or slide around it would be even more nicer :)
thru the rainbow - Nice mix, but it's again too dark which makes it hard to see and there for hard to enjoy.
]LikeSunnyDay - Name can't be written in the forum :blah: You should use the Fast Brightness avs already has since it is faster than using the multiplier APE (if you are using 2x or 0.5x color/brightness) The preset itself ain't that bad, the colors are nice imo, but the source map dots&lines bother me.
Overall, pretty basic stuff, but im glad you didn't overload them with effects. Keep on avsing and welcome to the Forums :up:
3rd April 2003 06:13 UTC
Im double posting, because i wanted to keep the review separate from this.
However, if you go 2D, it is much harder to make a good preset.
I couldn't disagree more, 3D isn't everything and 2D avs is so much easier to do and make look good. 3D dm's seem to have these jagged lines on them which always bother me (cross/section -points of planes i assume). Besides, most of you 3D avsters seem to do it only, because it's "s0 über c00l". Most of the 3D presets you see nowadays are pretty unoriginal, unresponsive or just plain dull & ugly. Being a 1337 3D-artist is kinda lame when you are not doing anything great with your 3D skills.
3rd April 2003 10:39 UTC
Come on Guys, don't start that 2D vs. 3D war again. I think we all agree that there are real good presets in both worlds. So just sit back and enjoy them. That's what AVS is for, isn't it?
Make the movement more dynamic (rotate or whatever) and I don't like the water effect.
A predefined Scope and one simple movement isn't enough. Add a more complex movement. Perhaps one that waves and swirls around based on the music.
That one is nice. You could add an alpha blended DM, so the end of the tunel looks darker and also add a FastBrightness.
Zoom in a bit so those edges won't be visible any more. Than add a music responsive rotation and taadaaa a great preset is born. Well it's nice as it is but I really don't like those edges.
Again add a music responsive rotation and make it brighter.
A nice one. If you want to improve it, you could add a DM to replace that normal movement. The advantages are that you have more control of the swirl and those black blocks (from the movement source map) wouldn't be there.
IMHO you should look at more complex DMs to improve your presets. Keep on avsing and have fun.
3rd April 2003 11:10 UTC
thank you all for your criticizm. About that comment with 3d ssc witch I wanted to make: I made that preset with UnconeD Tentacles 3d, and it looked neat. THen somebody told me it's n00bish to use someone elses ape like that one, so I tried to remake it so the effect was similar without that 3d ape. I used simple, because I like simple solutions :D . I didn't want to make a 3d scope I just needed a cool moving render so the effect could be similar. The preset itself was, and still is 2D. But, of course it is nice of you to be sooooo detailed. Hope to learn more from You ppl who wrote something more than just an opinion!! THanks !!
Also is it possible that u make some mix'es to show me how to do it better?? I would be extreamly happy.
3rd April 2003 13:06 UTC
I will do my best and will post a few suggestions. But I have to warn you: I am just new to this, too ;)
I will probably be doing it at the weeking, 'cause I have a math exam tomorrow... Hey, wish me luck ;)
3rd April 2003 13:18 UTC
No problem m8, and GOOD lUCK!
3rd April 2003 16:07 UTC
My presets are much more nOOBish than these! They rock! If you carry on like this you'll be my favorite 2d avs artist! Didn't expext that huh : )
3rd April 2003 20:13 UTC
Pretty basic presets dude.Read Atero`s AVS primer and search the forums for some code.
3rd April 2003 20:36 UTC
Everyone has near enough said all of what i think. Just don't be discouraged by the bad reviews. You'll get better don't worry. Just one minor thing though. Don't take this too majorly seriously but please don't use chatroom slang while posting in here (eg: m8, u, ur). Thant kind of thing, it's generally frowned upon and it's just the way this forum is conducted. Nothing big just try and not do it in the future ;)
Hungryskull, every review you've made says "i'm sorry if it's too harsh" why don't you simply write the review in a non-harsh way then. If you have to apologise for it then it's not worth posting as a help to someone.
3rd April 2003 20:45 UTC
Originally posted by Tuggummi
3D dm's seem to have these jagged lines on them which always bother me (cross/section -points of planes i assume.
The DM sets texture co-ordinates... to the best of my knowledge (i.e. this may not be true) this means that the screen is rendered as a grid of rectangles (quads if you like) where the corners have defined texture co-ordinates. The rest is drawn by linearly interpolating the vertex texcoords.
Texture coordinates are quite simple... take a texture, the height goes from 0 to 1 and the width from 0 to 1 so texcoord (0,0) is the bottom left corner of an image, (0.5,0.5) is the centre. With wrapping a coordinate like (3.5,7.25) becomes (0.5,0.25).
The dm code changes the x and y texture co-ordinates by storing them in the x and y variables and allowing you to modify these values for the vertices of each quad.
When you turn on wrap the texcoords wrap from 0 to 1 which allows for tiled textures, now if you wrap a texture around an object you will get points/lines/areas where the rate of change in the co-ordinatates jumps suddenly which stops the interpolation from working correctly, resulting in 'ugly edge syndrome'.
3rd April 2003 20:50 UTC
Yeah, and doesn't it suck.:hang: That will remain until computers come out powerful enough to do rectangles that are small enough so that the edges aren't noticible. At least there are ways around it - alphablending, rounded edges, etc.
3rd April 2003 20:56 UTC
I minimised my raytraced perception so it was just a DM for inside a cube and made alpha blending so thet got rid of UES but it didn't work when i maxed it out again, even though the blending used the variable with the maxed bits in them. Pissed me right off.
Is my P4 powerful enough to support all those rectangles, why yes it is ;) I've got to make it smaller if i'm to release though to compensate for other peoples cpu.
3rd April 2003 21:32 UTC
Really you want OpenGL to do DMs. Hardware acceleration never hurts.
4th April 2003 02:20 UTC
Anyway, about this guy's pack:
Morning Star Tunnel was a great preset. Original & unique design. The others weren't too fantastic. Keep on playing around with AVS & see what you can come up with.
7th April 2003 19:27 UTC
Altered morningstar and dolby surround. These are just quick and dirty mixes. Read the comments, to see what I've changed. Hope this helps a bit.