Archive: Colormap 2

29th March 2003 16:39 UTC

Colormap 2
This one goes Unconed rather whan winamp staff. I whish that each of the slides in colormap would have litle frame and beat sections where you could define position and colors (x,red,green,blue) or the whole bar could work as a scope whith only x coordinate where n would be the number of slides.

29th March 2003 17:15 UTC

That would be pretty cool. Kinda like the Dynamic Color Movement idea.

29th March 2003 23:14 UTC

and also really fucking slow, if i'm right about how colormap works...

30th March 2003 00:06 UTC

Even if it's slow, it's not like its being forced into every preset. The option should be there.

30th March 2003 00:20 UTC

I really like the idea of a dynamic color thing. That would be really awesome.

30th March 2003 01:07 UTC

Great idea that could have been posted at :P Imagine how many times AVS will crash(and Winamp too) if you have the über colormap ON with at least 6 colormaps and beat detections + x,y coloring data...

30th March 2003 02:12 UTC

I've said it before: if you want to see the crash bug fixed, email me presets with colormap which crash every time you open them. I can't debug if you just say "it crashes" or send that useless blurb that Windows generates.

30th March 2003 08:24 UTC

what if we send you the contents of our ram, preset, and hard drive as well? ;)

30th March 2003 14:54 UTC

Nah, I really don't have a need for all that leather-fetish-chicken-gay-pr0n sitting on your harddrive...

30th March 2003 19:47 UTC

what about all that leather-fetish-chicken-gay-pr0n sitting in my ram? :p

30th March 2003 20:27 UTC

Could you discribe just how is the chicken used? :P

31st March 2003 05:36 UTC

very carefully, and with style.

31st March 2003 09:03 UTC

I've said it before: if you want to see the crash bug fixed, email me presets with colormap which crash every time you open them.
Well i was going to send you my "White Frame" preset (from Techincally Incorrect) , because it originally had a colormap and it crashed it everytime. Now when i add the colormap i can't get it to crash! DAMN IT! :p :igor:

Now how weird is that...

31st March 2003 09:23 UTC

so ou ring o cras avs on purpose ;)

5th April 2003 09:36 UTC

Cool idea! to have a dynamic color movement will (i think) improve the fps :o cause instead of adding seperate color map and dynamic movement and etc,etc to enchance color schemes:cool: we will have it combined and moreover it will give birth to new generation color cool presets!
Now lets get to the point :rolleyes: who will make it?
i go for UnconeD cause he is the only one who can code such dream ape's , i dont know if anybody else is capable of doing it
:( forget about me :p

5th April 2003 14:37 UTC

I think something made by the people at Nullsoft would be the best bet. They would have the most control over what it does.

7th April 2003 11:08 UTC

Another idea would be to convert the "color map" into a real map by giving it a second dimension.

You'd have a x and a y axis, each could be assigned a key channel and the color points can be placed freely in the map.

That would be a great improvement!

The next step would be a third keychannel dimension, a colorcube or colormatrix, but this goes way too far at this point.

Oh, and the color configuration should be accessable by double click too because the popup menu is much slower.

14th April 2003 22:06 UTC

magic...stfu boob :p that would be exponentially slower. if i'm correct...the equivalent of 256 colormaps in the same preset.

17th April 2003 12:04 UTC

Dunno if it would be really THAT slow, because what does it?
Getting information from the Key Channel (in this case from 2 of em) and assigning color values then. It wouldnt be slow, but consume more memory to save the MAP with its x,y points. If i'm correct, it would just take about 1,5 to 2 times longer.

Besides, you hafta admit that the idea itself is great.

Oh and welcome BACK to the Forums Atero.

17th April 2003 15:20 UTC

It's more complicated than that though... on a 1D-axis, it's easy to interpolate colors, but how would that work in 2D?

Given an area with a couple of key points defined in it, how do you calculate the ones in between? Think about it :)

In any case, it would be a different ape alltogether... Colormap as it is now has a LOT of uses.

17th April 2003 17:42 UTC

Well i did'nt say the colormap in its current state is not usefull, it's just that it would be F**king great to have a real map.
As far as the interpolation is concerned, i already have an idea in mind, but currently i can't really explain it, nor am i sure it really works.

Let's have a deal: i do the interpolation stuff (in my crappy Delphi / Pascal IDE :wink:) and if i'm done you can port it to your existing colormap ape.

8th May 2003 14:21 UTC

Could there be an option for having a diferent channel and blend mode for each of 8 maps for color map 1.2 or 1.3? Like having green channel and 50/50 blend for the first map, red channel and additive blend for the second one,..

8th May 2003 14:46 UTC

hmm... on beat key change would be nice too (and able to choose which keyes to be changed, randomly or sequently) If it's not too complicated?

8th May 2003 14:55 UTC

Possible after all with a checkcombobox.

14th May 2003 07:55 UTC

a little off the topic, but not worthy of a new thread:

would a color generator be possible in avs, similar to the mocha vis plugin for winamp. With script boxes like ssc and dm. use x,y,r,g,b as the vars and you can make gradients and stuff. A tool like this, if possible, could be the next ultra-powerful avs tool.

14th May 2003 11:39 UTC

i dont know about mocha but i think you could do similar things with a ssc

14th May 2003 11:47 UTC

nono, im talking about full screen colour thingos.. not just the gradients you can do with a ssc and a dm, but realy crazy stuff. With the ssc and dm method, you are quite limited because you can only use the colours generated by the ssc.
Look at mocha presets (although they are quite shit) and you will see what i mean.

14th May 2003 12:04 UTC

So you mean some sort of Dynamic Colorizer? I think this rendering shouldnt be too hard, the real crazy stuff is to transform some text into usable code. We'd need an hyperotpimized routine to do this.

14th May 2003 13:35 UTC

text2script isnt that hard, c++ is very optimised for it.

complicated syntax such as dm's and ssc's are though. Brackets and such.. i think weve had a conv about this somehwere else. Anyway, the point was you can download freeware headers for scripting stuff, but that wouldnt be the same engine as the ssc and dm etc, so it would confuse ppl.

17th May 2003 17:22 UTC

i think we are dreaming too much,
lets face reality:
ask yourself, Is the "dynamic colrizer" or "Dynamic colourmap" ever going to be realeased (be honest)
as far as i think, both of the above apes would require super-code-geeks,which unfortunately are not many among us, sure if anyone can claim he can do it he's welcome, but i doubt it.
we can all put up an effort for making the ape's
just forget it, cause there's not point in dreaming about it unless nullsoft checks out this thread.